IV.112101/Engr/CA- 23/2016-2017/385 Dated 17Sep 2016
1.Sealed tenders are invited on behalf of President of India from approved and eligible contractors of Assam Rifles and enlisted contractors working with other central Govt Dept/Org meeting eligibility criteria for selection of contractor for issue of tender for the following works. The applications shall be addressed to the Headquarters Inspector General Assam Rifles (East), Pin- 932553, C/o 99 APO:-
Ser/No / Name of work & Location / Estimatedcost / Earnest
Money / Period Completion
(a) / Provision of local purchase of engineer stores for maint of building of HQ IGAR (East) / Rs. 1,89,645.00 / Rs 3,800/- / 01 Month
2.Earnest money should be deposited alongwith with tender documents.
3.The last date for receipt of application is upto05Oct2016
4.Tender will be issued to suitable applicants wef05 Oct2016 from 1030 hrs after submission of a prepaid challan of Rs 500/- (Rupees five hundred only) in Government treasury as tender fee under account “0055 Police, Assam Rifles, Pay and Accounts Office (MHA). Laitumkhrah main Road, Shillong-03
5.The department reserves the right to reject or accept any tender including the lowest tender paper or application without assigning any reason.
6.For any queries/details required by the tenderer the under undersigned may be contacted to on any working day from 1200hrs to 1300hrs except on Sunday and holidays.
7.In case of earnest money, bidder should quote official e-mail ID and contract details of the issuing bank
8.Tender paper will be received upto 1200 hrs on20 Oct 2016 and will be opened on the same day at 1230 hrs at Engr Branch, HQ IGAR (East).
Lt Col
SO1 (Wks))
for Inspector General
Distribution :-
1.Mahanideshalaya Assam Rifles -You are requested to pub in
Directorate General Assam Rifles AR web site please.
(EDP Cell)
PIN - 793010
2.DGAR (Engr Branch), Shillong- 10
3.HQ IGAR(N)/IGAR(S), C/o 99 APO
4. All Ranges, ARTC&S/All MGARs and Wksp AR, C/o 99 APO
5.Notice Board
6.Work File
7.Office copy
8.A Branch-You are requested to details a board of officers for receiving and opening of tender on 20 Oct2016 at 1230h at Engr Br.
HQ IGAR (East)
PIN- 932553
C/o 99 APO
IV.112101/CA-24,25,26 & 27/2016-17/38617 Sep 2016
Dear Sir,
1. Sealed quotations are hereby invited for the following works/jobs:-
S/No / Name of Works / Estimated cost / Period of completion(a) / Repair/Maint of brick wall and changing CGI sheet roofing to building No T/SK/12 due to storm damage of HQ IGAR (East) at Srikona. / RS.63,543.00 / 01 Month
(b) / Repair/maint of path and brick wall near ORs married accn Type-II (Bldg No P/ARBN/2013/03) of HQ IGAR (East) at Srikona / Rs.74,938.00 / 01 Month
(c) / Repair/maint of toilet block including sanitary and plumbing fitting near adm block of HQ IGAR (East) at Srikona / Rs.92,125.00 / 01 Month
(d) / Repair/maint of brick wall to toilet block near FIU and Engineer branch of HQ IGAR (East) at Srikona. / Rs.39,283.00 / 01 Month
2. Quotation will be addressed to the SO1(Wks) Headquarters Inspector General Assam Rifles(East), C/o 99 APO.
3. Quotation will be accepted up to 1200hrs on 10 Oct 2016 and open on same day.
4. Rate quoted will be inclusive of all taxes, approved by the Govt of Assam.
5. Rate are quoted by the quotationer will stand valid up to 31st Mar 2017.
6. The payment will be made as per the bill submitted on completion work/supply.
7. Any alternation/overwriting should be initialed by the contractor or authorized representative of the contractor.
8.Quotation should be submitted in a sealed envelope duly superscripted in the given addressee.
9. The rate quoted should be in figures and words and should be inclusive VAT and any other tax.
10. The stores to be supplied near the store yard (Engr store) of HQ IGAR (East).
11. Irrespective of this what is mentioned in the specification, materials/all items to confirm to ISI specification or approved Company in vogue at the time of supply. Rejected stores will be removed at you risk and cost.
12. The quantity required may be increased/decreased at the time of placing work/supply order as desired by the purchasing officers.
13. The time allowed for materialization of the supply order/work order is 15 days or as may be specified in supply/work order.
14. SO1(Wks) reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation including lowest on without assigning any reason thereof.
15.In any case contractor failed to complete the work in stipulated period mentioned the the work order, penalty shall be imposed. The rate of penalty shall be decided by the under signed as per prevailing norms.
16.In case of earnest money, bidder should quote official e-mail ID and contract details of the issuing bank
Lt Col
For Inspector General
1. RandhirDebnath Silchar-06, Cachar (Assam).
3.KalayaniDebnathSonai road Silchar (Assam)
2.M/S Krishna Construction, Silchar -788007 Cachar (Assam).
3. M/s Raju Paul, Srikona, Silchar (Assam).
4.J B Enterprise SrikonaSilcharCachar (Assam)
5.National Enterprise (India), Rangirkher, Silchar (Assam)
6.HQ IGAR (N), HQ IGAR(S), C/o 99 APO.
7.All Sects, AR and All AR Bns.
8.All local contractor.
9.Office copy.
10.A Branch (Internal) - You are requested to detailed a bd of Offrs on the above dt forreceiving and opening of quotations.
11.Mahanideshalaya Assam Rifles -You are requested to pub in AR web site please.
Directorate General Assam Rifles
(EDP Cell)
PIN - 793010