Before following the steps on this card, please double-click the SCC icon and login using your level 2 password. Please check the lower right-hand corner of the SoftPathDx program to verify that you are logged into the correct workstation (CONSULT-#). If you are not in the correct workstation, click File, Change Workstation, and select the appropriate workstation.

Test / Description
OCSH / Private Consult Shadow Test
TRSH / Transfer Consult Shadow Test
CSU / Consult Unstained Slide

Each test pulls up a different template.

Order tests based on the destination, not the specimen (a derm consult addressed to Dr. Myers is CONSULT, not DRMC).

Test / Description / Slides go to…
CONSULT / Generic consult / Fac Suite, etc.
TCONSULT / Generic transfer Old TC, TS, TD
HTCONSULT / Heme transfer
Old TH / Heme
HEMC / Heme consult / Heme
GSIC / GI consult / GI group
DRMC / Derm consult / Derm


Consult Specimen / Transfer Specimen / Service
BRSTC / BRSTT / Breast
CYTC / CYTT / Cyto
DRMC / DRMT / Derm
ENDOC / ENDOT / Endocrine
GYC / GYT / Gyn
HEMC / HEMT / Heme
HENTC / HENTT / Head/Neck
HRTC / HRTT / Heart
NERVC / NERVT / Nerve/Muscle
NEUC / NEUT / Neuro
PEDC / PEDT / Peds
RENC / RENT / Renal
SFTC / SFTT / Bone/Soft Tissue


Material(s) / Description
CS / Consult Stained Slide(s)
CSU / Consult Unstained Slide(s)
CBLK / Consult Block
VS / Virtual Slide(s)

Faculty Shortcuts

Code / Faculty
ANDEA / Andea, Aleodor
HAPPE / Appelman, Henry
MIKEB / Bachman, Michael
NGBAI / Bailey, Nathanael
SANDR / Camelo-Piragua, Sandra
MPCHA / Chan, May
JCHEN / Cheng, Jason
KATCH / Cho, Kathleen
RDDVN / Davenport, Robertson
VELNE / Elner, Victor
AFLIN / Flint, Andrew
DFULL / Fullen, Douglas
GIORD / Giordano, Thomas
DGORD / Gordon, David
FACJK / Greenson, Joel
AHEID / Heider, Amer
JHODG / Hodgin, Jeffrey
AHRIS / Hristov, Alexandra
JMJEN / Jentzen, Jeffrey
XINJI / Jing, Xin
KJJKJ / Johnson, Kent
JJORN / Jorns, Julie
PKILL / Killen, Paul
KLEER / Kleer, Celina
LKUNJ / Kunju, Lakshmi
ALAGS / Lagstein, Amir
Lew, Madelyn
LIEBE / Lieberman, Andrew
JAKRW / Lieberman, Richard
MEGAN / Lim, Megan
LORIL / Lowe, Lori
DRLUC / Lucas, David
JONAM / McHugh, Jonathan
PAULM / McKeever, Paul
BARBM / McKenna, Barbara
MROHI / Mehra, Rohit
MYERJ / Myers, Jeffrey
SROWE / Owens, Scott
JCPAN / Pang, Judy
RAJIV / Patel, Rajiv
RAJAR / Rabah, Raja
MIKRO / Roh, Michael
CWROS / Ross, Charles
LINDS / Schmidt, Lindsay
RAVEN / Schnitzer, Bertram
LBSMI / Smith, Lauren
TOMLI / Tomlins, Scott
JVERG / Vergilio, JoAnne
PWARD / Ward, Peter
ANGEL / Wu, Angela

05/28/2013 sea