
Chapter 10 Lessons 1 & 2

What influences your food choices?

Ø  Hunger vs. Appetite

§  ______: natural physical drive to eat, prompted by the body’s need for food

§  ______: psychological desire


What Influences Your Food Choices?

Ø  Emotions

§  Eat or don’t eat when you’re sad, stress, frustrated, lonely, bored…

Ø  Environment

§  ______& ______

§  ______

§  ______& ______

§  ______

Why Nutrition Matters

Ø  Food provides ______which is a substance that the body needs to grow, to repair itself, & to supply energy

Ø  Food energy is measured in ______

§  Carbs, fats, proteins provides energy

·  Protein ___ Gram = ___ calories (_____%)

·  Carbs ___ Gram = ___ calories (_____%)

·  Fat ___ Gram = ___ calories (_____%)

6 Types of Nutrients

Ø  ______

Ø  ______

Ø  ______

Ø  ______

Ø  ______

Ø  ______

v  Carbohydrates

Ø  main source of food ______

§  _____% of your daily calories

Ø  3 types

§  ______

§  ______

§  ______

¨  Helps keep ______track healthy, helps you feel ______, reduces risk of cancer, heart disease & type 2 diabetes

¨  _____ – _____ grams a day

v  Proteins

Ø  Needed to ______& ______body tissues

Ø  Made up of 20 ______acids

§  ____ essential amino acids (comes from food)

§  ____ nonessential amino acids (body makes)

Ø  2 types of proteins

§  ______: contain all 9 AA (animal)

§  ______: contains only some essential AA (plants)

v  Fats

Ø  most ______form of food energy

Ø  3 types

§  ______fats: leads to obesity, increased cholesterol levels & higher risk of heart attacks

§  ______fats: lower risk of heart disease

§  ______fats

Ø  ______

§  low -density lipoproteins (______) – brings it to cells = plaque, “bad cholesterol”

§  high-density lipoproteins (______) – carries it back to liver, “good cholesterol”

v  Vitamins

Ø  Needed to ______health, regulate certain chemical reactions & allow growth

Ø  2 types

§  ______

·  A, D, E, K

§  ______

·  B group, biotin & vitamin C

v  Minerals

Ø  ______found in food that are used by the body

Ø  Some Types:

§  ______

§  ______

·  1,300 milligrams (1 cup milk = 300 milligrams)

§  ______

·  helps create red blood cells

·  Lacking = anemia (not enough red blood cells to carry oxygen around body)

v  Water

Ø  ~______% of body is water

Ø  ______glasses a day

Ø  ______: move food through the digestive system, aids in chemical reactions; maintains acidity of body; helps supply energy, transport gas, nutrients & waste, control body temp

Ø  ______: Lose more than taken in

Ø  How do you know if you’re drinking enough?

§  Urine should be clear & odorless