ECA Writing Prompts Rubric
Name: ______Prompt: ______
Writing Applications1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / Score
Ideas and content / Fails to accomplish the task
Includes very few relevant ideas. / Only partially accomplishes the task
Includes few relevant details / Minimally accomplishes the task
Includes some relevant details / Accomplishes the task
Includes relevant details / Fully accomplishes the task
Includes many relevant ideas / Fully accomplishes the task
Includes thorough , relevant, & complete ideas
Organization / Organizes ideas illogically / Exhibits a minimal attempt to organize ideas logically / Exhibits an attempt to organize ideas logically / Organizes ideas logically. / Organizes ideas logically. / Organizes ideas logically
Style / Exhibits less than minimal word usage
Demonstrates less than minimal writing technique / Exhibits minimal word usage
Demonstrates minimal writing technique / Exhibits ordinary word usage
Demonstrates average writing technique / Exhibits good word usage
Demonstrates good writing technique / Exhibits very good word usage
Demonstrates very good writing technique / Exhibits very good word usage
Demonstrates exceptional writing technique
Voice / Demonstrates inappropriate language and tone / Demonstrates inappropriate language and tone / Demonstrates an attempt to adjust language and tone to task and reader / Demonstrates an attempt to adjust language and tone to task and reader / Demonstrates effective adjustment of language and tone to task and reader / Demonstrates effective language and tone
Language Conventions
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / Score
Capitalization / Many capitalization errors / Frequent capitalization errors / Occasional capitalization errors / Very few or none capitalization errors
Punctuation / Many punctuation errors / Frequent punctuation errors / Occasional punctuation errors / Very few or none punctuation errors
Spelling / Many spelling errors / Frequent spelling errors / Occasional spelling errors / Very few or none spelling errors
Grammar/word usage / Many grammar and word usage errors / Frequent grammar and word usage errors / Occasional grammar and word usage errors / Very few or none grammar and word usage errors
Paragraphing errors / Many or paragraphing is missing / May have errors in paragraphing / Occasional errors in paragraphing / Very few or none paragraphing errors
Run-ons/Fragments / Writing has run-on or sentence fragments / Writing is likely to have run-on or sentence fragments / May have run-on or sentence fragments / Very few or none run-on or sentence fragments
Total / /48