Meeting Minutes
Board of Directors
Eastridge IV Condominium Owners
April 1, 2014
Board of Directors
Donya Ide Jonathan Hartford Shelby Atcheson Melinda GuerrissiDonovan Parker
Board Members in attendance were: Donya Ide, Jonathan Hartford, Shelby Atcheson Melinda Guerrissi and Donovan Parker were in attendance. Elizabeth Irwin represented Snow’s Management.
Call To Order:The meeting was called to order at 5:59PM.
Owner’s Forum (15 Minutes Max): Helen Carroll was in attendance. She was a victim of the widespread vehicle vandalism which occurred in Anchorage. She would like the Association to implement more security controls for the Association—some ideas were installing security gates, camera system, or parking permits. She would like to encourage other owners to keep an eye on each other’s stuff and to encourage reporting of incidents to the police department and to Snow’s Management. Helen reported ongoing issues with the renters in 35-302 including smoking, noise and parties. Shelby Atcheson confirmed the rules violations from 35-302.
Karen Walker was in attendance. She would like to see the Association reduce the amount of lights in the chandeliers during the replacement project to conserve energy. She does not feel the Association should amend the declaration to allow more pets.
Minutes fromthe Previous Meeting:The February 4, 2014 meeting minutes were presented for review. Melinda Guerrissi moved to approve the minutes as presented. Johnathan Hartford seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Unfinished Business:
- Chandelier Lights: Tabled
- Paint Touch Ups: A final letter will be prepared and posted on the unit doors during the walk through on Saturday, April 5, 2014 to encourage homeowners to report any warranty work. Johnathan Hartford will prepare a spreadsheet of touch ups and present it to Jose Hernandez so the work can be completed as soon as the weather warms. Homeowners will be given a deadline of April 21, 2014 to report touch ups.
- Pet Rules: Johnathan Hartford moved to have Attorney Shane Osowski draft a declaration amendment changing the limit of pets from 1 to 2 and to table the revision of the house rules until the outcome of the amendment has been determined. Donovan Parker seconded the motion and the motion carried. The only Board Member that was opposed was Donya Ide.
New Business:
- Nielson Budgetary Estimate: The budgetary estimate was reviewed. The Board would like to do a walk through with Bill Marsh to determine necessary repairs.
- Janitorial Contract Bidders: Three bids for Janitorial were presented for review. Shelby Atcheson moved to accept the proposal from Mike’s Maintenance to begin May 2, 2014. Johnathan Hartford seconded the motion and the motion carried unopposed. Elizabeth Irwin will notify the current janitor with a 30 day notice of termination.
Next Meeting: June 3, 2014
Newsletter Items: Pets, painting, security, house rules…. This letter will be posted on all doors during the BOD walkthrough.
Executive Session:The delinquency list was reviewed.
Adjournment: With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:15PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Irwin
Association Manager