The Crosby Chronicle
2017-2018 The Newsletter of Roy H. Crosby Public School January
in our SCHOOL
French Immersion registration will take place from January19- February9, 2018
Information sessions for the French Immersion (FI) program will take place atFrench Immersion schoolson January 18, 2018at 7 p.m.FI registration will begin January 19, 2018. In order to streamline the registration process, parents or guardians of Senior Kindergarten students entering Grade 1 in 2018, andwishing to enrol in the FI Program, canvisit or call their homeschool office (where your child currently attends) and request an Office Index Card - short version. The Office Index Card must be signed by the principal of the home school.Parents or guardians thentake this form, along with one piece of identification showing their address toyourdesignated French Immersion schoolto register between January19and February 9, 2018. This eliminates the need to provide duplicate enrolment information or to pre-register.
Families registering students who do not currently attend a YRDSB school will need to completefull registration paperworkat their designatedFI school.Information required for registration includes:
- Proof of child’s age (Birth Certificate/Passport)
- Any legal documents related to custody arrangements if applicable
- Proof of Residency of the student- two documents, one from each of the categories below showing the home address;
- Category A - notice of tax assessment, current rental/lease agreement, agreement to purchase including proof of purchase provided before the pupil attends the school, or property tax bill, and
- Category B - utility bill, bank statement or other official document.
YRDSB’s FI Accommodation Planprovides long-term consistency and equity of access to all students in York Region and will enable YRDSB tocontinue to offer the FI program to all who wish to enrol.TheFI program will be offered inDual Track or Single Track settings, in a variety of configurations.In order to meet community needs and optimize available space in our schools, a community's Grade 1-8 FI program may be provided over more than one school during the course of a student's FI education.This will allow flexibility in addressing community needs and the opportunity to use existing space in schools.Please note: Some of the FI accommodation plans will require facility modifications or the development of new schools and will require short-term transition plans that might include overflow while we work toward the long-term vision.Overflow refers to situations in which the Board directs students to attend a school other than their community school or optional program for a specific period of time, as defined inPolicy #108.
Kindergarten Registration to Commence January 19, 2018
Kindergarten registration will commence on January 19, 2018 for the 2018-19 school year. Registration forms are available on YRDSB’s website: Children who turn four or five years old during 2018, live within the school boundary and whose parents are public school tax supporters will be eligible to register for kindergarten. A kindergarten information session for parents is being planned for this spring. For more information, please visit the YRDSB website or contact your local school.
All students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 are expected to go out for every recess unless the principal or vice-principal decides that weather conditions are so poor that it would be detrimental for them to be outdoors. Students are to come to school ready for winter and prepared to be outdoors up to 40 minutes after lunch. We always monitor the weather and, in extreme conditions e.g. wind chill; we keep the students indoors or shorten the recess breaks.
We often receive requests from parents asking us to keep their children indoors during recess times because they are not feeling well. Unfortunately, we do not have the staff or facilities to supervise students who are sick or still recovering from an illness. Students with heavy colds, etc., which are serious enough to prevent them from participating in physical education, recesses or other outdoor activities, should remain at home until their condition improves. This will likely benefit the students concerned and prevent the spread of this illness to others.
Please make sure that your children are dressed properly for our invigorating winter days. It is advisable for students to bring extra pants and socks. A change is often necessary due to the wet and cold weather of the winter months. To avoid adding to our clothing collection in the Lost and Found, please be sure to label all articles of clothing. Boots, hats, mitts/gloves, scarves, and snow pants for the younger children will help make recess an enjoyable time.
School Assistant Needed
Roy H. Crosby requires one paid school assistant to supervise the students while they eat and play outside during the lunch hour from 12:25 until 1:25.
Please contact the school office for more information 905-294-2910.
On occasion, service cancellation due to inclement weather conditions may be required. A decision to cancel school bus transportation may be system wide (where all buses in York Region are cancelled) or municipality specific (where buses in one or more municipalities are cancelled). Parents, students and school staff are asked to access local radio and television stations after 6:00 a.m. to receive bus cancellation information. A bus cancellation message will also be available at:
Roy H Crosby website and school phone system; YRDSB website; and
Something to keep in mind:
If buses are cancelled in the morning, they will not operate in the afternoon. Therefore, students
transported to school by parents will require the same transportation home at 3:05 p.m.
Student TransportationServices puts student safety first, and thanks you for your cooperation and understanding as they continue to work to improve the service levels to our schools and students.
On an inclement weather day, no student is marked with an absence.
There are no pizza or sub arrangements, so students need to bring a lunch.
All special events including field trips, clubs and teams as well as tests are cancelled.pcomingnts
Upcoming Events
1 School Council Movie Night
2 PA day no school for students
13 Term One report cards go home
19 Family Day-No school
28 ROAR 8:40 am