1.The name of the Association shall be the British Association of Road Races.


2.1To foster and promote road running in the United Kingdom.

2.2To liaise with the appropriate governing bodies and the Road Runners Club on matters relating to road running, as applicable.

2.3To establish a Code of Practice for the benefit of competitors and the efficient management of both Road and Multi-terrain races.

2.4To exchange information, knowledge and expertise amongst members of the Association.


3.1Event Membership

3.1.1Single Event Membership

The organising committee of any Road or Multi-terrain event in the UK which is run in accordance with the relevant Code of Practice of the Association may apply to the Committee of BARR for membership of the Association. When the event is elected to membership the Organising Committee of the event shall nominate one of its members to attend and vote at meetings of the Association.

3.1.2Block Event Membership

A number of events which have essentially the same organising committee may apply for Block Membership for all of the events. Every event shall be specified upon application and each of those events will, at all times, be considered in isolation in deciding whether the objectives and standards of the Association are being met. Membership fees shall be based upon the total entries for those races accepted for membership. Block membership shall entitle that organising Committee to a single representative and a single vote. Race Grading shall be applied for in relation to each individual event for which Grading is required.

3.2Individual Membership

Membership of the Association is also open to individuals who are interested in furthering the objectives of the Association and have knowledge or expertise which would be useful to it. Individual members must be proposed and seconded by a member of the BARR Committee and approved by a majority vote of the Committee. Individual members may attend and vote at meetings of the Association and are eligible for election to the Committee.


The annual subscriptions for event membership and individual membership for the following calendar year shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. All subscriptions are due on 1st January each year. Any members who have not paid their subscriptions by the commencement of the Annual General Meeting shall cease automatically to be members.


5.1The Management of the Association shall be vested in a Committee elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

5.2The Committee shall consist of:

5.2.1A President and Vice-Presidents, to be subsequently determined by the Elected Committee.

5.2.2The Officers: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary, Registrar, Treasurer and National Scrutineering Coordinator.

5.2.3A number of Regional Representatives, defined by the Committee, to provide adequate geographical coverage in regions which can be effectively administered.

5.2.4Such other members as will make up a total of 16 elected members excluding the President and the Vice-President(s).

5.3All persons elected to, or serving on, the Committee or Sub-Committees with the exception of the President and Vice-President(s) must be either nominated representatives of fully paid up member events, as defined under 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 or, individual members as defined in 3.2, above.

5.3.1The Chairman would not normally service in that role for more than two successive years.

5.4A quorum shall be 10 (ten) of the elected Committee members and officers.

5.5The Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional members, but such members shall have no vote.

5.6The Committee shall have the power to elect/approve membership to the Association.

5.7The Committee shall have the power to act at all times in the furtherance of the objectives of the Association.

5.8The Association shall maintain a Disciplinary Code as annexed to this Constitution.

5.9If a majority of the Committee feel that a situation has arisen where there is a conflict of interest between

the fundamental aims of the BARR Committee and the aims of a member of committee, then the Committee should have the power to either suspend or debar that person from sitting on the Committee.


6.1The financial year of the Association shall commence on 1st January and end on 31st December of each calendar year.

6.2All cheques and financial documents shall be signed by the Treasurer and one other Officer.

6.3The accounts of the Association shall be subject to annual audit. Such audited accounts shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting.

7.The Annual General Meeting

7.1The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association shall be held within six months of the end of the financial year.

7.2Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given, in writing together with an agenda, to all members of the Association not less than 21 days (excluding the day of the meeting) prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.

7.3Formal proposals for the Agenda shall be submitted to the Secretary at least 6 (six) weeks prior to the AGM.

7.4Ten (10) people entitled to vote are required to form a quorum.

7.5Voting at the AGM will be by show of hands from those entitled to vote, except for contested elections of Officers and Committee Members, which will be by secret ballot. There will be no proxy or postal voting.

8.Extraordinary General Meeting

8.1An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be called by the General Secretary of the Association on instructions of the Committee, or upon request in writing of not less than 15 (fifteen) members.

8.2The agenda for any such meeting must be sent to all members of the Association within 10 days of such instructions or request and the meeting must be held not less than 21 days and not more than 42 days of the despatch of such agenda.

8.3Fifteen (15) people entitled to vote are required to form a quorum for an EGM.

  1. Changes to the Constitution
  2. Proposals to alter the Constitution shall require a proposer and be seconded by fourteen other members.
  3. The Constitution may only be altered at an AGM, or an EGM called for that purpose and then only if approved by a minimum of two-thirds of those members present and exercising their right to vote.
  4. Written notice of any proposed alteration must be submitted to the General Secretary not less than 6 (six) weeks prior to the date of the next AGM or the date of a proposed EGM. Members must be advised of the details by means of the Agenda for the relevant meeting.
  1. Administration
  2. All notices and correspondence shall be sent to the General Secretary at their normal home address.


In the event of dissolution of the Association, the assets of the Association, after payment of all costs, debts and liabilities lawfully payable by the Association, shall not be distributed to members, but shall be devoted to the furtherance of road running.

RevisedIssue 2010