Monday,November 27, 2017
2:00 P.M. ET
1-800-503-2899 Access Code: 2591537
Possible 2017-2018 Committee ChargesChoose a Community Service Project for the Mid-Year, Orange County, CA; (Completed)
Choose and plan an ECP Scholarship Fundraiser for the Mid-Year Conference; (Completed)
Choose a Committee Chair for the ECP Award; (Completed)
Choose a Community Service Project for the Annual Conference; (Selection by January 2018)
Choose and plan an ECP Scholarship Fundraiser for the Annual Conference; (Selection by January 2018)
Plan and Implement a networking opportunity for the Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA; (March 2018)
Define and implement ways to increase participation inECP outside of the conferences; (Ongoing)
- Welcome
Attendees: Sarah Couture, Michelle Dunivan, Jeff Chappel, Adrienne Eagan, Janet (NCSC), Jeffrey Tsunekawa, Amy Lechuga
- ECP Engagement Efforts Outside of Conferences
- Court Manager Recurring Column- next topic and author
- Suggestions: Myths about millennials, work/life balance and wellness, mid-career suggestions
- Due January 8
- Wellness will get posted online March 26- good timing after New Year’s resolutions- relevant to everyone, but we can frame this from the ECP perspective. Volunteers to write this article: Jeff and Sarah will co-author.
- Myths about millennials by Michelle Dunivan, due March 22 to Tasha—planning ahead—published June 11
- Vicky proposed the first impressions team; Sarah will lead that charge. People will greet everyone at the conference registration, plenary sessions, questions about the app, etc. This is a welcoming face, and also to encourage attendance at social events. May be asking for volunteers informally for mid-year due to limited timeframe for preparation, a formal call will go out for annual conference.
- Mid-Year Conference
- Scholarship Fundraiser
- Scavenger Hunt- Costs?
- Initially the proposal was to pay for an initial card, and additional chances for a 50/50 raffle.
- One member suggested keeping the amounts the same for both the card and additional chances.
- Heidy will stop by the hotel to put together some hints for the scavenger hunt
- This will be a 2-day scavenger hunt- second day will be in coordination with exhibitors for the exhibitor hall
- Janet agreed with the $5 price for scavenger hunt, and $1 for Guess-the-Number
- Guess the number contest
- Prize for guess-the-number is jar of gummi bears
- New Business
- Next Meeting:
- December 18, 2017 (One week earlier due to Christmas)
Chair: Sarah Couture –
Vice-Chair: Michelle Dunivan –