Warm-ups Weeks 10 & 11

Monday, October 24, 2016

Those of you who have had me as a teacher before know that I love to go camping and I love to look at the stars and the night sky. I just got back from my fall camping trip and the night sky was so impressive! There were SO many stars AND I saw several meteors (shooting stars) because there was a meteor shower! I Also heard a pack of coyotes howling off in the distance! (that was a bit creepy… not scary exactly, because I knew they would NOT come to our camp site, but certainly wasn’t about to choose that moment to walk to the bathroom!) So my question to you is, have you ever seen the night sky ( I mean more than what we see here in the city…)what about a meteor shower? Would you be interested in seeing a meteor shower? Even if it meant staying up at night or getting up in the middle of the night?

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

We are almost to Halloween! I like Halloween because it means CANDY!! My all time favorite candy is probably a Heath bar or a Score candy bar (same thing, different manufacturers), but the funny thing is, it’s not what I go to most of the time. My “go-to” is a Kit Kat. I have heard in the past that the younger generations are not into chocolate that much… that they typically go for the fruity stuff like skittles. What about you? What is your favorite? Is it the same as your “go-to”? Make sure you answer in four full sentences… as an incentive I just might choose a couple of students at random and look for today’s answer and surprise them with their favorite candy! You must have four sentences today to qualify!

Wednesday/Thursday, October 26/27, 2016

This year I am not going to give out candy on Halloween. I am going to turn out the light and just not answer the door. One of the reasons for that is because it seems like to me more and more adults are taking over the holiday. I don’t mind giving out candy to kids, and even young adults (like 15-20 year olds), but I draw the line on older folks. What do you think? Do you think there is an age at which people should stop going around trick or treating?

Friday, October 28, 2016

Back in my day, a carved pumpkin meant a jack-o-lantern face. Some scary, some smiling and friendly, but that’s it. Nothing more elaborate. When my kids were growing up, we would carve a pumpkin every year and we would roast the seeds. As the years passed, carving designs became really elaborate and with the internet, it is easy to find patterns to print and carve. So my questions is, have you ever carved a pumpkin? Do you simply do a face or something more elaborate? And then of course, do you roast the seeds? I am attaching a link to a site that has some patterns you can download for free in case you are interested in carving a pumpkin this weekend.


Week 11

Monday, October 31, 2016

We made it! Today is Halloween! To me, Halloween marks the beginning of the holiday season! After today, we have three weeks to Thanksgiving (and a week off of school!) and then when we come back from that break we have another three weeks until Christmas (and two weeks off from school!) That in and of itself is reason enough for me to celebrate today! Besides the fact that this is the one day out of the year where it absolutely acceptable to gorge yourself with candy! So tell me about your plans… what will you do tonight? Will you participate in Trick-or-Treat in any way? Stay home and hand out candy… dress up and go trick-or-treating yourself… escort younger siblings as they trick-or treat… or like me, hide out until it is all over? What will you do?

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Yay! We made it to November!! You will be surprised at how fast the end of the semester gets here! We have three weeks (including this week) until Thanksgiving break and then when we come back from that you will three weeks until Christmas! I can’t speak for others, but in my class that means one week of instruction, one week of review, and then a week of exams! That means the bulk of your grade for this nine weeks will occur in the next three weeks! Are you ready?? Can you keep up?? How will you handle the fast pace of the next 3 -4 weeks? Do you have any strategies that you use to help you stay on track?

Wednesday/Thursday November 2/3, 2016

My Animation classes are starting to learn Photoshop. Photoshop allows you to alter photos. This reminds me of a saying that my grandmother used to say… “Don’t believe anything you hear and only 50% of what you see.” With the digital age and programs such as Photoshop, I would argue you can’t even trust things you see anymore! So my questions is, When you see an image on the computer or on tv, are you quick to believe your eyes? Do you second guess things that seem questionable? (there has been lots of that this campaign season!) How do you determine if what you are seeing is real or altered?

Friday, November 04, 2016

Today we have a pep rally after 8th period. In order to go to the pep rally you needed to bring in two food items for the food drive. Did you bring food for the food drive? Will you be going to the pep rally? If not, what kept you from participating? No judgements, just curious…