East Hanover Soccer Club

October 4, 2016

Monthly Meeting

Board Attendees In Attendance: Angelo D’Alessio, Fernando Oliveira, Joe Peluso

Members in Attendance: Marty Zizza, Mike DeChiara, Paul Prestia

Board Members not in Attendance: Marco Martiere, Chris Tate, Gino Circilli, Gino Castaneda

Meeting Started: 8:31 PM

·  New Business

o  Playoff Setup

§  Want to have the play in game for odd numbered Divisions on Sat, 10/22

·  Div 5G will start during the week of 10/24/16

o  4 teams with Semi and Finals

·  3-team divisions have play-in game (2 vs 3) on Sat, 10/22

o  Championship on Sat, 10/29

·  5-team divisions have play-in game (4 vs 5) on Sat, 10/22

o  Semi-Finals during the week (1 vs 4/5 and 2 vs 3)

o  Championship on Sat, 10/29

o  End of Year Party

§  Need to confirm with Gino Circilli, but thought is to do this on 10/22/16

·  Keep it focused with Pizza and Chicken Fingers

·  Use Local Vendors that are sponsors (Godfather, Avellino’s and Romeo and Giulietta)

o  Picture Day

§  Good reports overall for event

§  Nice job Fernando

o  Middle School

§  Lights look good

o  Canned Good Fundraising Drive

§  Want to do on 10/22/16 for the end of year celebration

o  Calling in scores by head coaches

§  Email sent, have to get coaches to follow through

o  Need to keep the Scores to a better level

§  No more 7-0, 8-0, etc.

o  Need to Get a Count for Trophies

§  Confirm the team in each Division that has the most players

§  This will be basis of the order

§  Andy to let Joe P know next week

o  Ratings

§  Will ask coaches to turn in on last day

o  Sponsors Report

§  Still waiting on a few payments, but Angelo has contacts out to all

§  Plaques for Sponsors

·  Colorgraphics order has been placed by Fernando

o  Supports for Nets

§  Motion from Joe P

·  Purchase 4 Barrel Sand wheels for Soccer nets

·  Try these 4 for 1 field (2 per net)

·  Test and add more as we

·  Motion is seconded and approved

o  Unanimous 8-0

o  Travel Update

§  File game reports in a quick manor

§  Quicker Cards and Larger Fines

§  No adult beverages from the fields

§  Anything worn under uniform must match the uniform

§  Players may play on same team within same club without being 2nd carded

·  This is being discussed

·  Meeting Ended 9:45 PM