Early Years Single Funding Formula (EYSFF) 2014/15
Local authorities were required to use a single local formula for funding the early year’s free entitlement in the maintained and private, voluntary and independent (PVI) sectors from April 2011. From September 2014 funding for 40% of the most deprived 2 year olds will also be funded using this funding formula.
Pupil Unit Rate for 3 and 4 Year olds:
The basic funding is an amount per pupil per hour, which varies by sector:
· Childminders - £3.42/hour
· Independent Schools - £3.37/hour
· Maintained Nursery Schools - £4.50/hour
· Maintained Primary Schools - £3.64/hour
· Nurseries/Pre Schools/LA Day Nurseries - £3.77/hour
Pupil number funding is based on actual FTE in each term. For the initial budget, estimates have been used based on the actual pupils in the previous three terms (Spring, Summer, and Autumn 2013) – these figures will be updated on a termly basis once the actual pupil numbers are known. Once these revisions have been made, a revised budget will be issued.
Pupil Unit Rate for 2 Year olds:
The basic funding is £5.09 per eligible 2 year old per hour, which is the same for all sectors. Funding will only be provided for 2 year olds where there has been an identified need and funding for each child agreed.
Deprivation Allocation:
There is a requirement from the government to include a factor within the formula that allocates some funding to 3 and 4 year olds though a deprivation factor. This factor is based on the postcode of the pupils attending the provider. There is not a deprivation allocation for 2 year olds because funding is already targeted at the most disadvantaged 2 year olds.
There are three different rates recognising the differing levels of deprivation:
1. If a provider has at least 80% of their funded 3 and 4 year old pupils attending the setting who live in a deprived postcode area then the provider will qualify for an additional allocation of 72p per funded hour pa.
2. If a provider has at least 60% of their funded 3 and 4 year old pupils attending the setting who live in a deprived postcode area then the provider will qualify for an additional allocation of 56p per funded hour pa.
3. If a provider has at least 40% of their funded 3 and 4 year old pupils attending the setting who live in a deprived postcode area then the provider will qualify for an additional allocation of 42p per funded hour pa.
Quality Allocation:
In order to incentivise improved quality an allocation for quality has been included.
The allocation has been distributed based on a flat rate of 11p per funded hour and is applicable for funded 2, 3 and 4 year olds.
SEN Department (Designated nursery class in maintained schools):
The designated nursery classes at two of the Maintained Primary Schools will continue to receive funding for their SEN departments. They will be funded on the basis of £10,000 per agreed place per annum. Each designated nursery class provides 7 (morning only) places for pupils with complex needs. In addition, top-up funding will be available if the costs relating to these pupils exceed the place funding.
Fixed Allocations:
For the Maintained Nursery Schools where there are significant overheads, a fixed allocation is provided to cover 50% of the leadership costs and funding for caretaking, bursar and administrative staff. In addition, an element of former school standards grant was added to the lump sum for 2013/14. The allocation is £88,661 pa per Maintained Nursery School.
As it is no longer possible to have a separate allocation for the former mainstream grants a lump sum allocation will be made to Maintained Primary Schools with nursery classes. A lump sum allocation of £7,350 pa per Maintained Primary School with a Nursery Class replicating funding previously allocated through a government grant.
Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG):
The MFG only applies to the base rate of funding which must not be more than 1.5% lower than the rate used for 2013/14. As no hourly rates have been reduced the MFG will not apply.