24th March 2017
GCSE Engineering
Easter practical in the workshop
Dear Parent/carer
I am offering a catch-up/completion session for Engineering CA practical coursework on Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th April, the first week of the Easter holiday. I strongly recommend that your son/daughter take advantage of this opportunity with support guidance given where needed to aid the completion of their practical GCSE project.
The workshop/classroom will be open from 9AM to 3PM. Students should aim to bring food/pack lunch. College uniform does not have to be worn. If your son/daughter completes their practical work early, they can work on their coursework portfolio on the computers in the B/Suite.
I would value your support in ensuing that your child attends these sessions if possible.
Please can you inform me if your son/daughter will be using this opportunity as stated?
Mr Steve Groom
Engineering Programme Leader