Early Help Monthly Bulletin

August 2016

Welcome to the August Early Help Bulletin. Thank you for all your contributions. If you would like some information to appear in the September Bulletin please send it to by 27th August.

Useful information:

Threshold Launch Animation

Still in the City

A call out for parents and pre-school children 0-4yrs for upcoming performance project in September.

A useful video clip outlining the benefits of physical activity

Pandora Project is holding a

Domestic Abuse Networking Event

bringing together West Norfolk agencies
to promote collaborative working

Wednesday 14th September 2-4pm
Providence Street Community Centre

Agencies will have the opportunity to give a short presentation to share the following information:

  • An overview of what services they offer
  • How referrals can be made
  • What training they can provide to other agencies

Working together means that clients will benefit from our shared knowledge and signposting is easier when we know what’s available.

Confirm your attendance below and return to

Please pass this on to any other relevant agency.

Name / Job title and agency / Email address

If you are struggling with unmanageable debt, you do not have to face it alone. CAP provides a face to face, in home, free service for all people that helps you to become debt free. There is hope. The debt centre in Kings Lynn opens on April 18th.

CALL NOW to book an appointment: 0800 328 0006

You can also find more info at capuk.org


“Sleep …… What’s that ?”

Sleep East – pathway to sound sleep, a lifeline for families and groups

A FREE Sleep Counselling Workshop for parents/carers ofchildren with sleep deprivation to be held at

Alpha Inclusion,

The Turner Road Centre, Turner Road, Norwich NR2 4HB

Tuesday, 4 October 2016, 10 am - 12.30

Sleep East provides Sleep Counselling for all families and those who support

them. Our team specialises in support for parents/carers of children with

complex and additional needs.

Our Sleep Well, Live Well workshops covers the


The physiology of sleep

Why is my child not sleeping ?

Sleep information and strategies

Keeping a sleep diary

Developing a good bedtime routine

Maintaining a good sleep pattern

Plus - Everyone will be provided with a

comprehensive sleep information pack

As we have a limited number of places please reserve your place by emailing:



Company Number 9369678

Shelf Help Collection-young people’s mental health (and of interest to others)

Although developed for young people, this will be of wider interest. TheShelf Help Collectionis a new national initiative in all of Norfolk’s public libraries. Supported by Norfolk County Council Public Health services. It is essentially a list of 35 books, selected by mental health specialists and recommended by young people, to help cope with the pressures of life, feel better and boost confidence.

The scheme is an extension of the successfulReading Well/Books on Prescription schemesfor adults with mental health problems and people with dementia and their carers. TheShelf Help Collectionisto support young people aged 13 -18 and their friends and families dealing with mental health problems and to raise awareness of common issues, including advice and information about anxiety, stress andObsessive Compulsive Disorder(OCD), and difficult experiences like bullying, body image and exams.

All of the Shelf Help books are now available and can be borrowed by young people, their friends, parents or carers, and professionals and any interested people from all of Norfolk’s libraries. See here for thelink to the Shelf Help Collection on the Public libraries catalogue.Young people under 18 can request that any book in the County is sent to their local library or mobile library, free of charge, to be picked up by them.

Health professionals, like GPs and school nurses, can also recommend the books as a way of supporting young people experiencing pressures in their day to day lives, as well as with specific issues. You can print off a page of the attachedleafletas a reminder of the titles.

If you would like a supply of the Shelf Help leaflets, or further information, contactKirsten Francis, Manager - Schools and Young People's Library Services,Norfolk County Council Library and Information Servicee-mail:l: 01603 222 266

Helping Norfolk’s Children and Young People Find the Strength

Victim Support Domestic Violence and Relationship Abuse Project

Who is it for?

  • Children and young people (aged 4 – 18 years) affected by domestic abuse
  • Children and young people (under 18) who have/are experiencing an abusive relationship

What areas do we cover?


What support do we provide?

  • Individual and/or group sessions based on the child’s needs, which may include the following:
  • Advocacy - such as liaising with schools about behaviour or attendance issues
  • Emotional support - coping with the impact of domestic abuse / relationship abuse
  • Practical help – such as safety planning
  • Signposting and linking the child/young person with positive activities within their community
  • Helping the child / young person to recognise and understand what makes a relationship unhealthy / abusive

How can I refer?

You must have consent from the family (or child if aged 13 or above) to make a referral and for the project to contact them. Referrals will be taken over the phone to ensure the correct information is obtained.

Please note: Due to a high case load we will only take referrals for the priority child within a family of more than one, we cannot except referrals for more than one child per family at this time

  • Contact Kara Shingleton(Central, South Norfolk) on 01603 756852 or
  • East Norfolk: Jules Johnston (East and North Norfolk) on 07939 944300 or
  • West Norfolk up to Wells: Jules Johnston (Temporary West Norfolk) on 07939 944300 or