East Aurora School District
Athletic Handbook for Families
Athletic Office Phone: 687-2517
Athletic Office Fax: 687-2518
Athletic schedules also available in the EA Advertiser
The most accurate athletic schedule is found on
the District website. All others are posted weeks ahead of time and are subject to change.
Dates in this handbook are accurate as of
June 2014 and are subject to change.
Permissions slips must be submitted no later than one week prior to the starting date in order for an athlete to participate at the first practice.
2014 Fall starting dates:
Monday, August 18th at the high school @ 9 A.M.
v cheerleading
v boys’ & girls’ cross country
v girls’ JV & varsity field hockey
v JV & varsity football
v golf
v boys’ & girls’ JV & varsity soccer
v girls’ tennis
v girls’ JV & varsity volleyball
v boys’ varsity volleyball
v girls’ swimming
Tuesday, September 2nd @ 3:00 P.M.
v boys’ & girls’ modified soccer- Parkdale
v boys’ & girls’ modified cross country- High School
2014-15 Winter Starting Dates:
November 10th
v boys’ & girls’ JV & varsity basketball
v boys’ swimming
v varsity wrestling
v cheerleading
v Boys’ & girls’ modified basketball
v Modified wrestling
2015 Spring Starting Dates:
March 10th
v boys’ & girls’ JV & varsity lacrosse
v boys’ tennis
v boys’ & girls’ track
v JV & varsity baseball
v JV & varsity softball
March 16th
v modified track
2015 Fall Starting Dates (tentative)
v August 17th JV/Varsity sports
v September 8th modified sports
School Physicals (tentative)
v Fall 2014 Sports: Aug. 11th 9 am – 10 am
Aug. 18th 11 am – 12 pm
v Winter 2014-15 Sports: Nov. 3rd & 10th
v Spring 2015 Sports: March 2nd & 9th
*Selection Classification Application Deadline
v Winter 2014-15 - October 15th
v Spring 2015- February 10th
v Fall 2015- May 18th
*Selection Classification Fitness Testing
(Testing administered at the middle school-see phys-ed teachers)
v October 27th – 31st, 2014
v February 23rd – 26th, 2015
v June 3rd – 5th, 2015
*See “Selection Classification” on pg. 10 for additional information
Volunteer Coaching Application Deadline
(submitted to BOCES)
v Fall 2014- July 4th, 2014
v Winter 2014-15 - October 6th, 2014
v Spring 2015- February 2nd, 2015
v Fall 2015- July 3rd, 2015
East Aurora Athletic Policies
The East Aurora Union Free School District believes that the interscholastic athletic program is an integral part of the total education process. To insure this, the program is based on sound educational principles. Every activity sponsored and supported by a school must be considered a part of the total educational process. Athletics are an outgrowth of the District's physical education program. Through physical education, intramurals and athletics, the District offers all students a fair and equal opportunity to develop to a maximum their physical, mental and social potential. Athletics allow those students who have demonstrated a desire for further development the opportunity to participate on a higher level. To be an integral part of the educational process, athletics must follow the same goals and objectives that govern the physical education program.
A pupil shall be eligible for interscholastic competition only when he/she is a bonafide student enrolled during the first fifteen (15) days of the semester, registered in four courses including physical education, and has been in regular attendance 85% of the school time. A student must follow the eligibility policy as established by the East Aurora Board of Education. A student must be in attendance at school in order to participate at practice or events after school or in the evening. Students who are late to school must arrive in time to attend 5 classes. In no event should a student arrive past 12:00 noon. Lunch does not count as a class. Teams leaving for a contest prior to 5th period are exempt from the 5-period requirement.
Academic Requirements
Students’ primary responsibility is their academic performance. Work for a teacher, such as for homework/classwork, is the priority and comes before students’ participation in sports.
All students who participate in an interscholastic sport will be reviewed for eligibility every five weeks during the school year. Any student who is failing
two or more subjects during any five-week reporting period will have his/her individual case reviewed by his/her school counselor.
If a student fails two or more classes for two consecutive marking periods,
he/she will be ineligible for the next five weeks. Counselors will initiate a
case review but it will not be for the purpose of determining eligibility status.
If a student fails two or more classes during the 35th week marking period and final grade for the course, he/she will be ineligible for the first five weeks of
the next school year (beginning on the first day of classes). A student may attend summer school to make up his/her failing grades. In that case, the student will be eligible when the next school year begins.
If an athlete is deemed academically ineligible, and is interested in returning to his/her sport, the “15-second form” may be used prior to the computerized posting of grades. The student may pick up this form at the high school athletic office or middle school counseling office on the day the five-week academic period closes. The student takes the form to his/her teachers for their signature and then returns it within two school days.
If the student is failing less than two classes, the student will be given a copy of the signed form indicating eligibility to return to his/her sport that afternoon. Because the information obtained from the teachers on the 15-second form is preliminary, the grades on the computerized reports are the “official record” and will determine eligibility.
Extracurricular Eligibility Rules
Students must be able to meet the additional time and energy demands of
sport participation. Students must demonstrate appropriate maturity in terms
of being in control of themselves at all times. As role models, and as representatives of our school community, school club and/or sports participants have an extra level of responsibility.
Parents and students are urged to discuss the impact of the extra time and energy required to participate in extracurricular activities and the strict eligibility rules a student must follow to remain qualified for these activities.
Philosophy and Purpose:
The East Aurora Union Free School District recognizes that the misuse of tobacco, drugs and/or alcohol is a serious problem with legal, physical, emotional and social implications for the entire community. This is
particularly important with regard to extracurricular program participants where the physical and mental exertion required by the activity could magnify the detrimental effect of substance abuse.
In order to participate in any extracurricular activity, a student shall not
1. Use tobacco (which includes chewing tobacco & smokeless tobacco),
2. Use, possess, consume, be under the influence of, buy, sell, or give away, or causes to be given or sold any alcohol, marijuana or any controlled substance, or any substance represented as a controlled substance (a look-a-like).
It is not a violation for a student to use a legally defined drug prescribed for
the student's own use by his/her doctor. School policy requires that the prescribed medication be in the possession of the school nurse while in school.
Reporting of violations:
Reports of alleged violations coming from the individuals listed in 1-4 below, having personally witnessed the alleged violation, must be investigated. The witness must submit to the Principal a signed report outlining the alleged violations within three (3) business days of the incident in question.
1. Any District employee or School Board member,
2. Any adult acting as a chaperone or assisting with a school activity at the request of a District employee,
3. Any law enforcement officer or agency, or
4. A parent/legal guardian of the student involved.
Reports of alleged violations for persons other that those mentioned above must be made by the person witnessing the incident. Those reports must be documented and considered by the Principal. If the Principal determines that
the alleged violation is valid, the witness must submit a signed report to the Principal within three business days of that determination of validity.
If the District obtains knowledge of the conviction of a student in a court of law or an offense covered under Rules 1 or 2, the investigation procedure will apply with this conviction constituting a violation of these eligibility rules.
Upon report of an alleged violation of Rules 1 or 2, the Principal shall immediately provide verbal notice, followed by written notice, to the student and his/her parents/guardian that an investigation of the alleged violation is taking place. The reasons for the investigation and the possibility of suspension or removal from extracurricular activities will be included in the notice. The activity advisor and/or coach and Director of Physical Education, as well as the student's counselor, shall also be informed immediately. The counselor will meet with the student as soon as possible to determine if further intervention is necessary. The student and the student's parents/guardian will meet with the Principal and other staff, as appropriate, within two days following the initial notification of the alleged violation. Those attending the meeting will be given the opportunity to question the information upon which the alleged violation is based, and to submit additional information or explanations. Once the Principal makes a final determination in the matter, verbal and written notice will be given promptly to both student and parents/guardian.
Responses to Violations of Rules 1 and 2:
1. First violation- Upon determination of a first violation of Rules 1 or 2, the student shall be removed from participation in any and all extracurricular activities for a period of 8 school weeks.
2. Second violation- Upon determination of any subsequent violation of Rules 1 or 2 during that school year, the student shall be removed from participation in all extracurricular activities for the remainder of the school year, or 20 school weeks, whichever is longer.
In the event that the school year ends before the full eight (8) week removal (first violation) or the full twenty (20) week removal (second violation) is completed, the remaining removal weeks carry over to the next school year and the individual removed from participation remains ineligible until the removal period is completed.
The in-district appeal process (1 through 3 below) will be scheduled for completion within ten school days. Until the in-district appeal process in completed, a student's athletic suspension will be in effect.
1. The student and/or parents/guardian have the right to appeal any determination made by the Principal to an Appeals Committee. An individual
choosing to begin the appeal process will contact the Director of Pupil Personnel Services. The Director of Pupil Personnel Services will set up an Appeals Committee and designate a chairperson when requested by student or parent. This committee shall consist of a teacher, an activity advisor or coach, a counselor or school psychologist, and an administrator. All parties are entitled to be present and address the committee. The decision of the Appeals Committee shall be rendered promptly, and notice given to all parties.
2. The student and/or parents have the further right to appeal any determination made by the Appeals Committee to the Superintendent. During this and subsequent aspects of the appeal process, the student will not be allowed to continue participation in extracurricular activities.
3. Additionally, the Board of Education has the power to review the decisions of the Superintendent. Any party involved may contact the President of the Board of Education to arrange for such an appeal.
4. Finally, outside of the District procedures, an appeal may be made to the Commissioner of Education in Albany and/or the court system. Advice regarding these levels of appeal should be sought from a qualified individual.
Reduction of Suspension Time:
Students may request a reduction of first violation suspension time. A student may contact the Principal for more information about this option. A school/community service project (and/or other suitable activity), initiated and organized wholly by the suspended student, will be considered by a committee made up of the Principal, the activity advisor/coach, parent and a guidance counselor, school psychologist or school social worker. If the proposed project (or other approved activity) is approved by the committee, committee members will receive progress reports from the student, and will meet to determine the impact of the student's effort and the reduction of suspension time. (Administrative Regulation 7501R)
Bus Policy
Members of interscholastic teams are expected to be part of the team, traveling to and from scheduled events with the team and under the supervision of the coach. The district will provide a bus to all approved events outside the boundaries of the district. In very rare occasions, the Director will approve a team being transported by a 12-15 passenger van driven by the coach. Only team members may ride the bus. Other spectators and cheerleaders must have prior approval from the Athletic Director to ride the bus. Coaches will supervise and assume responsibility for these students while traveling with the team.
If a coach determines that his/her team will not use a district provided bus to travel to a contest outside the boundary of the district, only parent age adults or board approved EA coaches may drive athletes. Parental permission slips approving drivers must be submitted to the coach. After the event, players may ride home with their parents. The coach must personally meet the parents at the time of the request. Students may ride home from an event with another adult, if written permission is submitted to the coach prior to departure from the school. Students wishing to drive themselves or be transported by a driver under the age of 21 must receive approval from the Director at least 24 hours prior to the event. Students who do not return on the bus will not have access to the school building until the bus returns.
For any event where buses are provided, buses will pick-up/drop-off students only at the high school or Main Street building.