Our reference : SB/sabcDate : June 2017 / Headquarters
Melbourn ambulance station
Whiting Way
Tel: 0345 6013733
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Dear Colleagues,
Ambulance/Acute Project
I am writing to ask you to consider being involved in a project being spear-headed and piloted in the East of England, which is now ready to be extended nationally. The project originates from the Lord Carter report and is supported by the Clinical Reference Board. It is focussed on creating efficiency, whilst improving quality of patient care across organisations with shared benefits.
The project includes identifying products that can be used across both the ambulance and acute sectors with the purpose to reduce waste and usage within all signed up organisations. The project will also focus on improving the quality of care for patients across the organisational boundaries.
The pilots for the project will commence on 01 July between the East of England Ambulance Service (EEAST), Addenbrookes NHS Trust and Princess Alexandra NHS Trust with the focus on electrodes. EEAST has moved to a dual use electrode, multi-machine compatible that can be used by all organisations, thereby allowing the product to be used for the patients stay or up to 72 hours, therefore reducing waste.
The product has been part of a review by the Clinical Evaluation Team (CET) and the report will be available very soon.
We are asking for Trusts to consider transferring to this electrode to get the most benefit. We have developed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Trusts, with a sharing of efficiency at a ratio of 50:50 with any bespoke arrangements stated within an appendix document. In order to progress we would agree a baseline of usage and then monitoring would take place on a quarterly basis through the Procurement Hub.
The reason we have chosen this electrode, at this stage, is to test the concept. Our ambition is to look at a suite of products but this will require collaboration. In order for the project to be successful Trusts will be aware that EEAST is working with 19 organisations and a degree of transparency with a collective approach is required. The leadership and facilitation will be taken by EEAST in order to ensure a successful outcome. The financial modelling that has been carried out indicates an opportunity to make significant savings regionally to benefit all participating organisations. This modelling has yet to be validated and we will do this through the project.
We enclose the MOU for your perusal and Sandy Brown from EEAST will be the contact if you would like to discuss being involved in the roll out of the electrodes in the first instance. We also attach a copy of the project plan.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Mandie Sunderland Sandy Brown
Chief Nurse Director of Nursing and Clinical Quality/Deputy CEO
Nottingham University Hospitals East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust
NHS Trust
c.c. Ruth May, Executive Director of Nursing, NHSI
Chair: Sarah Boulton
Chief Executive: Robert Morton