Eastern Iowa Figure Skating Club

Board Meeting Minutes

May 8, 2008

Members in Attendance:

Bernstein, Bodnarek, Christenson, Gifford, Hays, Hoover, J., Hoover, T., Krutzfield, LeDuc

The meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm. The minutes of the meeting held April 10, 2008 were approved as amended.

The minutes of the Annual Meeting will be distributed via e-mail for review.

Officer Reports:

President, Tammie Hoover – Tammie and Nancy Krutzfield met with Brian Hoffman, President of the Hawkeye Skating Club in Coralville. Brian is interested in the two clubs working more closely. He suggested a liaison to serve as a point of contact between the two clubs. He also agreed to promote the Blue Diamonds synchro program to Hawkeye skaters.

Synchro tryouts have been moved from 6:15pm on May 18 to 5:30pm. Dawn will put the new time on the website. Posters hanging at the rink have been amended. Tammie will send out an e-mail.

Vice-President, Nancy Krutzfield – Nancy has copied articles from Skating Magazine that outline some of the new requirements for coaches in the USFS. Coaches are going to be required to complete some information online before their members may be renewed. She has distributed the information in hopes of helping all the coaches understand and meet the requirements.

Treasurer, Dawn Gifford – Dawn presented a financial report reflecting the following account balances:

Total Bank and Cash Accounts$14,519.24

Total Investment Accounts 56,086.36


Total Assets$70,605.60

Dawn also provided a detailed cash flow analysis and Annual Operating Budget, amended to incorporate the National Showcase budget. The budget for the National Showcase was revised because the ice time will now be the responsibility of the skaters during summer camp. The board approved the National Showcase budget and the amended 2008 Budget (to reflect the addition of the National Showcase).

Dawn also indicated that she paid 6 months of garage rental and the premium for board insurance. She has filed the taxes for 2007 for the club as well.

Secretary, Charlotte Hays – Rick Kern was the proxy for the club at the USFSA General Council meeting.

After board office elections, the officer list will need to be updated with the USFS. Charlotte will take care of that. (Post meeting note: done 5/9/08).

The club received a thank you note from Nicole Johnson for her Athletic Grant.

Committee Reports

Social, Sandy Bodnarek – Nothing new to report at this time. The Annual Meeting/Awards banquet was a success. Tammie commended Sandy and Brenda for organizing the event.

Sandy noted that there are graduating seniors this year: Kayla Ward, from CoeCollege, and Tim LeDuc and Anna Grabowski, from high school. The board approved a motion to purchase cards and $50.00 gift cards for each of the graduates. Nancy Krutzfield volunteered to coordinate the graduation gifts.

Ice Show, Nancy Krutzfield – Materials have been sent out for the ice show scheduled for June 29 @ 2pm. The rink has also opened the ice for an additional hour for a “Skate with the Cast”. Lisa Recker and Andy Seitz have offered to choreograph an opening and closing number. Nancy has invited the adult synchro team from Hawkeye to skate. Costumes will be simple and the set will be minimal. It is hoped that a post show picnic for the cast can also be arranged. Also, it is planned to hold a bake sale to benefit Tim LeDuc. The biggest challenge will be providing adequate seating. Any ideas on availability of risers/bleachers would be welcomed.

There will be no admission for the event, but food donations will be accepted for the local food pantries.

Jen Rigdon is working on posters and other promotional materials.

Membership, Becky LeDuc- There are no new members. Becky is working on an emergency contact sheet since so many skaters come to the rink without their parents. Becky is checking with the USFS on what the liabilities are.

It was also mentioned that skaters cannot access the ice machine in the mornings if there is an injury. Dawn will talk to Brian about options to have ice available.

Test Chair, Sandy Bodnarek – Sandy has agreed to take over the test chair responsibilities from Julie Willard. The board reviewed possible dates for the next test session. Sandy will look into the availability of judges for a test session August 16-17th

Old Business

The Cedar Rapids Ice Arena submitted a proposal to the EIFSC to take over the Learn To Skate program. A work session was held May 1st to discuss. Revenue and expense numbers were analyzed and discussed, but no definitive action was taken. Brian Varney has agreed to meet with interested Board/Club members to discuss the issue further. Tammie will propose a meeting with Brian on May 27 at 6:30 at the rink.

The club had requested permission to move the dates for our invitational competition to Labor Day weekend. The USFS will not approve the move because it is too close to other competitions in the region, making getting judges and attracting skaters more difficult. The plan had been to move the annual ice show into the slot previously devoted to the competition. After review of different possible options, it was decided to propose that the show be the week after Iowa Games in February and that the competition be moved to the second half of April (April 17-19 in 2009). Tammie will go back to the USFS to inquire whether that schedule is workable.

New Business

The following motion was passed by email vote on 5/7/08:

We have had as our guests over the past week skaters from the Quad Cities Figure Skating Club. They have not been able to skate on their home ice because of the flooding. I would like to propose a motion that we waive the requirement that they join as associate members after 3 guest visits for them while their ice is unavailable.

Discussion of the above motion resulted in issues being raised about safety and rules for Club Ice. The Board will plan to discuss these issues in greater detail at the June meeting.

Also at the June meeting, the membership packets for the new membership year will be reviewed.

The club needs to decide how it will spend the $10,000 Hotel/Motel grant. The board will look at that issue at the July meeting.

In August, the board will look at the Athletic Grant program for the coming season.

Board officer elections were held and the following slate of officers elected:

President, Tammie Hoover

Vice President, Charlotte Hays

Secretary, Neil Bernstein

Treasurer, Dawn Gifford


Dawn Gifford reported that Kathy Casey has been inducted into the PSA Hall of Fame.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Charlotte Hays

(Outgoing) Secretary