
Hong Kong and its Neighbours


Varieties of English in Hong Kong

Key Stage 2 Learning Targets

To develop an ever-improving capability to use English

~ to converse about feelings, interests, preferences, ideas, experiences and plans(I.D.b.)

~ to interpret and use given information through processes or activities such as

describing, comparing and explaining, drawing conclusions; and to follow instructions (K.D.b.)

Programme Outline

Joe and his cousin, Jenny,a director, have to take care of two overseas performers, Peter and Diana. Peter is an Americanmagician. He speaks American English. Diana, a British singer, speaks British English. Although they donot like each other, they have to stay in Jenny and Joe’s home before doing a show. At first, Peter and Diana find it hard to talk to each other because they speak different English. They have different names for things. They argue about the names of food they eat, the names of things theysee. However, they become friendsin the end.Why? Do you think you can understand their English?

Communicative functions

1. Express basic needs and wants

2. Draw attention to people and things and describe them briefly

3. Ask for and give explanations

Suggested Activities

1. Introduce to the class two nations, the United States of America and Britain. Teacher may bring a world map, pictures of theAmerican and British flags and famous landmarks to facilitate pupils’ understanding of the places.

2. Introduce the programme and the characters, Peter and Diana. Explain to the class that the American and British people speak different English in terms of the choice of words. They have different namesfor some things.

3. Askpupils to look for and listen to the namesof things while watching the programme.

4. Draw pupils’ attention to the way Peter and Dianaintroduce themselves. Tell pupils that they can learn how to ask questions to find out a person’s identity.

5. There are Part 1a, 1b and 1c in COPYMASTER 1.

For Part 1a. Getting to know Peter,pupils are encouraged to write three questions that match with Peter’s answers in the table.Look at the example first. To let pupils revise the target language, teacher may play back the segment where Peter and Diana have a long talk after dinner.


Questions / Peter’s answers
E.g. Where are you from? / I’m from the United States of America.
1.Where do you live? / I live in New York.
2.Do you have any brothers or sisters? / I have no brothers or sisters.
3.What do you do? / I’m a magician.

For Part 1b. Getting to know Diana,teacher guides pupils to check the information about Diana. Ask them to cross out the wrong answers in each sentence.


a. Diana comes from Britain. b. She is British. c. She lives in London.

d. She likes singing. e. She is a singer.

For Part 1c. About yourself, pupils write three sentences about themselves. They can refer to Peter’s answers in Part 1a and Diana’s information in Part 1b.

6. There are Part 2a and Part 2b in COPYMASTER 2.

In Part 2a.Different names for the same thing, pupils fill in the blanks with the words given. Pupils mayfirst look at the pictures and the names provided in the American English column or the British English column. Then pupils write the other names for the things. One has been done.


Things / American English / British English
/ Pants / E.g., a. Trousers
/ Restroom / b. Toilet
/ Sneakers / c. Trainers
/ An elevator / d. A lift
/ Candy / e. Sweets
/ f. A can of juice / A tin of juice
/ g. French fries / Chips
/ h. Ketchup / Tomato sauce
/ The Subway / i. The Underground

In Part 2b, pupils have to answer two questions.

Question 1. How do you call the train that runs under the ground in Hong Kong?

Answers: The MTR / The Mass Transit Railway

Question 2. Look at Part 2a again. Which of those names do you hear and see more

often? Write them down. Discuss with your classmates and teacher.

Teacher may discussalsowith pupils where they seethosewords in Hong Kong. For instance, pupils may often see the sign that says “Toilet” in department stores and restaurants. Encourage pupils to share ideas and learn both the American and British ways of naming things.

7. Teacherencourages pupils to sing along to the songs while they are watching the programme with reference to the lyrics in COPYMASTER 3. The song “Everything has a name”is to tell pupils that both British English and American English are right. Pupils should know the varieties of English spoken in Hong Kong and they should learn to listen attentively to what people say and how people say things.


Part 1a. Getting to know Peter

Write three questions that match with Peter’s answers. Look at the example.

Questions / Peter’s answers
E.g.,Where are you from? /
I’m from the United States of America.
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
______/ I live in New York.
I have no brothers or sisters.
I’m a magician.


Part 1b. Getting to know Diana

Check the information about Diana. Cross out (Χ) the wrong ones.


a. Diana comes fromHong Kong/ the United States of America/ Britain.
b. She is British/ an American.
c. She lives in New York/ London.
d. She likes doing magic/ singing.
e. She is a singer/ a magician.

Part 1c.About yourself

Write three sentences.


Part 2a. Different names for the samething

Put the correct names in the blanks. One has been done.

Can ToiletTrousersTrainersA lift

French friesKetchupThe UndergroundSweets

Things /
American English /
British English
/ Pants / E.g., a. Trousers
/ ___ Restroom______ / b.______
/ _____ Sneakers _____ / c.______


Things / American English / British English
/ An elevator / d.______
/ Candy / e.______
/ f. A______of juice / A tin of juice
/ g.______ / Chips


Things / American English / British English
/ h.______ / Tomato sauce
/ The Subway / i.______

Part 2b. Answer the questions

1. How do you call the train that runs under the ground in Hong Kong?


2. Look at Part 2a again. Whichof thosenamesdo you hear and see more often?

Write them down. Discuss with your classmates and teacher.



Sing along

Song: Everything has a name

Everything has a name

Some are different

French fries



Tomato sauce

Some are the same

Steak. Orange juice

Some are short



Some are long

A can of coke

A tin of coke

All are right

None are wrong

Everything has a name

Some are different

Some are the same

Some are short

Some are long

All are right

None are wrong


Song: Getting To Know You

Getting to know you

Getting to know all about you

Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me

Getting to know you
Getting to feel free and easy

When I am with you
Getting to know what to say

Haven't you noticed
Suddenly I'm bright and breezy

Because of all the beautiful and new
Things I'm learning about you
Day by day