East Lake Little Meeting Minutes 11-1-2015
- Minutes from previous meeting sent electronically for review. Nicole made a motion to approve the minutes from October’s meeting. Tom 2nd. Passed.
- East Lake will be holding an end of season tournament Nov 6-13. We will need help in the concession. Some of our usual hired help will be unavailable through some of that time. Nicole will send an email blast asking for parents to sign up for volunteer time in concession. Ryan has created the schedule and he will distribute when it is finalized.
- Juniors End of Season Tournament has not been scheduled yet. Field availability in district plays a big factor in this.
- Looking to spring registration. We will move our next meeting up a week to allow for enough planning time for registration. It will be held on November 29th. Proposed dates to be finalized at next meeting- Dec. 1 online registration open Dec 11 coaches meeting Feb 8 Safety Meeting Feb 9 Team Parent Meeting May 16 Annual Meeting
- Mike brought an idea to the board that for each sponsorship that is brought in by a parent of an East Lake player they can receive a $50 finder’s fee. We will still profit $225 after banner is made. Board agreed and is effective immediately.
- Mike proposed spending some money on needed improvements on the fields. Drainage issues will be fixed on major’s field with artificial turf being placed behind home plate. This will also be taking place on the big fields where drainage has been a major issue.Sharts will build up the mounds on the fields and remove the lips on those fields. The softball bull pens also need work and home plate will be replaced on that field. Mark made a motion to approve costs up to $10,000 to make improvements. Beyond that will need to be brought back to the board for another vote. Ed 2nd. All approve.
- We will be having a work party that is tentatively scheduled for January 10th. One item discussed to be on agenda is repairing some fencing around the complex that is becoming a safety issue.
- Next meeting we will review the contract proposals we have from various picture vendors. We will also discuss what we can improve on with Casino Night. Please come with ideas.
- Golf fund raiser is scheduled for February 23 at Wentworth Golf Club. Mike will be meeting the Bruseski this week to discuss details.
- Volunteer refund date will be November 21st at the fields. This will be communicated through social media and email blast. Managers will need to send names of parents who had roles on their teams that qualify for a refund.
11. CPR training will be held at the Palm Harbor Fire Station in the New Year