European Aviation Safety Agency EASA Form 2Part-M Subpart F Approval

Competent authority: Application for initial grant

European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Application for change

Double-click, then check as appropriate

1. Registered name of applicant:
To complete a text box, right click the box, choose ‘TextBox Object>Edit’ then type your response.

2. Trading name (if different):

3. Addresses requiring approval:

4. Tel. Fax E-mail(s)

5. Scope of approval relevant to this application:

Complete page 3 for details. Use Shift+return to start a new line in the text box.

6. Staff number:

(a). The total number of staff employed by the organisation in order to comply with EASA Part M Subpart F.

(b). The number of contracted staff associated with the proposed approval.

Main Site: Additional site(s):
Please detail all additional sites

a) Employees a) Employees

b) Contractors b) Contractors

7. Regulation (EC) No. 2042/2003 specifies that an approval may be granted to an organisation which may be either a natural person, a legal entity or part of a legal entity. Would you therefore please include with this application confirmation of the legal status of your organisation and enclose a copy of your Certificate of Incorporation.

Date of Certificate of Incorporation

8 . Position and name of the (proposed*) Accountable Manager:

* ‘Proposed’ is applicable only in the case of a new Part-M Subpart F Applicant.

9. Signature of the (proposed*) Accountable Manager:

* ‘Proposed’ is applicable only in the case of a new Part-M Subpart F Applicant

10. Place 11. Date

Note (1) Address to send the application

European Aviation Safety Agency

Postfach 10 12 53

Cologne – Germany



Fax: +49 221 8999 0999

Note (2) on Fees Payable

For detailed information regarding the current fees and charges please refer to the EASA fees and charges Regulation which can be found on the EASA web site

In accordance with the current Fees & Charges Regulation applicants and holders of Agency approvals are required to supply a signed certificate from an authorised representative of the organisation concerned regarding the elements detailed below in order for the Agency to be able to determine the corresponding fee category. Please provide the following information


5700 Kg and below / State aeroplane manufacturer or group or series or type and/or the maintenance task(s)
A3 Helicopters / State Single engine helicopter manufacturer or group or series or type and/or the maintenance task(s)
A4 Aircraft other than A1, A2 or A3 / State aircraft series or type and/or the maintenance task(s)
ENGINES / B1 Turbine / State engine series or type and/or the maintenance task(s)
B2 Piston / State engine manufacturer or group or series or type and/or the maintenance task(s)
B3 APU / State engine manufacturer or group or series or type and/or the maintenance task(s)
COMPONENTS OTHER THAN COMPLETE ENGINES OR APUs / C1 Air Cond & Press / State aircraft type or aircraft manufacturer or component manufacturer or the particular component and/or cross refer to a capability list in the maintenance organisation manual and/or the maintenance task(s)
C2 Auto Flight
C3 Comms and Nav
C4 Doors – Hatches
C5 Electrical Power & Lights
C6 Equipment
C7 Engine – APU
C8 Flight Controls
C9 Fuel
C10 Helicopter –Rotors
C11 Helicopter –Trans
C12 Hydraulic Power
C13 Instruments
C14 Landing Gear
C15 Oxygen
C16 Propellers
C17 Pneumatic & Vacuum
C18 Protection ice/rain/fire
C19 Windows
C20 Structures
C21 Water ballast
C22 Propulsion Augmentation
SERVICES / D1 Non Destructive Testing / State particular NDT method(s)

End of form

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