Application for a textiles processing licence for brandholders or traders (who do not transform, pack or label products)
Submit your completed form to or call us on +61 (0) 7 3350 5706 for help
1. Your companyTitle / MrMissMrsSirDrDukeEarlLadyLordMajorSirProf. / Job title
First name / Company
Last name / No. and Road
Telephone / Town
Mobile / County
Email / Postcode
My invoicing and/or correspondence address is different from above and I have enclosed/attached details
I do not require a copy of the Global Organic Textile Standards (GOTS) or manual (I will view them online at
I would prefer to receive day-to-day correspondence by email
2. Your business type
Sole trader / Partnership / Corporation / Limited company
Other, please detail
3. Dedicated or non-dedicated trading?
Trade in only certified organic products (dedicated) / Trade in certified organic products AND non-certified products (not dedicated)
4. Your enterprises
Enterprises / Organic / Non-
organic / Enterprises / Organic / Non-
Brandholder / Retailer
Exporter / Trader or wholesaler
Exporter to USA / selling in USA / Packing finished product
Importers / Other, please detail here
Soil Association Certification Limited, South Plaza, Marlborough Street, Bristol BS1 3NX
T 0117 914 2400 F 0117 314 5046 E W
Reference number: Version No: 1 Issue date: January 2011
5. Storing your products off-site If not applicable move to the next sectionI own the site / I do not own the site / How far in kilometres is the storage site from your main site
The site has organic certification and I have enclosed the current certificate
Please detail the site address
Please detail how the products will be packaged and stored off site
6. Application of GOTS logo on your products If not applicable move to the next section
Another company will be applying the GOTS logo to my products
Please provide company details here and if they are certified themselves or not
7. Separation of organic and non-organic goods
Please briefly detail your procedures to ensure that organic and non-organic products are clearly identifiable and separate during transport, unloading, storage and dispatching (continue on a separate sheet or attach details if necessary)
8. Pest control
Please briefly detail your pest control procedures, including use of bait stations, treatments and fumigation and pest control contractor or fumigation company if relevant (continue on a separate sheet or attach details if necessary)
9. Social criteria (for businesses with employees) If not applicable move to the next section
Number of permanent employees
Number of temporary/contract employees
Total number of employees
Minimum wage you pay your employees
Maximum working hours per week for employees
Please detail any current social/ethical/fair trade/labour certifications or programmes you are involved in and any social or employment policies (continue on a separate sheet or attach details if necessary)
10. Environmental management
Please briefly detail your environmental policies and procedures as relevant for example in relation to water and energy conservation and a programme for improvement (continue on a separate sheet or attach details if necessary)
11. Record-keeping
Please briefly detail what records you will keep so you can trace all products from intake to despatch. For example, goods-in, stock records, goods out etc
12. Your productsPlease detail what products you would like to certify. For example, apparel, medical or hygiene, household, soft furnishings. Also detail the fibre type, for example cotton, wool, leather etc.
13. Product specification forms and labels
Please note we will not be able to approve your products until we have received your labels and specifications
I have attached draft labels
I have attached a labelling specification (listing all the products I wish to be approved)
I have attached my supplier/s certificates for organic products
Certification contract
I have enclosed/will send separately two signed copies of the Soil Association Certification contract
Details of any organic certification held currently/previously
Do you currently have organic textile certification? / Yes No
If yes, who with and to which standards?
Have you previously held organic certification? / Yes No
If yes, with which certification body and when did certification cease?
Have you ever had organic certification denied or revoked? / Yes No
If yes, with which certification body and when?
Are there any prosecutions, previous or pending, relating to your business which may have a bearing on your application for organic certification? / Yes No
If yes, please provide details
Your declaration
§ To the best of my/our knowledge, all the information supplied in this application is accurate
§ I/we have full management control of all land and enterprises detailed in this application
§ I/we have read and agree to comply with the GOTS standard and any future updates
§ I/we understand that application fee payment and a signed contract are required before the inspection and certification process can commence
I have completed this form electronically and confirm I am in agreement with the declaration above
Should you require a copy of our appeals procedure at any stage of your application, please let us know.
Signature / Date
Please reference ALL payments with your trading name send remittance advice to: Fax: 07 3350 5996 or Email:
DIRECT CREDIT VIA EFTTo make payment via EFT you must:
1. Contact the ACO office on ph. 07 3350 5706 or email to:
· receive an invoice number for referencing the transaction
· receive bank account details for making payment
Fax or email a remittance advice upon making the payment. Fax: 07 3350 5996 or Email: .
Make payable to: Australian Certified Organic
BANKCARD MASTERCARD VISA [We are unable to accept AMEX]
Australian Certified Organic Pty Ltd ABN 74 099 884 983
PO Box 810 NUNDAH BRISBANE QLD 4012 Ph: 07 3350 5706 Fax: 07 3350 5996
Issue: 2.0 / 2013