ACP WGS [Type text] [Type text]

International Civil Aviation Organization
WORKING PAPER / ACP-WG-S/6 WP-0712/11/2014


6th Meeting Meeting of the Surface Datalink Working Group (WGS)

Exelis comments on WP03 AeroMACS SARPS Validation Report

Version Draft 0.2

Presented by the AeroMACS SARPS validation contributing partners


This document consolidates the outcome of the AeroMACS SARPs validation activities, which were undertaken by the different partners contributing to the SARPs validation.
In particular this report includes input from the testing activities of the two SESAR AeroMACS projects (Airbus, SELEX, Thales, INDRA, DSNA, AENA, NATMIG and EUROCONTROL), the FAA and NASA testing, the HITACHI testing and the ENRI testing.
This document provides a full list of AeroMACS SARPs requirements and for each of them it summarises the validation activities undertaken. In addition the report provides the references to other documents and reports which provide additional information for the relevant validation activities.
The ACP WG-S is invited to review the information in this paper, discuss and update as required the content and decide on the successful completion or document and agree on thethat the validation methods to be used to complete the validation of the AeroMACS SARPs is complete.

1.  AeroMACS VaLIDATION: Introduction and methodology

1.1  The AeroMACS data link is a customisation of a commercial 4G system: WiMAX, which is based on the IEEE 802.16 standard. WiMAX is a mature and validated system that has been in operation and supporting mobile communications in various countries for many years now.

1.2  The WIMAX (and the 802.16 standard) provide a multitude of capabilities, and they offer the possibility for selected features to be supported only in some networks. However as interoperability is a critical requirement for aviation, the aviation community has agreed in to the “AeroMACS profile” as defined in RTCA and EuroCae in order to facilitate interoperability. The AeroMACSSC profile is indeed specifying the minimum set of required (for aviation) features that need to be implemented in all AeroMACS implementations in order to support interoperability in a regional and global level for aviation.

1.3  Therefore, as AeroMACS is based on a system (WIMAX) already in operation, the validation of AeroMACS SARPs is focusesing ion the specific selected features for the AeroMACS profile, and is not covering the validation of all of the WIMAX (and 802.16 standard) the technology in general.

1.4  Following the discussions in the 5th WGS meeting as well as in other WGS webex meetings, this document identifies the validation activity undertaken for each of the AeroMACS SARPs, and provides a summary of the validation conclusions that can be drawn based on referenced validation activity.

1.5  Note: The SARPS wording and numbering is based on the draft SARPS version of October 16, 2014. If further changes will be introduced into the SARPs text, the validation report will need to be rechecked.

1.6  WGS has agreed that the AeroMACS SARPs Validation Report (VR) will be contain mainly four parts (sections) as described below:

1)  Introduction identifying the validation methods used and providing information for the contributing exercises

2)  A table providing the following information:

·  SARPs numbering and corresponding SARPs text

·  Validation method(s) applied for each of the SARPs

·  Identification of the contributor(s) contributing to the validation of the specific SARP

·  Summary of validation result with references as required to Appendices and other documents with detailed validation information.

3)  Conclusions of the overall AeroMACS validation based on the validation results reported in point 2 above and recommendations to WGS as appropriate,

4)  Appendices as required with the detailed validation information for the different SARPs (as referenced in point 2 above).

1.7  The sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this report cover the point 1 one above, section 6 covers the point 2 two above, and section 7 covers the point three above. and In addition, sSection 8 identifyinges the used report references and the appendices of this report covers the point 4 above.

1.8  WGS also agreed that it would be beneficial to provide a traceability of the various SARPs requirements to actual operational requirements and/or identify the rationale for the SARPs requirements. For this activity, the ACP secretariat will put together a traceability table using previously submitted material. As this material may not be ready for the discussion in WGS 6th meeting (covering this validation report), the traceability information could be incorporated in the AeroMACS Technical Manual that is under development in WGS.

1.9  For the validation of AeroMACS, WGS agreed to use the same approach as the UAT validation which is the system most recently introduced in Annex 10. In particular, the validation report of UAT ([1]) identifies 10 validation methods:

IA / Inspection using common knowledge / IT / Integration Test
IB / Inspection through use of prior analysis/documents / FT / Flight Test
A / Analysis / MN / Monitoring
S / Simulation / MD / Manufacturer’s Data
UT / Unit Test / NVR / No Validation Required (may include editorial inspection

Table 1: Validation Methods

1.10  WGS agreed to use the same validation methods as in Table 1 above. Reminder - To be completed later – Clarify if needed that all, or not all methods identified in Table 1 were used for AeroMACS. (for example not sure about FT or MN will be used in the end).

1.11  Overall there were 4 independent testing activities, which have produced material to support the validation of the AeroMACS SARPs: SESAR testing, FAA/NASA testing, HITACHI testing and ENRI testing. Sections 2, 3, 4 and 5 below provide an brief introduction to these testing exercises.

2.  AeroMACS testing in Europe: SESAR and SANDRA

2.1  In Europe, in the context of the SESAR Programme, there were two projects supporting the development of AeroMACS. Project P15.2.7 addressed the overall system aspects and focused on the ground system side and project P9.16 addressed the airborne side. In addition in Europe AeroMACS activities were also undertaken in the context of the EU project SANDRA (SP6 and SP7 subprojects).

2.2  In the two SESAR projects there were two prototypes developed by SELEX and THALES. In addition Airbus and DSNA actively participated in the extensive SESAR testing activities covering:

·  Laboratory tests: measuring in a lab environment the performance aspects of the AeroMACS profile, as well as investigating interoperability between mobile and base station units as well as between the different manufacturers.

·  Field tests: tests in real airport environment addressing both the ground and the aircraft segment of the AeroMACS data link.

2.3  For the AeroMACS prototypes, SELEX and THALES built different prototypes of both the Ground Station (GS) and the Mobile Station (MS) able to operate in the aeronautical C-Band (5091 – 5150 MHz). Additional information for the SELEX and THALES prototypes is provided in [2].

2.4  The table below gives an overview of focus areas and main partners involved in the lab and field tests within projects P15.02.07 and P9.16:

P 15.02.07 / P 9.16
Field test / THALES + DSNA / SELEX ES + Airbus
Toulouse airport / Toulouse airport
Focus on ground component of AeroMACS / Focus on airborne component of AeroMACS

Table ??: SESAR AeroMASC testing organization

2.5  Overall the P15.02.07 and P9.16 testing activities covered:

·  Measurement of AeroMACS performance by testing the GS with the MS originating from the same supplier in laboratories (controlled environment),

·  Interoperability evaluation of the AeroMACS prototypes, by cross-testing of GS with MS from different suppliers in laboratories,

·  AeroMACS assessment, by carrying out tests in a real airport environment (taking place in the Toulouse Airport and by installing the MS in cars and in an airplane and the BS on fixed locations).

2.6  Additional information for the SESAR testing set up, the testing objectives and the test cases is provided in the SESAR deliverables [3] and [4] <NF to add P9.16 deliverables>

2.7  The two SESAR projects are scheduled to be completed by February 2015 The last testing activities took place in October 2014 and the final reports (in particular from project P09.16) are still under development.

2.8  <NF to provide a couple of paragraphs about the SANDRA testing – To discuss with SELEX and DLR???

3.  FAA/NASA AeroMACS testing

3.1  TBC

3.2  Provide a short description of the US testing

4.  HITACHI AeroMACS testing

4.1  TBC

4.2  Provide a short description of the HITACHI

5.  ENRI AeroMACS testing

5.1  TBC

5.2  Provide a short description of the ENRI testing

6.  AeroMACS SARPS validation: Contributions Table

6.1  The table below summarises the outcome of the AeroMACS SARPS validation activities. For each of the SARP, the table provides the SARP number and text, identifies the validation method(s) applied for this SARP, identifies who has performed relevant validation activities and finally provides a summary of validation result with references as required to Appendices and other documents providing detailed information on the outcome of the validation work.

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ACP WGS [Type text] [Type text]

AeroMACS SARPS Validation: Methods used, Contributors and Summary Outcome

Numbering and Text / Validation method used / Validation contributing Partners / Validation conclusions/summary /
2.1.1 / AeroMACS shall conform to the requirements of this and the following chapters. / IA / SESAR, FAA,???, / Inspection only
Requirement is referencing other requirements. It is validated through the validation of the actual SARPs requirements
2.1.2 / AeroMACS shall only transmit when on the surface of an aerodrome. / IB / SESAR, FAA / This restriction aims to demonstrate compliance with the ITU assumptions and analysis for the allocation of the AeroMACS frequency band in WRC 2007. There has been some (limited) discussion about the possibility to use AeroMACS also while airborne, but unless new analysis is done to demonstrate the feasibility of such operations, AeroMACS airborne equipment needs to comply with this restriction.
This is a requirement on the avionics equipment and it is usually enabled with a weight on wheels switch. Note: the current prototypes developed for the validation of the standards have not implemented this requirement.
The EUROCAE AeroMACS draft MASPS include this requirement in section and the AeroMACS MOPS are expected to include this requirement in version 2 which is planned for 2015. Finally the realisation of this requirement is also part of the avionics standard (ARINC spec) which is under development in AEEC and is expected to include this requirement. It is also expect that spectrum organizations will not authorize mobile BS installations.
2.1.3 / AeroMACS shall support aeronautical mobile (route) service (AM(R) S) communications. / IB, A, S / SESAR / This requirement is derived from the ITU conditions for the allocation of the AeroMACS frequency band in WRC 2007.
The EUROCAE/RTCA AeroMACS MOPS and the EUROCAE draft MASPS include this requirement in section and 10.1 respectively.
Considering the frequency band of operations, AeroMACS will be supporting ATM, AOC and Airport communications impacting the safety and regularity of flights.
A and S:
In SESAR there were analysis and simulations of the capacity of the AeroMACS data link to support the communication exchanges of such applications. The SESAR Deliverable P15.02.07 D04 AeroMACS deployment and Integration Analysis provides in section 3 the outcome of these simulations and analysis for different size of airports ranging from very small airports (3 a/c movements per hours) to very busy ones (more than 100 a/c movements per hour).
2.1.4 / AeroMACS shall process messages according to their associated priority. / IB, A, S, UT / SESAR / IB:
The draft AeroMACS MASPS in sections 4.1.3 and 5.4 cover the AeroMACS mechanisms for handling priority. In addition a section in the AeroMACS Technical Manual will also cover the AeroMACS mechanisms to meet the QoS (including priority) of the supported applications based on the EUROCONTROL/AT4W Technical Note 14 (Service Flow Management and QoS Management in AeroMACS).
A and S:
In SESAR, there were analysis and simulations of the capacity of the AeroMACS data link and these are reported in the SESAR Deliverable P15.02.07 D04 AeroMACS deployment and Integration Analysis and the draft AeroMACS MASPS in section ????
Finally in SESAR there were also unit tests demonstrating the handling of messages according to priority and this is covered in the SESAR Deliverable 15.02.07 D10 Verification Plan and Report – Phase 2 (section A1.3.3.1)
2.1.5 / AeroMACS shall support multiple levels of message priority. / IB, UT / SESAR / IB:
AeroMACS can support different levels of message priorities in a flexible manner. Based on the analysis in SESAR, a 6 level priority scheme has been defined to satisfy the envisaged applications QOS requirements (see SESAR Deliverable P15.02.07 D04, section 3.3.3). A proposal to realise the envisaged priorities and QoS requirements will be included in the the AeroMACS Technical Manual (see above).
Finally in SESAR there were also unit tests demonstrating the handling of messages according to priority and this is covered in the SESAR Deliverable 15.02.07 D10 Verification Plan and Report – Phase 2 (section A1.3.3.1)
NF: to check how many levels of priority were checked in the SESAR testing
2.1.6 / AeroMACS shall support point to point communication. / S, UT / SESAR / S:
In SESAR, there were simulations of the capacity of the AeroMACS data link to support various point to point communications. The outcome of these simulations is reported in the SESAR Deliverable P15.02.07 D03.1 AeroMACS profile evaluation and validation in section 2.3.4 (TBC) and the draft AeroMACS MASPS in section and (TBC???).
In SESAR there were also numerous unit tests demonstrating the transmissions of point to point communications. The outcome of these tests is covered in the SESAR Deliverable 15.02.07 D10 Verification Plan and Report – Phase 2 (section A1.3, A2.1 and A2.4)
2.1.7 / AeroMACS shall support multicast and broadcast communication services. / IB / SESAR / The AeroMACS profile specifies the use of the Multicast Traffic Connections as the mechanism to support multicast and broadceast communications. However, currently there are no agreed test cases and this feature is not part of the WIMAX certification process and for this reason the support for multicast and broadcast services was not included in the AeroMACS MOPS.