November 8, 2015

We, the Consultation Team, thank Pastor Charles Aigner, the staff, the lay leadership and the congregation of East Columbus United Methodist Church for the invitation to consult with this body of Christ as a part of the Fruitful Congregation Journey (FCJ).

The following observations and ministry action plan are the result of this team studying the following information: 1) East Columbus UMC’s self-study document provided by its leaders; 2) FCJ on-line survey; 3) interviews with the pastor, 4) interviews with staff and ministry team leaders; 5) a focus group with participants from the congregation; 6) a meeting with the Administrative Council; 7) a MissionInsite demographic report of the area’s population; 8) Faith Perceptions Mystery Guest Report; and 9) input from Saturday’s leadership workshop.

Our prayer is that God will use this assessment experience and consultation report to help East Columbus UMC more effectively make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the community and the world.



It was clear to us that the people of East Columbus UMC have a deep love for Christ and one another. The first thing we heard in each of our interviews was just how much the members of this “caring congregation” love and support one another. “Just about everyone is willing to step up to help someone and pray, give, and care.” “They see a need and fill it.” “We know one anothers’ joys and concerns.” These demonstrations of the love of Christ are at the heart of this community of faith.


Throughout every interview, survey, and focus group we heard about the projects that East Columbus UMC is passionate about and support generously like serving those locally in need through Christmas Circus and the Love Chapel, and beyond Columbus in the support of 14 missionaries around the world, mission trips to Haiti, Red Bird Mission, and many others.


We heard very clearly that the messages at East Columbus UMC were biblical in nature and that there is a strong desire to evangelize the community. Some of this can be attributed to Pastor Aigner (strength #4), but also suggests the importance of the scriptures in this congregation’s identity. Staying true to their United Methodist roots, this congregation professes the Christian faith by their preaching and teaching that honors the apostolic faith grounded in Scripture.


Rev. Charles Aigner has a deep faith in Jesus Christ, and a clear passion to bring people to the faith. The interviews confirmed that Pastor Charlie is a faithful student of the Bible and a talented preacher, but the most important characteristic according to the congregation is Pastor Charlie and his wife Judy’s care for this congregation. Their compassionate care and selfless service have endeared them both to this congregation who have experienced the love of Christ through them.


From the electronic sign out front to the well-maintained grounds and building, it is obvious to all who enter the campus of East Columbus UMC that the church has a high regard for hospitality. Related to their care for one another, the care of the grounds reveals a commitment to loving their neighbor and a strong sense of biblical stewardship.



While many could quote the mission of the East Columbus UMC, “To grow the Family of God by making loving Disciples of Jesus Christ,” no one could articulate how the church specifically and uniquely has a clear focus (vision) to accomplish the mission. Without a clear vision to fulfill the mission, the church will not be able to use or create ministries in the most effective way to make disciples and transform its community.


While East Columbus UMC is blessed with a cadre of lay leaders, the church lacks an effective system for recruiting, training, and deploying leaders according to their gifts, as well as developing new leaders. The church’s lack of leadership development, planning, and management are limiting the church’s ministry effectiveness in reaching the needs of its neighborhood and greater community.


There is no clear system at East Columbus UMC to grow fully devoted, authentic disciples of Jesus Christ who reproduce new disciples. There is no intentional process to enable all persons – new or long-time members – to discern where they are on their spiritual journey and what steps they could take to move them forward to becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.


Throughout leadership interviews and focus groups the consultation team became aware that there is no intentional local outreach strategy. This has resulted in missing generations in the church family, an understaffed children’s ministry, and inconsistent communications and social media practices.


The current worship style seems to be an attempt to please everyone and in doing so pleases no one.



The consultation team affirms East Columbus UMC’s mission statement, “To grow the Family of God by making loving Disciples of Jesus Christ,”as being in alignment with the mission of the United Methodist Church, “To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.”

East Columbus UMC will have a Sunday morning Service of Prayer and Forgiveness. This will spiritually prepare the congregation to hear the vision the Lord has for the future of East Columbus UMC. The FCJ Prayer Coordinator will select the worship service leader. This service will be conducted by March 1, 2016.

Immediately following the service of Prayer and Forgiveness, the pastor in consultation with the coach will form a prayer team. This team will help the members of the congregation individually and corporately pray for the church by asking the Holy Spirit to ignite and saturate the church with the powerful presence of Jesus Christ. This prayer ministry will continue to help focus the congregation on praying that it will seek and be open to the Holy Spirit’s direction and guidance during the whole process of the Fruitful Congregation Journey.

The pastor in consultation with the coach will form a team of five to seven persons by April 1, 2016, to discern the vision for the church. The coach will conduct a Vision Workshop for the congregation by June 15, 2016. The team will present its recommendations to the Church Council for review and adoption by August 1, 2016.

Upon adopting the vision, ministry leaders will demonstrate how each ministry will accomplish the mission and vision.

●To that end, the Church Council will conduct a ministry review of all existing ministries to evaluate ministries for their faithfulness and fruitfulness to the mission and vision.

●Any ministries that are not faithful to the mission and vision and any ministry that is faithful, but still not fruitful, will be modified and re-evaluated for fruitfulness.

●All continuing ministries will set goals and objectives in alignment with the mission and vision. This review must be completed by June 1, 2017.

●All new future ministries must demonstrate how they will be aligned to the mission and vision and have a plan for fruitful ministry.


The coach will lead an Accountable Leadership Workshop for the leaders of the church by October 1, 2016. Following the workshop, a team made up of the pastor, and a team of 6 members will begin their work to evaluate and create a new administrative environment of East Columbus UMC. This environment will allow the church to more effectively accomplish its mission and vision. The vote to approve the ministry action plan will be deemed as also approving the new leadership environment that will be developed.

This plan should provide a more efficient and effective method for implementation of planning and programming, church decision-making, leadership accountability, and accomplishing the church’s unifying mission and vision.

Church leadership shall be identified through a plan to be initiated by November 1, 2016. This plan may include the following:

●Consultation with the Associate Director of Leadership Development - Laity (Megan Fetter)

●Shared learning through guided study of books and teachings

●Study the book, Ultimately Responsible by Sue Nelson Kibbey and/or other resources deemed to be helpful.

●Spiritual-gift inventories

●The practice of spiritual disciplines—for example prayer, retreats, tithing, service, and mission

●The use of an approved goal-setting process that supports the mission and vision

●Regular rotation of leaders on teams (e.g. 3-year terms)

●Development of new leaders

The next step will be to establish clear vision-centered ministry expectations for the staff and ministry team positions. These expectations will provide a more objective basis for evaluation, accountability, and supervision. This must be completed by February 1, 2017.

Also, a process for evaluation should be developed to ensure that teams, boards, committees and staff are functioning in a way that best meets the mission and vision of East Columbus UMC. This process must be in place by March 1, 2017.

Following the adoption of a new leadership development plan, ministry expectations with clear, measurable goals should be set for all staff (paid and unpaid) and ministry teams by August 1, 2017. The goals must be directly related to the fulfillment of the mission and vision. Staff and ministry teams will give and receive annual evaluations based on the accomplishment of their goals. The implementation of the model will be coordinated with the pastor, SPRC, and the coach.

The pastor will participate in the Fruitful Congregation Journey Peer Mentoring program and with the coach generate strategies to utilize the learning in the implementation of the Ministry Action Plan.


The pastor, in consultation with the coach, will establish a team of three to five persons by January 1, 2016, to develop a clear discipleship pathway that helps move people from where they are on their spiritual journey to becoming fully committed followers of Jesus Christ. The coach will lead an Intentional Faith Development workshop by May 1, 2016, to assist the team in its development of a discipleship pathway.

The discipleship pathway will be designed for everyone, whether a non-believer or one who is maturing in their faith. This discipleship pathway will represent a lifelong process in which participation in life groups will be encouraged and expected. The team will discern a faith development plan within a Wesleyan model that encourages all persons to:

●connect and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ,

●be transformed by studying the Bible and the beliefs and principles of the Christian faith,

●practice stewardship as a spiritual discipline,

●connect with disciples for support and accountability through life groups,

●identify and connect with God’s purpose for their lives through prayer,

●participate in opportunities for risk-taking service and mission,

●and invite people into a relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.

This plan will be adopted by the Administrative Council and will be implemented in the life of East Columbus UMC at all ministry levels by September 1, 2016.


In order to develop inspiring, relevant ministries to young adults and parents with children, the pastor will form a Younger Generations Team by May 1, 2016.

The team will develop a plan for ministry that will include the following:

●Evaluate the existing Child Protection guideline policy and its implementation

●Visit three congregations with vibrant children’s ministries to learn best practices

●Evaluate all current programming to determine effectiveness in reaching parents with young children

●Develop strategies to expand the number of participants involved in current ministries.

●Effectively communicate these ministries inside and outside the church

●Develop additional leaders and servants in these ministries, and equip teachers to effectively teach core Biblical truths in exciting and meaningful ways

●Address childcare needs of younger adults participating in the life of the church

●Evaluate facilities including classroom locations and decor

●Consult with Children’s Ministry Specialist Jen Hudson in creating a comprehensive children’s ministry outreach

●Study the book, Ultimately Responsible by Sue Nelson Kibbey and/or other resources deemed to be helpful.

The pastor, in consultation with the coach, will establish a Communications Team by February 1, 2016.

This team is to:

●Review all methods of communication currently used for effectiveness

●Assess the communication needs of the congregation and surrounding neighborhood

●Develop consistent communications appearance throughout all media (bulletin, newsletter website, social media, signage)

●Study the Mystery Guest Report to determine action steps for connection with desired demographic

●Explore new uses of social media that moves beyond posting announcements and into faith sharing

●Enroll at least two people in the United Methodist Communications online course “Sharing Faith in the 21st Century”

The pastor in consultation with the coach will work with the FCJ Team to create a comprehensive outreach strategy. This will build on the existing use of the book “Get Their Name” and the work already begun.


The pastor and Worship chair, in consultation with the coach, will establish a team to work in the area of worship of 5-6 people by April 1, 2016. This team is to:

●Train all people who will operate the respective equipment involved in worship

●Study the Mystery Guest Report to determine action steps for connection with desired demographic

●Visit other churches that are connecting to the desired demographic (churches of various sizes)

●Attend a worship planning workshop (e.g. Center for Congregations)

●Institute and implement worship planning process for pastor, staff, and laity

The pastor and Worship chair, in consultation with the coach, will establish a hospitality group of 5-6 people by April 1, 2016. The coach will lead a “Hospitality” Workshop based on the book “Fusion” by Nelson Searcy to discern the necessary components of an effective system that continually tracks and connects with guests so that they become integrated into faith and the church. The hospitality group will design and implement the church’s hospitality to guests beyond the first-time visit, and present it to the Administrative Council by October 1, 2016.


We, the Consultation Team, thank you for the opportunity to serve your congregation through this Fruitful Congregation Journey assessment process. Our prayers and hope for your congregation is that God will use this process to help your church become more effective and fruitful in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. May God give you courage and strength as you move forward.

Steve Clouse, Lead Consultant

Tony Alstott, Coach

Mark Eutsler

Chris Nunley


December 1, 2015 at 6:00pm