Minutes of the meeting held on 19 July 2016
atthe Meridian Centre, Withernsea
Present:CouncillorG. Thurston(Hedon TC) in the Chair
Councillors B. Simpson (Keyingham PC); G. Catterick (Preston PC); K. Hardcastle, M. Lloyd, B. Cloke& P. Wilkinson (Withernsea TC); D. Edwards (Rimswell PC); D. James (Burstwick PC) and T. Hill (Bilton PC)
Clerks – J. Simpson (Keyingham PC); S. Dale (Bilton PC) and R. Blackbourn (Burstwick PC)
Apologies:CouncillorsS. Tindall & R. Thompson(Keyingham PC)
Officers:A. Barker, Executive Officer
Councillor Thurston opened the meeting and welcomed everyone to Withernsea. Introductions were made and Withernsea Town Council thanked for their hospitality.
D272Election of Chairman
Minutes of the meeting held 12 April 2016
RESOLVED:Thatthe minutes be agreed and accepted as a true record subject to two matters of accuracy that Dale is Clerk to Bilton Parish Council.
D273Matters arising
A: D254 –Reference was made to the success of the 2015/2016 training programme and questions asked about training for Clerks. The Executive Officer referred to the half-day induction events for new Clerks and the fact that a further event was being planned. Members went on to discuss the role of the Clerk and councillors perceptions of that. An explanation was given as to how ERNLLCA can support councils with good recruitment practice, ensuring that appropriate terms and conditions of employment are offered. Central to this support is training for councillors to help them better understand their responsibilities and that of officers. The Executive Officer confirmed that ERNLLCA can undertake in-house training albeit that there are draw-backs to this approach.
D264Executive Committee report
The Chairman summarized the Executive Committee report drawing attention to the high volume of enquiries to the Desktop Advisory Service and the very successful rounds of training for councillors which had been held since May of 2015. Attention was drawn to the grants awarded to small parish councils eligible under the Transparency Code fund.
The main item of business the last meeting of the Executive Committee had been the setting of the budget and agreement being reached on membership fees. Reference was made to the increase imposed by NALC and the concerns which exist about retaining councils.
The Executive Committee had agreed to re-focus its relationship with NALC and, to that end, future meetings of the Executive Committee will be scheduled to be held just before delegates are summoned to the national office.
RESOLVED: That the report is noted and that future reports include details of the Executive Committee membership.
D265Governance Review
The Executive Officer reported on the findings of the consultation and informed those present that a further questionnaire will be circulated.
D266Use of IT, backing-up data and protection
The committee had asked for an explanation by the Executive Officer on ERNLLCA’s advice to councils on this issue. The committee was informed that central to ERNLLCA’s approach is that all IT should be owned by the council and no reliance whatsoever should be placed on personal equipment owned by the Clerk. Owing to the fact that a parish council handles data, it must be registered as a data handler with the Information Commissioner. This protects both the council and the councillors from any claim of unlawful handling of data which can result in substantial fines. All sensitive information should be password protected with the access details shared with the Chairman. Access details should change when a new Chairman is elected.
All data should be backed-up offsite.
D267Quick Brief – councillors’ audit responsibilities
The Executive Officer briefed the meeting on the forthcoming changes to the appointment of auditors and the role SAAA will play in that process. All councils will have to have an external auditor appointed, even those spending under £25,000 a year and who have been encompassed by the new Transparency Code. New auditors will be appointed for the financial year 2017/2018 and all current arrangements will remain in place until the conclusion of the audit for 2016/2017.
In tandem with these developments, a Code of Practice will shortly be issued to explain what responsibilities councillors will have in terms of satisfying themselves that they can lawfully sign off on the Annual Governance Statement. This will require a cultural shift at many councils and ERNLLCA recognizes that this cannot happen over-night. Councillors’ responsibilities in this respect will become a fundamental element of ERNLLCA’s member development and training programme.
D268Open Forum
A: Withernsea TC
The question was asked as to when a councillor’s resignation takes effect. The Executive Officer explained that it has to be in writing and takes effect when in the hands of the Clerk or the Chairman. A resignation by a Chairman takes effect when it is reported to a meeting of council.
B: Withernsea TC
The Executive Officer was asked if a town council can create an Alderman. It was explained that a town council can create the post of Honorary Freeman and that further advice is available from the ERNLLCA office.
Councillor Simpson asked for clarification of the law as regards recording of meetings, is the council’s or the Chairman’s permission needed? The Executive Officer confirmed that no permission is needed, anyone may record a meeting. Councillor Simpson askedif an article on this matter could be included in the ERNLLCA newsletter.
D269Agenda items for future meetings
The Chairman asked that any topics are forwarded to the ERNLLCA office.
D270Dates of future meetings
RESOLVED:That the date for the next meeting will be 19 July 2016 (Annual Meeting).
Signature / Date