EASE VFO Order Supplements—LSR
Issuing Supplement Orders
/ Once the order is submitted to CenturyLink and the status changes to Sent, you must issue a supplement order to make changes or cancel. You can make changes or cancel all the way up to the point at which the order changes to ProvisioningCompleted status.
Take the following steps to supplement an existing
Step / Action
1 / Search for the existing order that you want to supplement and view it.
Note: The instructions for searching are in the EASE VFO Search document.
2 / Click the Supplement ICON in the top right of the order to initiate the supplement.
Result: The Supplement Others box appears.

Note: You can also supplement an existing order by selecting Supplement from the Order tab drop-down menu.

Continued on next page

EASE VFO Order Supplements—LSR, Continued

Issuing Supplement Orders(continued)
Step / Action
3 / Once the Supplement Others box appears, select the proper Sup Type from the drop-down menu.
1 = Cancel
2 = Due Date Change (DDD Change)
3 = Others
Note: The version of the PON is pre-populated based on how many times the order has been supplemented.

Continued on next page

EASE VFO Order Supplements—LSR, Continued

Issuing Supplement Orders(continued)
Step / Action
4 / Use the following table to determine the next step.
If / Then
You issue a supplement to cancel the order (SUP1)
Note: Clicking the Cancel button discontinues the cancel request. / a)Click the Change button to continue processing the cancel.
Result: The order status changes to Pending Validation.
b)Click the Submit ICON to send the cancel order to CenturyLink.
Result: The order status changes to Sent status and finally Provisioning Complete once the cancel is processed.
You issue a supplement to ONLY change the due date (SUP2)
Note: Clicking the Cancel button discontinues the due date change. / a)Click the Change button to continue processing the Due Date change.
Result: The order status changes to Pending Validation.
b)Select a new due date and add remarks if necessary.
c)Click the Submit ICON to send the due date change to CenturyLink.
Result: The order status changes to Sent status.
You issue a supplement to change something other than the due date or in addition to the due date (SUP 3)
Note: Clicking the Cancel button discontinues the supplement request. / a)Click the Change button to continue processing the supplement.
Result: The order status changes to Pending Validation.
b)Make the necessary changes to the order.
c)Click the Submit ICON to send the supplement order to CenturyLink.
Result: The order status changes to Sent status and finally Provisioning Complete once the cancel is processed.
Note: If an ErrorCode List box appears, see the EASE VFO Order Entry and Error Correction document.


EASE VFO Order Supplements Version3, February 2011

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