Blind Foundation Library Magazine Selection Form
Blind Foundation Library, Private Bag 99941, Newmarket, Auckland 1031
Phone toll free: 0800-243-333 / Fax: 09-355-6936 / Email:
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Sound and Touch: New books and general news from the Library.
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Australian Geographic: Journal of Australian social life, natural history and geography (monthly)
Australian Women's Weekly: Selection of articles on people, food and lifestyle (monthly)
Blind Sport Podcast (NZ): Recorded interviews and news (Fortnightly)
Consumer: Consumer Institute reviews and reports (monthly)
Country-wide: Articles on all forms of farming as well as human interest stories about the people on the land (monthly)
Cuisine: Food, wine and good living (bi-monthly)
Diabetes: News for diabetics from Diabetes New Zealand Inc (quarterly)
Du zhe wen zhai: Chinese language edition of Reader's Digest (monthly)
Ellinis: In Greek this family magazine has news, stories and recipes (monthly)
Focus Italian: In Italian. Interviews with famous people, news, feature articles, short stories, crafts, cookery and gardening (monthly)
Focus Polish: In Polish. Interviews with famous people, news, feature articles, short stories, crafts, cookery and gardening (monthly)
Grapevine: Christian family magazine (occasional)
Healthy Food Guide: Wide-ranging health news and views (monthly)
Juno: Investing Simplified: New Zealand financial investment magazine that educates, informs and empowers readers to make better financial decisions (quarterly).
Listener: Articles of general interest; excludes TV and Radio programmes (weekly)
Mana: In English "The Maori news magazine for all New Zealanders" (bi-monthly)
National Business Review: Business, financial and political news (weekly)
National Geographic: Countries and people (monthly)
New Zealand books: In-depth book reviews of New Zealand published titles (quarterly)
New Zealand Gardener: Articles and interviews (monthly)
New Zealand Geographic: Wide-ranging coverage of life in New Zealand (quarterly)
New Zealand Musician: Interviews, reviews, information (bi-monthly)
New Zealand Woman's Weekly: National magazine for women (weekly)
North and South: National general interest magazine (monthly)
NZ sports compilation: NZ Rugby World, NZ Fishing News and Wilderness (monthly)
Noteable: News and updates on the work of Disabled Persons Assembly NZ, and promotes discussion on issues that affect people with disabilities (occasional)
Oggi: In Italian this traditional family magazine features articles on Italian modern life and society (monthly)
OurAuckland: News and events from the Auckland Council wards and adjacent areas (monthly)
Outlook: Blind Foundation community magazine (quarterly)
Reader's Digest: General interest articles, real-life drama, humour (monthly)
RSA Review: News and views (bi-monthly)
Silicon chip: Contains technical information about projects including 'build it yourself' electronics, vintage radio and new developments in computers (monthly)
Talking vision rewound: From Vision Australia Radio. Discussion of vision loss issues including challenges, achievements and systemic advocacy; stories and opinions on life experience from people with vision loss (bi-monthly)
Time: International news magazine (weekly)
Travel: Articles from the Friday Herald-Sun, the Weekend Australian, the Saturday Age and the Sunday Age (monthly)
The Monthly: Articles on Australian politics, economics, environmental and social topics, arts and cultural criticism. Combination of synthetic speech and human narrated (monthly)
The New Idea: Compilation of this Australian weekly women's magazine (monthly)
Tui Motu Interislands: Articles from this independent New Zealand Catholic magazine (monthly)
Wheels: Reviews of new car performances, general motoring, car racing and traffic information (monthly)
Without Limits: Disability news, views and information (quarterly)
Your garden: Australian gardening (quarterly)