Early entry information
Estimated entries - June 2019
Please submit by10 October 2018
Centre name / Centre numberCompleted by (name) / Date
Please return toEntries Department
Devas Street
M15 6EX
Tel 0161 455 5482
Contents / Page- Notes
- AS and A-level
- Extended Project, AQA Certificate andFunctional Skills
Why submit estimated entries?
If you plan on entering students for any of the subjects listed in this book, you must submit estimated entries to us.
We use estimated entry data for processes that take place outside of the normal examination window and at a time before we have actual entry data.
The main processes are:
- recruiting the necessary number of examiners to mark the exams
- printing the right number of exam papers
- sending you early exam materials that you and your students need
- ensuring the assignment of a visiting examiner/moderator for components that involve a centre visit
Accurate forecasting enables us to provide you with a more efficient and economical service.
How to submit estimated entries
The easiest way to submit estimated entries is via e-AQA (aqa.org.uk/log-in).
e-AQA has advanced features available to help you, such as the ability to 'copy' your actual entry information from the previous year into the estimated entry section.
- Estimated entries are completely free of charge and do not commit your school or college in any way.
- All figures you provide will be regarded as provisional at this stage.
- You do not need to inform us about minor adjustments to your figures.
- If you decide to enter students for any additional subjects/units, please inform our Entries section either via e-AQA or to soon as possible.
If you wish to use this booklet to submit your estimates:
- Please provide your centre name and five digit centre number on the front cover
- Indicate, in the end columns on the following pages, the number of students you expect to enter for each subject/unit
- Once completed, we recommend that you make/retain a copy of it for future reference before returning it (by email or by post) to the address on the front page.
Estimated entries (June 2019) / Page 1 of 9
AS and A-level
June 2019 / Code / Estimated number of candidates
Art and Design
AS level Art, Craft and Design / 7241
AS level Fine Art / 7242
AS level Graphic Communication / 7243
AS level Textile Design / 7244
AS level 3-D Design / 7245
AS level Photography / 7246
A-level Art, Craft and Design / 7201
A-level Fine Art / 7202
A-level Graphic Communication / 7203
A-level Textile Design / 7204
A-level 3-D Design / 7205
A-level Photography / 7206
AS / qualification / 7131
A-level / qualification / 7132
Computer Science
AS / qualification (any option) / 7516
A-level / qualification (any option) / 7517
AS / qualification / 7236
A-level / qualification / 7237
Design and Technology – Fashion and Textiles
AS / qualification / 7561
A-level / qualification / 7562
Design and Technology – Product Design
AS / qualification / 7551
A-level / qualification / 7552
Drama and Theatre
A-level / qualification / 7262
AS / qualification / 7135
A-level / qualification / 7136
English Language
AS / qualification / 7701
A-level / qualification / 7702
English Literature A
AS / qualification / 7711
A-level / qualification (any option) / 7712
English Literature B
AS / qualification (any option) / 7716
A-level / qualification (any option) / 7717
AS / qualification (any option) / 7651
A-level / qualification (any option) / 7652
General Studies A (outgoing modular specification - final resit)Specification code 2760
A2 / Unit 4Science and Society / GENA4
AS / qualification / 7036
A-level / qualification / 7037
AS / qualification (any option) / 7661
A-level / qualification (any option) / 7662
AS / qualification / 7161
A-level / qualification - Contract option / 7162A
A-level / qualification - Human Rights option / 7162B
AS / qualification / 7356
A-level / qualification / 7357
Further Mathematics
AS / qualification - Discrete and Statistics option / 7366DS
AS / qualification - Statistics and Mechanics option / 7366SM
AS / qualification - Mechanics and Discrete option / 7366MD
A-level / qualification - Discrete and Statistics option / 7367DS
A-level / qualification - Statistics and Mechanics option / 7367SM
A-level / qualification - Mechanics and Discrete option / 7367MD
Media Studies
AS / qualification / 7571
A-level / qualification / 7572
Physical Education
AS / qualification / 7581
A-level / qualification / 7582
AS / qualification / 7151
A-level / qualification / 7152
Religious Studies
AS / qualification (any option) / 7061
A-level / qualification (any option) / 7062
AS / qualification (any option) / 7691
A-level / qualification (any option) / 7692
Estimated entries (June 2019) / Page 1 of 9
Extended Project, AQA Certificate andFunctional Skills
June 2019 / Code / Estimated number of candidates
Extended Project (Level 3)Specification code 7993
EPQ / 7993
Personal and Social EducationSpecification code 5800
Award and Certificate / 5800 / See below
Early entry information for the AQACertificate in Personal and Social Education (5800) cannot be submitted using e-AQA or this form. Please see the Administration section of subject page for further details
Functional Mathematics Level 1Specification code 4367Written paper / 4367
Functional MathematicsLevel 2Specification code 4368
Written paper / 4368
Estimated entries (June 2019) / Page 1 of 9
June 2019 / Code / Estimated number of candidates
Art and Design
GCSE Art, Craft and Design / 8201
GCSE Fine Art / 8202
GCSE Graphic Communication / 8203
GCSE Textile Design / 8204
GCSE 3-D Design / 8205
GCSE Photography / 8206
GCSE qualification / 8132
Computer Science
GCSE qualification / 8520
Design and Technology
GCSE qualification / 8552
GCSE qualification / 8261
Food Preparation and Nutrition
GCSE qualification / 8585
GCSE qualification / 8035
GCSE qualification (any option) / 8145
Media Studies
GCSE qualification / 8572
GCSE qualification / 8271
Physical Education
GCSE qualification / 8582
Religious Studies Short Course
GCSE qualification (any option) / 8061
Religious Studies A
GCSE qualification (any option) / 8062
Religious Studies B
GCSE qualification (any option) / 8063
GCSE Biology (any tier) / 8461
GCSE Chemistry (any tier) / 8462
GCSE Physics (any tier) / 8463
GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy (any tier) / 8464
GCSE Combined Science: Synergy (any tier) / 8465
Estimated entries (June 2019) / Page 1 of 9