First Americans Study Guide

Early People - Define Key Terms

  1. Archaeology:
  2. Artifact:
  3. Environment:
  4. Hunter-gatherer:
  5. Ice Age:
  6. Nomad:
  7. Migration:
  8. Maize:
  9. Carbon Dating:
  10. Culture:
  11. Glacier:
  12. Paleo-Indian:
  13. Adapt:
  14. Agriculture:

Early People – Key Physical Features

  • Beringia:
  • Bering Strait:

Early People – Understanding & critical thinking Questions

  1. What is the most popular theory to explain the migration of the first Americans?
  2. How was it possible for prehistoric people to cross the Bering Strait?
  3. How did the Ice Age affect early migration?
  4. How did the discovery of Maize change the life of Native Americans in the southwest?
  5. How did the agricultural revolution change the way of life of Native Americans?

Cities and Empires – Key Terms

  1. Civilization:
  2. Theocracy:
  3. Hieroglyphics:
  4. Terrace:

Identify Early American cities and empires (Accomplishments):

  1. Olmec (1,500 BC – 300 BC):
  1. Maya (300 BC – 1,100 AD):
  1. Inca (1,100 AD –1572 AD):
  1. Aztec (1325 AD -1521 AD):
  • What were some accomplishments of the Maya?
  • What role did religion play in ancient civilizations?

North American Peoples – Key Terms

  1. Pueblo:
  2. Drought:
  3. Adobe:
  4. Federation:

Identify the Native North American Peoples:

  1. Pueblos and Cliff Dwellers (Anasazi and Hohokam)
  • Why did the Anasazi build their homes in the sides of cliffs?
  • What different methods did the Hohokam use to adapt to their dry climate?
  1. Mound Builder (Adena and Cahokia):
  • Why did some Native American groups build mounds?

People of the North:

  • ARTIC - Inuit – housing, food, clothing, artifact(s)

People of the West:

  • NORTHWEST - Tlingit, Haida, Chinook – housing, food, clothing, artifact(s)
  • CALIFORNIA INTERMOUNTAIN –Pomo, Ute, Shoshone – housing, food, clothing, artifact (s)
  • PLATEAU – Nez Perce, Yakima – housing, food, clothing, artifact(s)

People of the Southwest:

  • Hopi, Acoma, Suni – housing, food, clothing, artifact(s)
  • Apache, Navajo – housing, food, clothing, artifact(s)

People of the Plains:

  • Comanche, Dakota – housing, food, clothing, artifact(s)

People of the East and Southeast:

  • EASTERN WOODLANDS – Iroquois (5 Nations: Onondaga, Seneca, Mohawk, Oneida, Cayuga) – housing, food, clothing, artifact(s)
  • SOUTHEAST – Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw – housing, food, clothing, artifact(s)

Native North American – Understanding and critical thinking Questions

  1. How did Native Americans view their environment?
  1. What was the Native American view on land ownership?
  1. Why do you think so many Native Americans lived along the Pacific Coast of the present-day United States?
  1. What role does environment play in the development of a society?