Names: Period: Energy:


/ Poor / Fair/Middling / Good/Satisfactory / Very Good / Outstanding / Score/Level /
Eye Contact/Presence / No eye contact, limp or hostile body language, no connection. / Some eye contact, but often breaks. Body language iffy. Some connection w/audience. / Mostly good eye contact and some degree of confidence. There is decent connection w/audience. / Very good eye contact and presence. Speaker seems reasonably confident/comfortable. / Excellent eye contact and presence. Speaker exceptionally confident/comfortable in front of others.
Articulation/Enunciation / Mumbling or incoherent, can't hear or follow presentation. / Weak articulation, hard to hear & follow. A few ideas come through. / Good articulation, most words easy to hear & understand. / Very good articulation, can hear and understand almost all words. / Excellent articulation, at the level of a professional speaker.
Transitions/Word Choice / Poor transitions, stumbling, numerous "ums" "uh's" etc. Can't follow slides' logic at all. / OK transitions, a few "um's" and "uh's." Loses place more than once. / Good transitions, decent word choice. Loses place once. / Very good transitions, strong word choice. minimal break in flow. / Exceptionally strong transitions, no stops and starts, no break in flow. Word choice varied and interesting.
Content/Information / Information unclear or under-developed, very weak, almost impossible to follow. / Information is somewhat unclear, weak, or hard to follow. Narrative/info thread hard to discern, or is scattered. / Information is pretty clear, fairly strong, mostly well-presented. A couple vague/under-developed spots. / Information is strong, clear, and well-presented. Very nice through-line, pretty easy to follow. / Information is exceptionally strong, clear, and well-presented. Excellent through-line with no ambiguity.


ü  How energy works?

ü  Positive alternative to fossil fuels?

ü  Compare to campaign rivals?

ü  Geography conversation?

ü  Current technology and research?

PANEL Q and A:

SCORE: ______/10 points