EAZWV Strategy Implementation Plan
Working Group Briefings

Report compiled by Stephanie Sanderson – EAZWV Executive Director

EAZWV Strategy Planning & Implementation


The EAZWV board and advisory board met in Barcelona for a 1.5-day strategy planning workshop. The aim of the workshop was to gather information on how EAZWV might best achieve its mission:

The European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians aims to promote the advancement and dissemination of veterinary knowledge and skill in the field of zoo and wild animal management and in so doing advance the health, welfare, husbandry and conservation of wild animals whilst upholding the highest standards of professional ethics and contributing to comradeship amongst its Members

Or put another way,

EAZWV: helping Vets help Wildlife!

We explored the organisation’s culture and values, reviewed EAZWV’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis), undertook a stakeholder review and needs analysis and identified potential priority actions. The workshop report was circulated to all Section and Working Group Leads. Following their approval, it was also published in the all member newsletter in June 2016:

A copy is also embedded here.

Key findings include:

CULTURE AND VALUES: We currently demonstrate some great attributes as an organisation: we are professional, caring, resourceful, dedicated, curious, sharing, supportive and welcoming group of people. But we also recognise that as an organisation we often demonstrate amateurish, chaotic, behaviour, we feel we are not taken seriously by other key players and that our membership is rather passive. As well as addressing these negative attributes, we also identified the need to improve both our transparency and our environmental sustainability in all we do.

PRIORITY INITIATIVES. Following completion of the stakeholder needs analysis and SWOT, the following key initiatives were identified – and some suggested priority actions outlined for each.

  1. Increase EAZWV’s effectiveness at influencing legislation
  2. Raise professional standards through:
  3. Production and dissemination of technical resources
  4. Increasing data collection and sharing for evidence based decision making (ZIMS)
  5. Provision of specialist training to meet member needs
  6. Increase our impact through strategic partnerships
  7. Establish standards of professional ethics, live these standards (including sustainability) and engage in debate with external stakeholders.
  8. Increase membership and evaluate current member satisfaction / areas for improvement
  9. Focus on improving member communication and accessibility of technical resources
  10. Resource our work effectively – financial planning and fundraising
  11. Governance - clarifying EAZWV’s internal policies and procedures, improving transparency.
  12. Run a conference that meets member needs and showcases our scientific work

ACTION PLANNING – priority actions were identified for each of the initiatives and potential work group composition discussed. The Executive Director and Board were charged with converting the workshop findings into terms of reference for the new working groups.

Working Group Terms of Reference

What is the Constitutional remit of working groups?

Article 16 of the EAZWV constitution set out the role of working groups.

Article 16.Constitution and obligations of Working Groups

1Working groups may be set up by the Board to further the strategic aims of the Association. The Board may also dissolve working groups if they are felt no longer to be required.

2The objectives of the working group will be defined by the Board and reviewed on an annual basis.

3The Board will identify and appoint a suitable working group chair, who will oversee the activities of the working group. This appointment will be reviewed on an annual basis and can be renewed by mutual agreement.

4Appointment of further working group members is at the discretion of the working group chair but should represent the diversity of the organisation as far as is practicable.

5The working groups shall, to the extent necessary and desirable, undertake to coordinate their efforts and activities.

6To fund their activities, the working group may undertake fundraising events or may be subsidised from the Association's budget.

7Each working group shall be represented on the Advisory Board by the working group chair or their nominated representative.

8Each working group shall provide a report for the biannual Board meetings and produce a short written report suitable for dissemination to the membership to the secretariat 4 weeks before the General Assembly and the autumn meeting.

In summary working groups are commissioned by the Board to further the strategic aims of the Association. The Board is responsible for determining the objectives of each of the working groups and reviewing progress annually.

Working Group Activities and Achievements 2012-2016

As a result of our 2012 strategy review (masterplanning), 5 working groups were created:

  1. Resources and Administration Working Group
  2. Alliances, Advocacy and Politics Working Group
  3. Education Working Group
  4. Research and Conservation Working Group
  5. Infectious Disease Working Group (including the TB working group)

All 5 working groups have achieved a fantastic amount for EAZWV. This is a testament to the enthusiasm, drive and commitment of our volunteer members. We are all indebted to you!

Some of the highlights include:

  • publication and dissemination of the infectious diseases handbook,
  • involvement in key EU government consultations and provision of training to government zoo inspectors,
  • delivery of both student and full member summer schools,
  • Development the ECZM including the support of de facto member candidates and the setup of new residencies
  • development of our partnership with the ZEBRA foundation so that we could provide grants to support research undertaken by vets starting their careers in zoological medicine.
  • review of the organisation’s governance and constitution and the appointment of an Executive Director,

At our 2016 strategy review workshop, many of the working group chairs reported that they had completed what they had set out to do. Only 2 working groups remained active – the infectious diseases working group and the education working group.

Working Group Objectives 2017-2016

Our Strategy Workshop highlighted new areas of focus for our Association – and hence the need for new working groups and a review of the objectives of the two remaining working groups. The Board and Executive Director have reviewed the 9 priority objectives drafted some Terms of Reference for the new working groups to deliver them.

The original workshop report should be read alongside the individual WG briefing documents below.

2017 Working Groups:

NOTE: not all the ideas and priorities raised at the workshop are covered by these working groups or included in the 2017 focus. We can only do so much in one year – these are just some starting points we will continue to add to as we progress.

Working Group / Lead / Remit(Click on the hyperlinks to access full briefing document for each WG)
Communications and Membership / Sara Abreu / Improve member communication and access to web resources.
2017 Focus: website, social media, NL, attracting new members and surveying needs of existing members)
Conference / Hugo Fernandez / Run an annual conference that meets the needs of the whole membership AND is a showcase of EAZWV activities
2017 Focus: Increase involvement of membership in reviewing conference submissions, develop conference handbook and great working relationship with conference partners: IZW, AAZV, ECZM etc)
Wildlife Conservation / Chris Walzer / Reinforcing the W in EAZWV
2017 Focus: explore potential links with WDA / EWDA. Encourage submissions from the field to conference programme. Assist Student section in identifying suitable free ranging wildlife training opportunities + ensure that free ranging wildlife health topics are well represented in all EAZWV offerings.
Education & Training / Vacant / Raising professional standards through provision of specialist training to meet member needs
2017 Focus: Develop official partnership with ECZM and support internship and residency programmes, identify key member training needs and provide matching opportunities (summer schools, conference workshops, online resources, other opportunities), work closely with the Student Section.
Ethics & Welfare WG / Kim Grützmacher / Clarify EAZWV's position on ethical issues pertaining to wildlife health, welfare and conservation and get member buy-in
2017 Focus: Establish EAZWV position on issues of current relevance to the membership, consult on these with membership and EAZWV’s key partners (AAZV/EAZA).
Proactively engage in debate (and arbitration) on ethical and welfare issues both internal and external to EAZWV
2017 Focus: Create a system to review internal ethical and welfare concerns within the membership. (e.g. conference paper submissions).
Consider EAZWV’s future potential role as a lobbying organisation vs purely a scientific one.
Sustainability / Kim Grützmacher - TBC
(Sustainability may become a speperate group or join the Ethic & Welfare Group) / Ensure EAZWV (organisation and its members) minimize their environmental impact.
2017 Focus:
Explore how EAZWV can live its conservation mission. Decreasing EAZWV’s carbon foot print (conference), identifying ethical banking, raising awareness amongst members and sharing ideas as to how we can each do our bit, production of a page for our website, contributing to our social media posts.
Research / Alex Greenwood (TBC) / Encourage and support research in zoological medicine.
2017 Focus:
  • Review and develop relationship with ZEBRA Foundation (currently focused on research training support for students and early career vets).
  • Explore other ways that EAZWV could help vets help wildlife through research. (e.g. publicise relevant grants, collate database of research projects/sample request that EAZWV could collaborate on, match up Vet Advisors with EAZWV members (students/ residents/ other) that want to get involved in research projects that will be relevant to managed programmes, develop opportunities to link up with field researchers, work with student section on identifying research internships, develop training materials on writing up papers, producing posters, grant writing, etcetc).

Governance & Partnerships / Hanspeter Steinmetz
(This WG is a board responsibility) / Professionalise EAZWV: clear governance structure, policies and procedures.
Increase EAZWV reach and impact through strategic partnerships.
2017 Focus: produce an EAZWV rule book including financial procedures, board and WG recruitment, organogram etc.
Evaluate existing partnership (how could they be further developed?) and identify new partnerships.
Financial Resources / Sabine Öfner / Increasing EAZWV’s Financial Resources
2017 Focus: Production of a business plan (short/medium/long term) for EAZWV including reserves policy – need clarity on what funding is required for. (+ work with governance group on financial procedures).
Source sponsorship & grants to assist with EAZWV activities (budget of €2000 for this financial year), input into conference and membership fees.
Joint EAZWV/EAZA Legislation WG / Arne Lawrence & Danny de Mann / This WG will consist of the EAZWV section leads, representatives from the EAZA Veterinary Committee and staff from the EAZA and EAZWV executive
2017 Focus: provide input to EU initiatives such as new Animal Health Legislation, Zoo Licencing, Nagoya protocol etc. Disseminate information on these issues to the regional sections and get them involved in these same issues at a national level. Provide training to government officials as required
Joint EAZWV/EAZA joint Managed Programme Veterinary Advisor WG / Arne Lawrence & Danny de Mann / This WG will involve all TAG and EEP veterinary advisors and liaise closely with the Communications and Membership WG, the Education & Training WG and the Section Representatives.
2017 Focus: Accurate and up to date Vet Advisor Directory available to all EAZWV members (and of course all EAZA members), Vet Advisor survey to better understand issues, Review of Vet Advisor Job Description, Close liaison with communications and membership group – set up and publicise web pages accessible to EAZWV members containing vet advisor reports, current husbandry manual, vet guidelines etc.
Infectious Disease (TB WG falls under the umbrella of Inf. Disease WG) / Alexis Lécu / 2017 Focus:
Publish the next edition of the infectious disease handbook and disseminate to all relevant National and EU officials (as well as to EAZA and EAZWV membership)
Produce a framework for managing TB in key EAZA managed species (excluding the bovidae & primate) – see joint TOR with EAZA
Data & biological resource sharing WG / Baptiste Mulot / Raise professional standards by increasing data collection, sharing and use of evidence based decision making.
2017: Meetings with ZIMS and the new EAZA Biobank WG to explore how EAZWV members might be engaged in these important collaborative projects (may want to include EGZAC as well)

Many WG have overlapping remits. To understand better how all these initiatives fit together, click here.

Each Working Group lead will be recruiting members to help them fulfil these objectives. As you can see there is plenty of scope within each of the briefings for member participation and feedback! Working Group leads will be in touch at the annual conference, by email and via the website and social media.

Expectations of Working Group Leads at the 2017 Berlin Conference:

  • Review the WG briefing document and report back at the Advisory Board meeting on 23rdMay what in their view has already been achieved, their plan for 2017 (including plan to recruit and engage the wider membership) and what assistance they need from the Advisory board.
  • Present a short review of your WG to the membership (2min) to be presented at the end of the morning session on 25thMay.
  • Recruit participants for your working group during the conference and hold an introductory meeting. We have 3 meeting rooms available for booking over the 3 days 25-27thMay. Suggested times are Thursday or Friday evenings or potentially over the lunch breaks.
  • Prepare a few paragraphs for the website (and to circulate to the membership) introducing your working group and enabling members to get involved even if they can’t come to conference.