Students Achieving Academic Excellence and Good Citizenship

Through a Rewarding and Exceptional Educational Experience.



6600 Forsyth Road

Macon, GA 31210

Dr. Eric Carlyle, Principal

Office: 478-779-3500 Fax: 478-779-3458


Important Dates for 2013-2014 4


MissioN 4

Organizational Pattern for Instruction 4

Instructional Behavioral Support 5

Student Expectations 5

Husky PAWS—School-wide Behavior Expectation Matrix 6

PAWS Rewards 6

Guidance and Counseling 7

Medical Information 7

Immunization 7

Student Illnesses 7

Medications 8

Dental, Vision and Hearing Screenings 8

Emergency Cards 8

Insurance Information 8

Physical Education Release Form 9

Attendance 9

Certificate of Attendance 9

Absences 9

Tardy Policy 9

Early Dismissal from School 10

Student Withdrawal Procedures 10

Arrival/Dismissal 11

Bell Schedule 11

Arrival at School 11

School Dismissal 11

Transportation 12

Car Pool Morning Procedures 12

Car Pool Afternoon Procedures 12

Transportation Change 12

Cafeteria Information 13

Breakfast Program 13

Lunch Program 13

Lockers 14

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Lost and Found 14

Telephone 14

Extra-Curricular Activities 15

Eligibility Requirements 15

Field Trips 15

Fund-Raisers 16

Check Writing 16

Visitors 16

Parent/Teacher Conferences 16

Grades 16

Grading Policy 16

Grading Periods 17

Grading Scale 17

Progress Reports 17

Homework 18

Make-Up Work 18

Awards 18

Honors Ceremonies 19

Internet/Technology 19

Bibb County Schools Homepage 19

Student Internet Use Policy 19

Technology Fair 19

Hospital/Homebound Instruction 20

Gifted Education Program 20

Emergency Procedures 20

Crisis Plan Emergency Codes 20

Fire and Tornado Drills 21

Media Center 21

Care of Textbooks, Library Books, Etc 21

Parent-Teacher Organization 21

Yearbooks 21

Student Automobiles 22

Money and Valuables 22

Student Planners 22

Destruction of Property/Vandalism 22

Items not Allowed in School 22

Skateboards, Roller Blades, Scooters, or Wheelies 22

Floral and Balloon Deliveries 22

Gum and Food 23

Hall Passes 23

Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence 23

Student Conduct 23

Philosophy 23

Board of Education Policy 23

Dress Code 24

Behavioral Consequences 25

Teacher/Team Discipline 25

Teacher Detention 25

Principal’s Detention 26

In-School Suspension (ISS) 26

Out-Of-School Suspension (OSS) 26

Long Term Suspension 27

Return from Suspension 27

Chronic Misbehavior 27

Offenses and Dispositions 27


Important Dates for 2013-2014

August 1 First Day of School for Students

September 2 Labor Day Holiday – School Closed

October 7 - 11 Winter Break (School Closed)

October 14 Teacher Work Day – (No Students)

November 25 - 29 Thanksgiving Vacation – School Closed

December 20 Last Day for Students Prior to Winter Break

December 23-31 Winter Break

January 1 – 3 Winter Break

January 6 First Day of Second Semester

January 20 M.L.K. Holiday – System Closed

February 17 Presidents’ Day Holiday – System Closed

February 17 - 21 Fall Break

March 17 Teacher Furlough Day - System Closed

March 31 – April 4 Spring Break

May 23 Last Day of School for Students


The vision of Howard Middle School is to develop a highly trained staff and an engaged community dedicated to educating each student for a 21st century, multiethnic, global economy.


“Each student demonstrates strength of character and is college ready.”

School Creed

v  I have faith in myself

v  I have faith in my teachers

v  I demonstrate strength of character

v  I will accept my duties and responsibilities

v  I will be college ready

v  I will respect others and seek their respect

v  I have self respect

v  I have self-control

v  I can learn and do better if I study hard

v  I will learn because I will study hard and do better

v  I love myself

v  And loving myself

v  I’ll be myself

v  And know myself

v  I am the one who is talking

v  Balance

v  Order

v  Harmony

v  Reciprocity

v  Truth

v  Justice

v  Righteousness

v  Look around you

v  And behold us in our greatness

v  Greatness is a Husky Possibility

v  And you can make it yours!!!!!!!!!!!!

Organizational Pattern for Instruction

The transition from elementary to middle is challenging. In order to help make the transition more comfortable, the middle school has been organized around teams. Each team (or cluster) is made up of 3 to 4 teachers and 84 to 128 students. The classrooms are close together and teachers work and plan together to effectively meet the educational needs of the students. Teachers make up an interdisciplinary team that provides instruction in the four academic areas of language arts, math, science and social studies.

Team teachers are allotted 80 minutes of planning time each day to work together and develop an integrated program of instruction. While academic teachers are planning, students are exploring other areas of learning. The following connections classes are offered at Howard: Physical education, computer technology, keyboarding, art, strings, band, general music, chorus, show choir, Avid, Reading 180, and Voyager Math.

Conferences with teachers are scheduled during their common planning time on Thursdays, and also before or after school any day of the week. In many cases, team teachers may choose to meet as a team with parents in order to offer a more complete picture of a student’s progress. To schedule a meeting with a teacher, please contact the school. You may schedule a meeting by calling the school office at 779-3500 or the counselors at 779-3482 or 779-3448.

We hope the middle school experience will be a rewarding one for you. Remember that we are a TEAM, for Together Everyone Accomplishes More! We welcome you to Howard Middle School.

Efficacy/Instructional Behavioral Support

·  Character Education words are taught and reinforced weekly at Howard Middle School. Character words are defined and examples given on the morning news or during morning announcements.

·  Teachers teach students the school expectations and have them posted in their classrooms.

·  Counselors provide students with counseling sessions on bullying intervention, cultural diversity, and sexual harassment.

·  Advisement sessions and test talks are held with each student to review his/her CRCT test results. Students then set goals for their academic performance.

·  Counselors have group sessions with students to resolve conflict issues or inspire academic success in the classroom.

·  The GREAT program is taught to 7th and 8th grade students by the BOE campus police department.

·  Eighth grade students participate in the Pledge Against Guns assembly. Lessons and activities are taught before and after the assembly by the teachers.

·  Red Ribbon Week is observed with planned activities.

Student Expectations

At Howard Middle School, we strongly encourage students to begin taking on the role they will perform as productive, contributing members of society. Students are expected to see the school as their place of work and to act accordingly. PAWS behavior expectations are posted throughout the school and in every classroom. Students are expected to be able to recite the PAWS expectations and explain what each one means.

HUSKY PAWS—School-wide

Behavior Expectation Matrix

PAWS / Bus/Bus Ramp / Classroom / Restroom / Lunchroom / Hall
Be Prompt
Prepared / ·  Watch carefully for buses being called.
·  Travel only on your assigned bus.
·  When your bus number is called, go directly to your bus. / ·  Report to all classes on time.
·  Have all necessary supplies.
·  Always have your planner.
·  Use time wisely while working. / ·  Have planner/pass.
·  Listen attentively for teacher’s instructions.
·  Use restroom time wisely
·  Wait your turn / ·  Make menu selection before entering line
·  Get utensils and condiments while being served
·  Quickly give lunch code to cashier / ·  Have planners at all times
·  Use time wisely at lockers
·  Keep track of books and belongings
·  Go directly to class
Responsibility / ·  Listen attentively to driver or adult in charge
·  Remain seated and in assigned seat
·  Keep bus clean
·  Get off at proper stop / ·  Listen attentively to teacher or other adult in charge
·  Follow classroom procedures
·  Keep area clean / ·  Respect others’ space
·  Keep area clean
·  Flush
·  Turn water off
·  Wash hands
·  Place paper in trash
·  Report all problems to an adult / ·  Keep account balance current
·  Remain quiet and orderly while in line
·  Keep table area clean
·  Place all trash in proper place / ·  Keep hands and feet to yourself
·  Remain quiet
·  Report all problems
Hard / ·  Discuss and share something new that you have learned today
·  Encourage good behavior / ·  Participate in class
·  Listen attentively
·  Ask questions
·  Complete assignments / ·  Listen attentively
·  Follow rules
·  Exercise good hygiene / ·  Go directly to assigned tables
·  Remain seated
·  Wait turn to dispose of plates, utensils, and trash. / ·  Stay in a single file line
·  Walk on the right side on the 3rd tile
·  Keep locker area clean
Show Respect / ·  Obey driver
·  Keep hands and feet to yourself
·  Use low voice / ·  Follow teacher’s directions
·  Be considerate of others
·  Keeps hands and feet to yourself / ·  Keep restroom
·  Be considerate of others
·  Respect others’ privacy / ·  Show respect to lunchroom staff
·  Use low voice
·  Respect others’ space / ·  Listen carefully to teacher or adult in charge
·  Be considerate of others’ space

PAWS Rewards

To promote positive behavior, students will have the opportunity to earn reward points (PAWS Bucks) weekly for exhibiting appropriate behavior and following school expectations as outlined on the Howard Middle School Behavior Matrix. Homeroom teachers will track student behavior and reward good behavior with PAWS Bucks on Fridays.

Students may also earn PAWS Bucks when faculty and staff members witness students’ showing skills in handling problems, showing kindness to others, completing academic goals (CRCT, Benchmark, etc.), attendance, and keeping the inside and outside of the school’s grounds clean.

Students may redeem their PAWS Bucks on Thursday. The Paw Buck Cart is set up each Thursday in the lunchroom and students are able to use the Paws buck to purchase items on the cart. A list of all items for purchase is posted throughout the building.

Other PAWS reward activities are also planned throughout the year to reward students for exhibiting good behavior. These events will be held after the first, second and third nine weeks grading period. The reward activities will include participation in activities such as movies, board games, gym activities, art room, karaoke and party room.

Each student will be responsible for his/her PAWS Bucks. Lost bucks will not be replaced.

Guidance and Counseling

Guidance counselors serve to assist students with academic planning and personal growth. The guidance office is open to students throughout the school day. Students must have a counseling referral in order to see the counselor or to have an appointment scheduled. Counselors treat information about individual students with confidentiality. The counselor is available to help students with any problems.

Medical Information


Code section 20-2-771 of the official code of Georgia, section 18, states:

“No child shall be admitted to or attend any school or facility in this state unless the child shall first have submitted a CERTIFICATE OF IMMUNIZATION to the school official.” This certificate must be kept up to date and must be signed by a private physician or the Health Department. YOUR CHILD WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO ATTEND SCHOOL WITHOUT AN UP-TO-DATE IMMUNIZATION CERTIFICATE ON FILE. If you are entering a school in Bibb County from another state the Certificate of Immunization must be transferred to a Georgia Immunization form.

Student Illnesses

Every effort will be made to encourage students to remain at school when they complain of minor aches and discomforts. However, please do not send children to school if they are ill before the school day begins.

Students should not be sent to school if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

·  Fever over 100 degrees. Keep your child at home until his/her temperature is normal for 24 hours without Tylenol or ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin).

·  Vomiting or diarrhea. Keep your child at home until he/she has had no vomiting or diarrhea for at least 24 hours.

·  Frequent cough or a thick, runny nose that is not clear. Keep your child at home until his/her symptoms have disappeared or significantly decreased.

·  If a student is prescribed an antibiotic, please keep the child at home until he/she has been on the antibiotic for 24 hours and is without fever.

If a student develops any contagious symptoms during the school day, he/she will be required to return home. Parents should make sure their home, work, and cell phone numbers are kept current on their child’s emergency card. An emergency contact person should be listed in case the school is unable to reach the parent.


Faculty members may not dispense medication of any kind. Please do not ask the teachers or office staff to dispense Tylenol, antacids, cough drops or other over-the-counter medications to students. Students may request to see the nurse when available and will be treated only if a signed School House Consent form is on file. The School House Consent form only gives the nurse permission to give over the counter medication; this does not give the office staff permission to treat the student. Prescription medication should be brought to the office by the parent in the original container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or physician with the student’s name, medication, dosage and the time to be administered. If a child is required to take medication during the school day, either throughout the school year or for a temporary illness, a medical release form must be filled out and signed by the attending physician. Please contact the school office for a copy of this form. No prescription medication of any kind will be given out without this medical release form on file. We can not accept faxed copies or phone calls from parents authorizing administration of any medication. Students are not allowed to keep medication with them during the school day. All medications must be turned in to the office.