ECKAN Head Start




Report power failure to the building designee who shall:

  1. Notify local electric company.

Westar Energy -1-800-383-1183

  1. Notify Central Office 785-242-7450


Report broken water lines to the building designee who shall:

  1. Notify assignee to shut off main water valve.
  1. Notify local water company.

City of Emporia 620-343-4287

  1. Notify Central Office 785-242-7450


If a person enters the building for the purpose of threatening or causing physical violence either to persons or to property, several steps should be taken.

  1. Inform you building administrator immediately.
  1. The building administrator should do the following:
  1. Call 911
  1. Devise a coded system for use on the public address system or with two-way radios. Do not allow anyone except law enforcement officers, fire men, and district personnel in to the building.
  1. Notify Central Office 785-242-7450.
  1. Make sure the entire building staff, including para’s, volunteers, itinerant staff, cafeteria and substitutes receive the appropriate training.
  1. Complete a written report of the incident that occurred.


In Case of serious injury or illness, the immediate concern is to aid the injured/sick child, employee, or patron. Follow these procedures:

  1. If the injury / illness requires immediate medical attention, dial 911.
  1. Notify the building assignee.
  1. The designee will contact the parent/ legal guardian.
  1. An injury / illness of a serious nature shall be reported to the Central Office.
  1. The injury report forms must be completed and sent to the Central Office.

If the injury / illness does not appear to be life threatening, the building assignee and parent may decide to select one of the following:

  1. The parent / legal guardian will take responsibility of the child’s injury / illness.
  1. After confirmation with parent / legal guardian, the administrator may request the parent/ legal guardian to designate a hospital of choice.


Once information about an outside toxic chemical release has been received:

  1. Stay indoors, call all students and staff who are outdoors in immediately.
  1. Once inside, close and lock all doors and windows to try to keep an contaminated air out.
  1. Turn off all heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems (H.V.A.C.) so outside air is not pulled in.
  1. Building administrator will call the Central Office to report that there has been a toxic chemical release and that a shelter in place has been issued.
  1. Tune to regular media and monitor the radio for further instructions.

Close all curtains, shades, or any other types of window covering to protect against a possible explosion from the outside. Stay away from all external windows. If vapors should begin to be a bother, hold wet cloth or handkerchief over mouth and nose. Continue to listen to a radio for any emergency action steps until the crisis is over.

Keep any calls short so the phone lines are not tied up.

During the disaster it is imperative that the administrator keep an accurate record of all students and staff so that they are all accounted for. Parents will continue to be updated on any change. The administrator and kitchen staff need to determine the amount of food available for students and staff, should they be held at school for a long period of time.


Upon discovery of fire or smoke, if the automatic alarm system had not sounded, the person who observed the fire will proceed to the nearest pull station and activate the alarm system. The building administrator present will take charge and direct the following (immediate and simultaneous) actions:

  1. Assure that the building evacuation procedures are being followed.
  1. Report the incident by calling 911.
  2. Upon evacuation notify the Central Office. 785-242-7450


  1. Facility staff shall be assigned specific responsibilities for notification and evacuation of the building prior to an emergency.
  1. Select area far enough from the building (300 feet minimum) to avoid the danger of fire or fire department operations and equipment and any danger from falling debris or explosion.
  1. After the alarm has sounded, students should be organized and shall proceed to nearest exit in an orderly way as quickly as possible using one of the two evacuation routes designed for their location. Staff shall account for students after reaching the safe area.
  1. Appointed staff shall verify that occupants have evacuated. Restrooms and other closed areas must be checked by sight and voice. (All occupants must evacuate the building.) NOTE: Evacuating policy shall provide consideration for all occupants including those needing special assistance. Mobility impaired students may be evacuated or be moved to a designated area of refuge with staff in attendance for evacuation after a real emergency had been determined.
  1. Once all staff/students have assembled at the reunion site, and once all have been accounted for, only the fire department, or possibly the sheriff, will determine when and if the building is safe for re-occupancy.


  1. All school personnel should be made aware of the established tornado procedures early in the school year and the subject should be reviewed periodically through drills and safety meeting conducted by the building administrator.
  1. Warn students before the spring storm season (February to May) regarding
  1. Danger of loose or downed electrical wires.
  2. Danger of Lightning.
  1. Notify Central Office.
  1. If storm occurs at or near dismissal time, it is advisable to hold students until the danger has passed.
  1. A TORNADO WATCH is a forecast of the possibility of one or more tornadoes within a large area. Normal activity should continue, but watch for tornadoes. Monitor your emergency planning radio for details of the status of the tornado watch.
  1. A TORNADO WARNING means that a tornado has been detected and may be approaching the area:
  1. Students will be held at school during a tornado warning. The staff shall proceed with all students to the predesignated shelter area and a staff person shall be designated responsible for each shelter location.

Teachers should take the class roster / grade book and emergency packet with them. If no underground shelter is available, they should proceed to the predetermined space. At all times they must avoid windows, auditoriums, gymnasiums, or other structures with wide, free-span overheads.

  1. Building administrator will be responsible for turning off utilities.
  1. All persons outside the building should be warned in order that they may proceed to the shelter area.
  2. Provisions must be made for special needs students with personnel being aware in advance of specific responsibilities.


An employee aware of a gas leak in the building should notify the building designee immediately. If it has been determined that the facility is unsafe,


  1. Evacuate the building – Direct students to an area a safe distance away from the building (minimum of 300 ft.)
  2. Designee will notify gas/utility company.

Kansas Gas Service 1-800-794-4780

  1. Notify Central Office


Experience shows that the majority of bomb threats in schools are hoaxes and result in nothing more than a disruption of school routine. However, there is always a chance that a threat may be authentic; appropriate action must be taken in each case.

All personnel, especially those who answer the telephone, must be instructed in the sequence of actions to be followed in the event a bomb threat is received:

  1. Keep the caller on the line as long as possible and try to determine from the conversation as many facts as possible, such as age, sex, mental state, and any other clues which might help in identification.
  1. When is the bomb set to go off?
  2. What is the explosion?
  3. What does the bomb look like?
  4. Where in the building is it?
  5. Why was it set?
  1. Inform an administrator immediately. The administrator should initiate a 911 call. The administrator will determine whether or not the building will be evacuated.
  1. Notify Central Office.
  1. The signal for evacuating the building in the event of a bomb threat must be the same as that used for evacuation in the event of a fire. The use of a different signal for a bomb threat may tend to create unnecessary excitement and confusion during the process of evacuation.
  1. All evacuated buildings will be under the jurisdiction of fire and sheriff department until they declare the building safe.


Time and Date Reported: ______

How Reported: ______

Exact Words of Caller: ______



1.When is a bomb going to explode? ______

2.Where is bomb right now? ______

3.What kind of bomb is it? ______

4.What does it look like? ______

5.Why did you place the bomb? ______

6.Where are you calling from? ______


Male _____Female _____Young _____Middle Age _____

Old _____Accent _____Tone of Voice ______

Background noise ______

Is Voice Familiar ______

If so, whom does it sound like? ______

Other Voice characterisitics: ______

Time caller hung up? ______Remarks: ______

Name, address, telephone of recipient: ______



  1. Exact language used: ______
  2. Male: ______Female ______Adult ______Child ______
  3. Estimate Age______Race ______
  4. Speech: (circle ones that apply) SlowExcitedDisguised Rapid Loud Broken Normal Accent Sincere

Missing Child

ECKAN Head Start will always be extremely aware of the potential for children to go missing during sessions.

Even when all precautions are properly observed, emergencies can still arise. Therefore ECKAN Head Start will undertake periodic head counts, especially at transition points (in addition to the procedures set out in the Arrival and Departure Policy.)

If for any reason ECKAN Head Start cannot account for a child’s whereabouts the following procedure will be activated:

  • All staff present will be informed that the child is missing.
  • A thorough search of the entire premises will commence.
  • ECKAN Head Start will be careful not to create an atmosphere of panic and to ensure that the other children remain safe and adequately supervised.
  • ECKAN Head Start will conduct a search of the area surrounding the premises.
  • All ECKAN Head Start staff will be extra vigilant to any potentially suspicious behavior or persons in and around the center.
  • The Head Start Director and the CEO will be informed as early as possible of the incident.
  • If after 10 minutes of thorough searching, the child is still missing, the area manager or lead teacher will inform the police and the child’s parents.
  • While waiting for the police and the parents to arrive, searches for the child will continue. During this period, other ECKAN Head Start Staff will maintain as normal a routine as possible for the rest of the children.
  • The area manager or lead teacher will be responsible for meeting the police and the missing child’s parents. The area manager will coordinate any actions instructed by the police, and attempt to comfort and reassure the parents.

ECKAN Head Start will review relevant policies and procedures and implement any necessary changes.

All incidents of children going missing from a classroom will be recorded on an Incident Record Sheet. ECKAN Head Start Director/CEO will report the incident to Kansas Department of Health and Environment Child Care Licensing and other local, state and Federal agencies as required by law.

Local Police Number in an Emergency: 911


General Emergency ……………………………….. 911

All Fire and Police Departments …………………. 911

Police Department ………………………………… ______

Fire Department …………………………………… ______

Childcare Partnership Specialist…………………. ______

Name: ______

Central Office ……………………………………… 785-242-7450

Area Hospital:

______………………….. ______

Animal Control / Sheriff …………………………… ______

Poison Control Center ……………………………. 800-332-6633

County Health Department ……………………… ______


CODE WHITE: A code white is called when a unique situation outside the building exists, which could impact the school and community. Special instructions from either the sheriff or fire department will be given to school personnel, relayed to staff and teachers, with appropriate action to be taken. Examples: ( a hostage situation, an overturned truck carrying lethal chemicals, etc.)

CODE YELLOW: A code yellow indicates a situation in the building where students need to remain in the classroom and not be allowed to pass in the hallways.


CODE YELLOW / LOCKDOWN: is an INTRUDER. ALL students, teachers and staff personnel are to close classroom door, take protective cover within the building or room (away from door or windows.)


CODE BLUE: A code blue is a medical emergency in the building where staff trained in CPR / FIRST AID will need to respond to the scene. All students are to remain in the classroom ( if in hallway for any reason, they are to immediately return to their scheduled classroom).

CODE RED: A code red indicates a situation where an imminent threat exists to the students and staff in our school and immediate protective action is needed. (SEE EVACUATION PROCEDURES).