The Diocese of WestminsterAcademy Trust

Providence Way




Head Teacher: Ms A. Hanou

Tel: 01462 892478 Fax: 01462 892683 / E-mail:

Early Years Two Newsletter January 2017

Dear Parents

Welcome back to everyone in Early Years 2 and a Happy New Year! Thank you for all your generous Christmas gifts, we hope you have had a restful break. We said a fond farewell to Ms Bullwho leaves Early Years 2 but continues to work further up the school to cover teachers in other classess. Mrs Luckraft returns from maternity leave to teach in Early years 2 on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (if you are new to St. John's there is a bit more about Mrs Luckraft at the bottom of this letter!)

As we are starting a new topic, we thought it might be helpful to let you know about some of the activities the children will be taking part in this half term.

Our topic will be 'To the Rescue'. This will tie in with our whole school History Day, 'Castles & Knights' on Tuesday 31st January. More information about this separately. We will also be inviting the children’s own superheroes in for a thank you ‘tea party’ on Wednesday 8th February from 9am-10:30am. Look out for a lovingly created invitation for one special superhero in your child’s life!

Our topic will begin with a link to Superheroes. We will see how many we can name, role play rescuing various classroom characters, and complete lots of exciting challenges as superheroes ourselves!

If you have any books or other items related to superheroes or castles and knights then please do send them in with your child (labelled with their name, thank you!) Sharing familiar items linked to a topic is a great way for your child to develop their speaking and listening skills in a secure and encouraging environment and really helps to enhance the children's learning.

During Literacy sessions the children will use the topic to explore both fiction and non-fiction texts, with a particular focus on Traditional Tales. They will continue to learn how print conveys meaning and practise writing for different purposes (labels, captions, books etc.). Daily phonic sessions will continue with the class being introduced to reading and writing new sounds each day. The children will be introduced to the school library this term. We try to visit every week but this is only possible if there is a volunteer manning the computer. Our slot is every other Thursday starting 19th January. Please keep your child's books at home until it is our library day.

We aim to change the children’s library books on Thursdays and their reading books between two and three times a week. Please sign and date the diary when you have shared the reading book with your child.

Maths sessions will focus on number, including counting, writing and ordering as well as shape, space and measure. These are always hands-on practical experiences set within the familiar contexts of the inside and outside areas. The Maths Out and About booklet should give you some ideas to extend this learning at home.

Throughout the half term, we will make links to developing creative development through small and large scales 2D and 3D art work.

Personal Social and Emotional development continues to be a key focus of our learning. The children will reflect on what they have achieved and set new goals and aspirations for the year ahead. There is a homework activity related to this theme, so look out for that!

The children experience many different forms of technology. We have two Hudl tablets permanently in the classroom, as well as access to digital cameras, and new programmable toys and equipment such as remote control cars. We also use the computer suite, linking skills to our topic learning.

We hope that all your child's PE kit made it home to be washed before Christmas. The children are definitely getting better at keeping their clothes together, but inevitably we do end up with children wearing the wrong clothes or packing away another child's in to their bag. If all PE kit and uniform is named (socks and tights too please!) it makes mix-ups less likely. A reminder too that hair that can be tied back, should be tied back. Head lice are constant visitors to our classes and the best defense is to keep hair well groomed and tied back. Jewellery should not be worn, and earrings need to be removed or covered with micro pore tape on Fridays for PE. Studs are the only permissible earrings, for the safety of your child.

The children will continue to use the outside area for a range of activities. As the cold weather is still with us, please ensure that your child brings a warm hat and navy blue or black coat to school each day and that a navy blue or black waterproof remains on their peg.

We very much plan on a weekly basis, using our up-to-date knowledge of the children to help ensure we are always moving them forwards and engaging them with activities that are of interest to them. Please look out for the weekly parent information sheet for up-to-date details of what we are doing in school. On Friday 13th January you will find the new homework grid for this half term. Please make sure that your child's homework folder is in their bookbag each Friday. We have a quick turnaround so it would be really helpful if you could keep the folder just for the homework grid, sheets and stamp card.

Finally, space is limited in the classroom so we ask that only one keyring is attached to your child’s bookbag and that it is small and flat to ensure that they can all fit in their group box. Thank you.

Kind regards

Mrs Hales & Mrs Luckraft

Mrs Luckraft has taught at St. John's since 2004 in several year groups, moving in to Early Years 2 as class teacher and Early Years Leader in 2010. She has two daughters, Isla who is nearly three, and Jessica who is 10 months old.

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