ECBOE Technology Inventory System

To login into the Inventory system you must have a user id and password. If you do not have one please contact the IT department to receive one. You will receive an email with the link of the website along with your user id in the subject line and random generated password. Please remember to change your password after you login.

To login put your user id and password in the appropriate textboxes and click on the “Login” button. You will be redirected to the main page.

There are four category options at the top of the screen. Inventory Inquiry, Inventory Entry, Reports, and Maintenance.


Click on the Maintenance category option at the top. You will see the menu options you have in Maintenance on the left hand side. The only option currently available is the “Change Password” menu. If you need to change your password, click on the “Change Password” link.

Enter in your old password in the Old Password text box. Enter your new password below and again to verify. Once all information has been entered click on the “Update Password” button.

Inventory Inquiry

In the case you need to look up information on a particular inventory, and you do not necessarily need to make any changes click on the Inventory Inquiry category option at the top.

After clicking you will notice a menu selection on the left; “School Inventory Inquiry”. Click on that menu option.

When clicking on the menu option the inventory system goes and pulls all inventory assigned to your school. The list is in a general format with the Asset Id, Description, and Location. To view more information on a particular inventory, click on the “Select” out to the left of it.

For this particular inventory which is a Computer/Desktop is shown. If you see a “NA” or “Not Loaded” then this information needs to be found and entered in. (Then entry part will be discussed at a later time)

To return back to the screen with the list of inventory please click on the “Return” button.

To print the screen for the particular inventory above click on the “Print” button, and the report will look as below. (Please make note that your popup blocker must be deactivated for this website).

Inventory Entry

To enter in new inventory or to make updates or corrections on existing inventory, click on the Inventory Entry category at the top of the screen.

Click on the “Inventory Entry” menu option to the left.

**New Entry

To enter in a record for inventory not already in the inventory system click in the “New Entry” radio button.

First, select the type of inventory in the “Type” dropdown list.

If the type you are looking for is not there, then select the type of “Other”. A textbox will appear under the dropdown box for “Other”, so that you may type in the type of the inventory you will be entering in.

If you select a type of “Computer/Desktop”, “Computer/Laptop”, or “Server” then other options will show on the screen such as operating system, processor, etc.

Room Type: Please select the appropriate room type, and then enter the room

ID and description.

Manufacturer: Select manufacturer from list. If it is not listed then select “other”. A textbox will appear for you to enter in the unlisted manufacturer.

Enter in the Inventory tag and serial number for the inventory in the boxes provided.

Vendor: If vendor is the same as the manufacturer just click in the checkbox below

the vendor box. The box will automatically populate with the


Select the appropriate operating system if applicable.

Processor: If processor is not listed then select “Other”. A box will appear for you

to enter the unlisted processor.

Enter the purchase price, purchase order, date of purchase, speed (if applicable), and harddrive capacity (if applicable).

RAM: If RAM is not listed then select “Other”. A box will appear for you to enter

the unlisted RAM.

If it is a computer or server please show that the computer “Meets Definition of a

Computer” Also if “High Speed Internet is Connected”.

If this PC was upgraded before entry click in the check box “Upgraded”. A text bow will appear for you to enter in the items upgraded or notes about the upgrading.

See example below:

Once all information is entered click on the “Submit” button.

To cancel out without making an entry click on the “Cancel” button.

**Update Existing Inventory

To update an existing inventory click in the radio button “Update Existing”. A dropdown list will appear that will contain all the inventory loaded for the school you are assigned to.

If you click on the dropdown list you can view the inventory to choose which one you are looking to update. They will be listed by AssetID/Description/RoomLocation.

Change the information needed and then click “Submit” button.

To delete the Inventory click on the “Delete” button.


Click on the Reports category at the top of the screen. The menu options will show on the left. Click on the “School Reports” menu option.

Now click on the report you wish to print (other reports may be added in the future). A new browser will open with the report you chose. Make sure your pop-up blocker is turned off for this site.

You can print this list out or export it to a file. Look at the top right hand of the screen.

Select the appropriate file you wish to export to and click the export link to the right.

For this example I am using Excel.

From this point you can choose where to save and the name of the file.

Forgot Password

If you forgot your password click on the “Forgot Password” link on the login page.

Type in your username, which is “firstname_lastname”, and then click on the “Send New Password” button. A new random generated password will be emailed to you. Please remember to change your password once you login to something you will remember.