Earthquake Newspaper Article Check List
Read your completed newspaper article and complete the check list below. Any areas you have not completed in sufficient detail needs to be expanded upon.
Does your article contain information about: / Yes / Partly / Nothe location of the epicentre – place and country and a map
Time and date
What happened during the earthquake including a photograph
Detailed information on the effects of the earthquake on the people including statistics
Detailed information on the effects on buildings and infrastructure
Detailed information on the effects on the economy
Detailed information on the short term response to the earthquake – (what people [Government, emergency services, Army, local people etc.] did up to one month after the earthquake)
Detailed information on the long term response to the earthquake – (what people [Government, emergency services, Army, local people etc.] did up to one month after the earthquake)
Earthquake Newspaper Article Check List
Read your completed newspaper article and complete the check list below. Any areas you have not completed in sufficient detail needs to be expanded upon.
Does your article contain information about: / Yes / Partly / Nothe location of the epicentre – place and country and a map
Time and date
What happened during the earthquake including a photograph
Detailed information on the effects of the earthquake on the people including statistics
Detailed information on the effects on buildings and infrastructure
Detailed information on the effects on the economy
Detailed information on the short term response to the earthquake – (what people [Government, emergency services, Army, local people etc.] did up to one month after the earthquake)
Detailed information on the long term response to the earthquake – (what people [Government, emergency services, Army, local people etc.] did up to one month after the earthquake)