Early Childhood Education Pathway Table 1.Comparison of Performance Documentation Across ECE Courses

ECE I Integrated Model (Curriculum & Lab) (Year Long)
PO #’s / ECE 1 A Model (Semester)
PO #’s / ECE 1 B Model (Semester)
PO #’s / ECE I
1-A & 1-B
Performance Objectives / ECE II (Semester or Year Long)
PO#’s / ECE II
Performance Objectives
1 / 1 / 1 / Identify problem behavior and demonstrate management solutions. (1.02) / 1 / Identify problem behavior and demonstrate management solutions. (1.02)
2 / 2 / *** / Draft or evaluate a DAP learning environment. (1.04) / ***
3 / 3 / *** / Create and implement a DAP weekly lesson plan. (2.01.c) CDA Resource Collection I-3 *CDA pg. 13 / ***
4 / 4 / 2 / Create and implement a DAP language/literacy activity. (2.02.a) CDA Resource Collection II-2 *CDA pg. 13 / ***
5 / 5 / 3 / Create and implement a DAP math activity. (2.02.b) CDA Resource Collection II-9 *CDA pg. 13 / 2 / Create and implement a DAP fine motor (indoor) activity. (2.02) CDA Resource Collection II-4 *CDA pg. 13
6 / 6 / 4 / Create and implement a DAP creative art activity. (2.02.c) CDA Resource Collection II-3 *CDA pg. 13 / ***
7 / 7 / 5 / Create and implement a DAP science/sensory activity. (2.02.d) CDA Resource Collection II-1 *CDA pg. 13 / ***
8 / 8 / 6 / Create and implement a DAP music and movement activity. (2.02.e) CDA Resource Collection II-5 *CDA pg. 13 / 3 / Create and implement a DAP large motor (outdoor) activity. (2.02) CDA Resource Collection II-5 *CDA pg. 13
9 / 9 / 7 / Create and implement a DAP activity that builds social skills. (2.02.f) CDA Resource Collection II-8 *CDA pg. 13 / 4 / Create and implement TWO DAP activities that build emotional skills and improves self-concept. (2.02.f) CDA Resource Collection II-6, II-7*CDA pg. 13
10 / 10 / 8 / Identify and demonstrate appropriate sanitation techniques. (3.01.d) / 5 / Identify and demonstrate appropriate sanitation techniques. (3.01.d)
11 / 11 / *** / Compare the types of early childhood education programs. (4.01) / ***
12 / 12 / *** / Identify the name and contact information for the agency responsible for regulating Child Care centers in Utah. Identify and/or print the licensing rules for ratios and personnel requirements. (4.02) CDA Resource Collection VI-1 *CDA pg. 14 / 6 / Identify and practice 10 Utah State Licensing Rules for early childhood education centers. (4.02)
13 / 13 / *** / Create or update a personal resume. (5.01) / ***
ECE I Integrated Model (Curriculum & Lab) (Year Long)
PO #’s / ECE 1 A Model (Semester)
PO #’s / ECE 1 B Model (Semester)
PO #’s / ECE I
1-A & 1-B
Performance Objectives / ECE II (Semester or Year Long)
PO#’s / ECE II
Performance Objectives
14 / *** / 9 / Compile the following CDA Resource Collection items. (5.03) *CDA pgs. 12-14
  • Weekly Menu CDA Resource Collection I-2 *CDA pg. 12
  • Bibliography of Developmentally Appropriate Children’s Books CDA Resource Collection III *CDA pg. 13
  • Legal Requirements for Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect CDA Resource Collection VI-3 *CDA pg. 14
/ 7 / Compile the following CDA Resource Collection items. (5.04) *CDA pgs. 12-14
  • CPR and First Aid Training(optional)CDA Resource Collection I-1 *CDA pg. 12
  • Family Resources Guide (Family Counseling CDA Resource Collection IV-1, Translation Service CDA Resource Collection IV-2, Children with Disabilities CDA Resource Collection IV-3, Child Development Resources CDA Resource Collection IV-4 *CDA pg. 14)
  • Compile THREE samples of Record Keeping Forms (Accident Report, Emergency Form, Completed Observation) CDA Resource Collection V *CDA pg. 14
  • Create a list of TWO Early Childhood Associations CDA Resource Collection VI-2 *CDA pg. 14

15 / *** / 10 / Write a statement of competence for Standards I, II and III.(5.03) *CDA pg. 15-16 / 8 / Write a statement of competence for Standards IV, V, and VI.(5.04) *CDA pg. 15-16
16 / 14 / 11 / Keep an ongoing log of CDA Professional Education and Work Experience hours (5.03) *CDA pg. 8-10 / 9 / Keep an ongoing log of CDA Professional Education and Work Experience hours (5.04) *CDA pg. 8-10