Title of Post: Senior LecturerinBusiness


Responsible to: Programme Leader: Business and Enterprise


To be responsible to the Programme Leader for the delivery of programmes and courses in Businessand Enterprise and, working within the overall policies set by BGU, ensure the maintenance of high academic and professional standards and the quality of the learning experience offered to students.


  1. To assist the Programme Leader by contributing to the design, development and administration of programmes within Business and Enterprise, including the preparation of documentation and management of designated modules where required so as to ensure that provision remains current and conforms to best practice in matters of course design, teaching and learning methodology, and assessment.
  1. To contribute to the delivery of Business and Enterprise programmes incorporating a range of delivery techniques and methodologies, including supporting external visits to related organisations.

3.To participate in the assessment of students by ensuring that appropriate assignments and examinations are set, marked and moderated in accordance with validated programme documents and University assessment procedures.

4.Within the established framework, to participate in the monitoring of student progression and achievement, maintaining, in association with the Academic Registry and departmental administrators, appropriate records of students’ progress and providing reports on individual students as required.

5.To provide appropriate support and advice to students.

5.To engage in the marketing and promotion of courses and programmes in Business and Enterprise in order to attract applicants of high calibre and achieve recruitment to target.

6.To participate in the recruitment, selection and admission of students.

7.To participate in the gathering and analysis of evidence relating to the standards and quality of provision in Business and Enterprise, and participate in the preparation of reports as required by the University’s agreed procedures in respect of annual monitoring and the periodic review of programmes.

8.To assist the Programme Leader by contributing to preparations for inspections and other external quality assurance processes, including the provision of relevant documentation.

9.To undertake a programme of research, publication and scholarly activity in a relevant discipline commensurate with the responsibilities of the post.

10.To seek opportunities for, and engage in, income generation activity.

11.To seek wider opportunities for students through the development of links with business, government agencies, and the community.

12.To participate in external activities and establish networks through membership of subject and professional associations and liaison with other institutions and organisations.

13.To participate in the wider academic and professional life of the University through membership of committees, working groups, and examination boards, and through attendance at other events.

14.To participate in appropriate training and staff development, including undertaking the team coach for educators development programme.

15.To undertake any other duties that may reasonably be required.


16.To agree objectives and targets with the Line Manager and participate in the staff appraisal process.

17.To provide written reports on activity as requested.


18.To discharge all relevant health and safety responsibilities.


19.To maintain professional standards in relationships, including non-discriminatory practices.

20.To adopt a client-centred approach and to deal promptly and considerately with members of the public, staff and students.


Programme Leader

Members of the Business and Enterprise team


The post-holder must operate within the University’s guidelines, procedures and regulations related to academic affairs.

The post-holder must operate within the University’s Financial Regulations, Diversity and Equality Policy and other relevant University policies.



Core / Supplementary
Qualifications and Special Training / A completed Doctorate in Business, Enterprise or related discipline.
A record of relevant research and publication on track for submission to the next REF. / Submission to previous research assessment exercises.
Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy.
A professional coaching or team coaching qualification.
Relevant professional qualifications and/or professional body memberships.
Knowledge and Skills / Specialist knowledge in the disciplines of Business and Enterprise, in particular in areas of economics, finance, business management, enterprise start-up, design thinking
A broad-based understanding of enquiry led pedagogic approaches.
A sound understanding of, and ability to work, creatively and effectively with teams.
Excellent planning, teaching and assessment skills.
Good IT skills. / Additional specialist knowledge and skills which are of benefit to the wider activities of the institution, such as research and other income capture, external networking and partnership building.
Experience of business development and start-up
Experience / Successful teaching experience in the UK higher education sector.
Experience of, and commitment to, working with learner-centred, enquiry-based and practice led pedagogic approaches.
Decision-making and problem-solving in an operational setting.
Successful experience of developing high quality learning support materials using a variety of media. / Successful HE course development experience (at module or programme level).
Coaching or mentoring experience.
Experience of bidding for and undertaking externally-funded applied research and consultancy projects.
Personal Attributes / Conscientious, flexible, enthusiastic, and self-motivated.
Ability to organise self and others to maximise effectiveness.
Positive contributor to team working situations.
Innovative, practical, problem solving approach.
Client-centred: willing to offer help and support; approachable.
Keen to develop personal expertise in new areas.
Loyal, committed to the success of the University, and willing to work hard to achieve it.
Excellent interpersonal skills. / Prepared to develop personal expertise in teaching and learning through formal training opportunities if appropriate.