ECE 477 Digital Systems Senior Design Project Spring 2008
Homework 6: Printed Circuit Board Layout Design Narrative
Due: Friday, February 22, at NOON
Team Code Name: OMAR Group No. 8
Team Member Completing This Homework: Michael Cianciarulo
e-mail Address of Team Member: mciancia @
10 /Excellent – among the best papers submitted for this assignment. Very few corrections needed for version submitted in Final Report.
9 /Very good – all requirements aptly met. Minor additions/corrections needed for version submitted in Final Report.
8 /Good – all requirements considered and addressed. Several noteworthy additions/corrections needed for version submitted in Final Report.
7 /Average – all requirements basically met, but some revisions in content should be made for the version submitted in the Final Report.
6 /Marginal – all requirements met at a nominal level. Significant revisions in content should be made for the version submitted in the Final Report.
* /Below the passing threshold – major revisions required to meet report requirements at a nominal level. Revise and resubmit.
* Resubmissions are due within one week of the date of return, and will be awarded a score of “6” provided all report requirements have been met at a nominal level.
1.0 Introduction
OMAR is part of an ongoing project for the student branch of IEEE at Purdue. The goal of the rover is to go into an unknown room and send back visual reconnaissance data to a base station. In order to accomplish this, OMAR has to autonomously move around in the room while avoiding any obstacles. While traveling, it will map the room, and search for a certain image on a wall. Since OMAR will be carried by a helicopter to the building, it is essential that it is light and small.
Many of those requirements are reflected onto the PCB design. Since mapping and image recognition will need to be done, an embedded computer is used to handle the heavy computational work, and will be placed on the rover. Also, the embedded computer has USB support for a camera, and has an 802.11 wireless link to send data back. At the same time there are sensors hooked up to a microcontroller, and a motor controller attached to 4 motors. With all of these components working at the same time, special attention has to be given to the current draw requirements. Another aspect relates to EMI and interference on the PCB. Receiving accurate data from all the sensors is of the utmost importance in this project because if data ends up corrupted, then the mapping will be wrong and it will be harder to avoid obstacles in the room. Lastly, making the PCB as small as possible and as light as possible will help define the size of the rest of the design in order to achieve the ability to be carried by a helicopter.
2.0 PCB Layout Design Considerations - Overall
The main components taken into consideration during the design of the PCB are the microcontroller and interfaces to the sensors, embedded computer, and motor controller. Most of the projects components come prepackaged, like the sensors and motor controller. The distance and proximity sensors need to be placed strategically in order to take reliable data. The orientation sensors need also need to be placed off the PCB so they don’t have to be calibrated every time they’re used. The motor controller will be placed near the motors and doesn’t need to be on the PCB. The last part is the embedded computer, which is also off-board since there isn’t a way to connect it to the PCB. At the same time, having that with the camera and wireless link will take up a lot of room and doesn’t need to be on the board. Since all of those pieces are already designed and on boards already, the PCB just needs headers to connect those components to the microcontroller.
The board can be broken up to sections covering power, digital, and analog. These three sections need to be separated in order to minimize EMI throughout the board [1]. The power section covers the regulators that convert the incoming battery voltage down to 5.0 and 3.3 volts. Power traces will be 100 mil since ample space exists, which will help make the power lines less resistant [1]. The digital section covers the microcontroller and most of the traces to the headers. These traces will be 12 mil and the headers will be placed all around the microcontroller to shorten path lengths to limit the chance of EMI [1]. Two level translators are necessary for the accelerometer and magnetometer since they run at 3.3 volts while the other sensors run at 5.0 volts. Those two components have bypass capacitors for each of the two power signals coming in, which is recommended by the manufacturer to be 0.1uF per capacitor [2].
The analog section covers the ADC lines that go from the microcontroller to the IR sensors and motor controller. These lines need to be clear from power lines to reduce noise and interference [1]. This will be accomplished by placing nothing else around or routing nothing else through that area.
3.0 PCB Layout Design Considerations - Microcontroller
The microcontroller has three pins for power and another line to power the ADC converter. Bypass capacitors placed between power and ground will help reduce the load on power lines and remove unwanted glitches. The manufacturer advises to put a LC circuit on the power for the ADC converter to help reduce noise [3]. The capacitors and inductor need to be placed as close to the microcontroller to reduce noise on the power lines, and since they are small enough to be surface mounts, they can go on the back of the board, under the microcontroller [1]. Also, to avoid any disturbance on the ADC inputs, power traces and other components will not be placed near those lines. One of the most critical traces going into the microcontroller for the reset pin, so the trace will be placed so that little noise and interference could cause it to jump, causing the microcontroller to behave erratically [1]. Also, the reset pin has a resistor and a pushbutton that stabilizes that trace and pin.
4.0 PCB Layout Design Considerations - Power Supply
To provide the right amount of voltage and enough current to all parts on and off the PCB, three regulators will be used to provide two 5.0 V rails and one 3.3 V rail. The reason behind utilizing three regulators is to be able to meet the requirements for the current draw. Almost every component in the design ranging from the embedded computer, microcontroller, motors, and to almost all the sensors run on 5.0 volts, while the accelerometer and magnetometer run on 3.3 volts. The reason for two sources of 5.0 volts was to split up everything on the board and the motors from the embedded computer. The embedded computer will also use a USB connection for a camera and a wireless connection, which in this case, causes this part of the circuit to require almost 1 A of current. Since the regulators are safe up to 1A, two were needed so that another regulator could provide the required current to all the sensors and motors. For the 5.0 volt regulator, the manufacturer recommends that a 0.33uF capacitor should go on the input and a 0.1uF capacitor should go on the output as bypass capacitors to help reduce noise from propagating throughout the circuit [4]. The other regulator needs to have a 0.47uF capacitor along with a 33uF capacitor [5].
5.0 Summary
The design for the PCB takes in careful considering of providing enough current to run the embedded computer, while running the micro, motors, and sensors. Also, the board is split up into three sections, analog, digital, and power, in order to prevent noise from disturbing signals. In the analog/digital section, ADC traces run from the microcontroller to the IR and motor controller. These traces need to be separated from power and other components to prevent EMI. The power section has three regulators to provide 5.0 volts and 3.3 volts. Two 5.0 volt regulators were used to provide enough current throughout the system. Also, the board has headers to connect to most of the main components since those components came prepackaged and needed to be placed strategically around OMAR to fit and work reliably. Using the recommendations by the manufacturer, values and placement of bypass capacitors were considered when using them for the microcontroller, level translators, and regulators.
List of References
[1] Motorola, “System Design and Layout Techniques for Noise Reduction in MCU-Based System,” [Online Document], 1995, [cited February 20, 2008],
[2] Maxim, “1uA, 2Mbps, Low-Voltage Level Translators in SC70 and uDFN, “ [Online Document], unknown publication date, [cited February 20, 2008],
[3] Atmel, “ATmega32,” [Online Document], 2007 August, [cited February 20, 2008],
[4] Fairchild, “LM78XX: 3-Terminal 1A Positive Volage Regulator,” [Online Document], 2006 May, [cited February 20, 2008],
[5] National Semiconductor, “LM3940,” [Online Document], 2007 July, [cited February 20, 2008],