
The Wormley & Turnford Big Local (WTBL) Community Fund is available to local voluntary and community groups or ‘not for profit’ organisations providing services to residents of Wormley & Turnford. There will be no single deadline for applications. This fund is available from February2015 – March2016or until all funds have been expended.

It will provide ‘one off’ grants from £500 up to a maximum of £5000for items of equipment or other ‘capital’ expenditure or for revenue (running) costs.

The Fund is administrated by the WTBL Partnership and all decisions on allocation of funding will be made within a maximum of 3 calendar monthsby a small panel of representatives drawn from the Partnership.Shorter notice decisions can also be made if necessary. Applicants may be contacted and asked for further clarification in advance of a decision being made.

WTBL has adopted the following 7 priority themes and will require all funding applications to meet at least one of these:

  • Community Cohesion & Involvement
/ Community Facilities
  • Children & Young People Inc. Families
/ Access to Services & Reducing Isolation
  • Awareness of Countryside & Open Spaces
/ Social Investment & Financial Exclusion
  • Healthy Lifestyles

For support with completing this application call 07903 390649

or email

Application Form

Please type and boxes will expand if needed.If you are completing a paper copy by hand please continue on additional paper if necessary.

1. / Details of Applicant
Post Code:
Telephone No:
(Please add name and contact details of the person who should be contacted regarding this application, if they differ from the details above)
2. / About your Organisation:
Please attach a constitution or set of rules for your organisation. (If you do not have this in place please contact WTBL).
Please tick if attached.
Please also tell us briefly about your organisation’shistory and achievements, plus the number of people it benefits or involves.
3. / Reason for your Application:
Please tell us what you require funding for and how it will benefit the Wormley and Turnford community.
4. / Funding Required
a / How much money is requested?
(Please provide evidence that you have investigated the cost of equipment and a separate list of other costs i.e. salaries, expenses, rent if applicable)
b / If this funding is requested as part of a larger project please submit an outline cost or budget for the whole project.
Please tick if attached.
Please also indicatewhat other funding for this projecthas already been received or is being sought and from where.
5. / Equipment:
If your application is for the cost of equipment please confirm the following:
a / Where will the equipment be located?
b / Is the equipment fixed or movable?
c / Who will be the legal owner of the equipment?
d / This fund cannot support the ongoing costs of maintaining, running and insuring equipment in future years. Will there be any such costs and, if yes,how do you intend to fund this?
6. / Priority Actions
Please indicate which WTBL theme priorities you believe support from this fund will enable you to meet, and tell us briefly why? (There is no requirement for you to meet all the priority themes).
  • Community Cohesion & Involvement

  • Children & Young People Inc. Families

  • Awareness of countryside & Open Spaces

  • Healthy Lifestyles

  • Access to Services & Reducing Isolation

  • Social Investment & Financial Exclusion

  • Community Facilities

7. / Financial Information
Applicants are requested to attach a copy of their most recent accounts (or their projected cash flow if accounts do not exist)
Please tick if attached.
8. / Policy Information
Please attach other relevant policies and procedures if necessary - For example: if your project is to involve working with Children, please attach your organisation’s Child Protection Policy
Please tick if attached. (If you need support with developing policies please contact WTBL)
9. / Final information
Please provide the following information:
Payment Details
Payments will be made by BACS Transfer
Please provide the exact title of the account, sort code and account number
(If this is not the account of the organisation applyingor if your group or organisation is unable to provide a bank account then please explain why.)
Next Steps
If you are unable to complete all sections of the application form or require assistance then please contact WTBL as we may be able to help. Once you have completed all relevant sections of the application form, please return with all attachments, either by post or by email, to WTBL.
If you are sending this form by post please send to:
Nigel Copping Community Building
Sanville Gardens
Stanstead Abbotts
SG12 8GA
Or by email to
  • You will be contacted about your application within 1 calendar month of submission.
  • A decision will be made on your application within 3 calendar months of submission.
  • If successful, you are expected to have spent your grant within six months of receiving it and you will be sent a monitoring form to complete at this stage.
  • WTBL will contact you at intervals to see how you are getting on.

Reminder of information required to enclose with this application

(If you do not have some of this information please explain why):

  • a copy of your organisations constitution or set of rules
  • copies of any quotations or estimates you have obtained and outline

project budgets if appropriate

  • a copy of your organisation’s latest annual accounts
  • details of your organisation’s bank account

The information given on this application form is correct to the best of my knowledge. I give consent for the information given to be stored and held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and used by WTBL and their agents. I understand that, if my application is successful, the name of my organisation and the amount awarded may be published by WTBL and may be made available in paper and electronic form.

Name (please print):Date: