
Cllr Steven Paterson (in the Chair)

Nicky Barr, Central Scotland Fire & Rescue

Gordon Samson, Central Scotland Police

Cathy O’Neil, NHS Forth Valley

Lesley Gallagher, Stirling Community Planning Partnership

Bob Jack, Stirling Council

Rebecca Maxwell, Stirling Council

Veronica Noone, Scottish Enterprise

Ros Moore, Scottish Government

Mike Cairns, TACTRAN

Gerry Power, Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise

Helen Geddes, Clerk

Peter Waughton, Audit Scotland, Observer


Paul French, Central Scotland Fire & Rescue

Ken Thomson, Forth Valley College

Linda MacPherson, Scottish Enterprise

John Rogers, Stirling University

Eric Guthrie, TACTRAN


Councillor Steven Paterson welcomed everyone to the meeting, introducing new Partner representatives. Apologies were as noted above.


The Note of the meeting held on 2 February 2011 was approved.


a) Internal Audit

The main actions, as a consequence of the audit, had been the responsibility of Stirling Council. Lesley Gallagher is working with Bill Scott, Manager, Chief Executive’s Office, Stirling Council on these audit actions, reporting to Governance & Audit in September 2011.

B) Review of Advice Needs & Provisions

Ken Thomson and John Rogers have now met and agreed that John Rogers will Chair the Strategic Partnership for Advice Services for an interim period in accordance with the findings of the Review. Stirling Council’s corporate representative on the Partnership will be Des Friel, Head of Economy, Employment & Youth.

The Strategic Partnership met for the first time last week. All partners agreed the findings of the Review and the establishment of the Strategic Partnership to progress implementation of the findings. Two further meetings were scheduled, with the Partnership due to complete its initial actions by end June 2011.


A verbal update was given by Gerry Power, Interim Chair of Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise.

He confirmed that Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise has now been established and the new Board has had two meetings to date.

The organisation’s new Chief Executive, Alistair Tollemache, takes up his post on Monday, 18 April 2011. It is envisaged that SVE will support the third sector to have effective representation on all Critical Partnerships. SVE itself will now be a member of EDG.

SVE have already met with the Scottish Government to discuss opportunities for joint working and over time, , increasing the financial support to the organisation.

Gerry Power advised that the organisation now has 183 members and is actively seeking to increase this.

It was agreed that Alistair Tollemache would be invited to a future meeting of the Executive Delivery Group.


Alistair Tollemache, Chief Executive of Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise is to be invited to a future meeting of the Executive Delivery Group.


a) Community Safety

A written report had been previously circulated to Executive Delivery Group members. This was noted.

The new Chair is now in place.

b) Environment

A written report had been previously circulated to Executive Delivery Group members. This was noted.

The Chair of the Critical Partnership has adopted a Programme Management model.

It was noted that development support was needed, the Environment Partnership being the only Critical Partnership without Stirling Council Policy Officer support.

c) Learning in the Community

No written report was available.

Lesley Gallagher advised that there are to be changes in the structure of this Critical Partnership in the near future. There is an awareness of potential duplication of effort with the Learning Alliance.

d) Healthy Stirling

No written report was available.

Lesley Gallagher advised that this Critical Partnership was now chaired by Kathy O’Neil, General Manager of the Community Health Partnerships for Stirling and Clackmannan.

Kathy advised that there is a draft Action Plan and the focus will be on a small number of key tasks.

e) Economic Partnership

No written report was available.

Lesley Gallagher advised that the Critical Partnership is now implementing its Action Plan and has two main sub groups- Tackling Poverty Sub Group and the More Choices, More Chances Partnership

Veronica Noone suggested that the reporting template could include the aim & objectives and membership of the Critical Partnership as well as the priorities for the next quarter. After a brief discussion, this was agreed.


The Critical Partnership reporting template is to be include the CP’s aim and objectives, membership and priorities for the next quarter.


A presentation was given by Rebecca Maxwell, Assistant Chief Executive, Stirling Council.

The presentation gave an overview of the Climate Change Scotland (Act) 2009 and the public body duties for Stirling Council and the Community Planning Partners.

Discussion took place of the possible minimum standards and possible joint action, sharing of knowledge, information and expertise.

Rebecca circulated a copy of Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration.

In response to a question from Bob Jack as to what was happening in other local authority areas, Rebecca advised that Fife, for example, was involved in a community engagement programme to raise awareness of climate change impact.

Stirling Council is ahead of other local authorities in homes audit and uptake of Climate Change Fund.

Acknowledging that this is a huge subject to tackle, it was agreed that there would be a Forth Valley-wide workshop at a future date. G5 would take the lead on this.


It was agreed that a Forth Valley-wide workshop on climate change impact at the future date, to be advised via G5.

EDG 158 COWANE STREET ACTION PLANNING (Stirling City Centre North)

Report by Assistant Chief Constable Gordon Samson had been previously circulated. This was noted.

The report sets out an outline business case and recommends that the Executive Delivery Group agree the establishment of a Strategic Group and Delivery Team within the Community Planning Partnership to champion, devise and implement an Action Plan that delivers positive interventions to an area north of Stirling City Centre, including Cowane Street.

The area has a range of well documented anti social behaviour issues.

It is recommended that a community and stakeholder survey be undertaken to achieve a benchmark of community safety perception.

It is envisaged that the action plan should be capable of implementation over a nine-twelve month period.


The Executive Delivery Group agreed:

·  to the establishment of the Strategic Group reporting directly to EDG through Central Scotland Police

·  to the establishment of the Delivery Team tasked to produce and implement an Action Plan by the Strategic Group

·  the importance of a period of community and stakeholder engagement

·  ‘in principle’ to support and resource implications arising from the Action Plan.


Lesley Gallagher had previously issued a partner agency internal corporate planning template to members of the Executive Delivery Group.

The template gives partner agencies the opportunity to set out their corporate planning priorities and how these align with the Single Outcome Agreement, including the budget provision for each priority.

Bob Jack stated that the Single Outcome Agreement objectives aided the decisions on creating Stirling Council’s strategic structure ie the creation of the posts of Assistant Chief Executives. A recent workshop involving Elected Members looked at a strategic plan for Stirling Council to 2014 and this is going to the Stirling Council meeting in June 2011.

Stirling Council has been able to put resources into the local economy eg two tranches of modern apprenticeships and training places.

The year 2014 is very significant for the Stirling Council area since it is expected that the Glasgow Commonwealth Games, the Ryder Cup in Gleneagles and the 700th Anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn will have a huge impact on the local economy. Stirling Council is keen to promote the 2014 Year of Homecoming as being around the Bannockburn theme.

Gordon Samson reported that Central Scotland Police have a 4 year budget planning cycle to 2014 and that there has been an amalgamation of operational resources.

There is a strong movement towards a single force for Scotland in 2013.

The Single Outcome Agreement is part of the assessment process. Work themes are based on a partnership approach.

Veronica Noone, on behalf of Scottish Enterprise, advised that there had been a 12% cut in the overall SE budget.

The priorities going forward are on renewables, growth companies (45-50 companies in the Stirling area) and the low carbon economy.

The Community Health Partnership under the management of Kathy McNeil will need time to absorb the Single Outcome Agreement. Kathy advised that the opening of the new hospital at Larbert and the establishment of Stirling Community Hospital together with the re-design of addiction services were priorities for the NHS.

Nicky Barr advised that the Fire & Rescue Service had a development plan based on a year to year basis. The Service is currently working with vulnerable and young people on fire prevention within the community.


Community Planning Partnership Budget

It was confirmed that Stirling Council supported interventions have now been mainstreamed.

There remains a fund of £150,000 residue from the Fairer Scotland Fund for transition funding of third sector organisations. It was proposed that the final criteria would be ready for May with a closing date for applications in June.

Bob Jack queried whether the Executive Delivery Group should be inviting bids or using surplus funds to support groups in need whose funding ended on 31 March 2011. Lesley Gallagher confirmed that she was aware of short term shortfalls within a number of organisation, and that the grant application procedure would seek to identify and support those organisations that were in genuine need.


Wednesday 8th June 2011 – 2-4pm, Wallace Room, Old Viewforth

Wednesday 7 September 2011 - 2-4pm, Wallace Room, Old Viewforth

Wednesday 26 October 2011 - 2-4pm, Wallace Room, Old Viewforth

Wednesday 7 December 2011 - 2-4pm, Wallace Room, Old Viewforth

Meeting closed at 16.00 hours