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Minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting held on 20th April 2016.


Cllr W BebbingtonCllr B Perkins

Cllr R DraycottCllr C Poole

Cllr R Ewing (Chairman)Cllr C Radford

Cllr T HicksCllr J Savage

Cllr D HornCllr J Tassell (Vice-Chairman)

Cllr J LennieCllr G Timson

Mrs B Snape – Clerk to the Council

Mrs B Blood – RFO/Assistant Clerk

Mrs V Jacques – Glenmore Centre Manager


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs J Poole and M Roberts.


The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed as a true record.


Cllr W Bebbington – Glenmore Centre & CBC

Cllr R Ewing – Glenmore Centre

Cllr J Lennie – Shepshed Hind Leys

Cllr B Perkins – Twinning

Cllr C Poole – Shepshed Hind Leys & Chairman’s Allowance

Cllr C Radford – Glenmore Centre, CBC & LCC

Cllr J Savage – CBC

Cllr J Tassell – Glenmore Centre & CBC


a) Report from Centre Manager – Mrs V Jacques Members had been circulated with a report from Mrs Jacques. The Easter Playscheme was a huge success and funding from County Hall has been approved for the summer playscheme. As the funding from LCC is reduced, alternative sources are being sought for the shortfall.

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Let’s Prevent Diabetes are running a course for people working within healthcare. LOROS uses the Centre for regular fund raising events.

Private bookings continue with at least one per weekend. Regular user groups are also very busy.

Mrs Jacques was thanked for her report and left the meeting.

b) Resignation from Glenmore Management Committee – Cllr D Horn Due to family and other commitments, Cllr Horn was unable to attend the meetings of the Glenmore Management Committee.

It was RESOLVED that should any Councillor be interested in joining the committee, they should notify the Clerk.


2105, 2098 Response from Chief Constable Simon Cole QPM Members had been circulated with a copy of the above document regarding the response time to a possible domestic argument on-going at an address in Shepshed in February 2016. It was noted that the ASB Team from CBC and other agencies have been involved, although, the Borough Councillors for Shepshed have not been made aware of any problems.

After the election of a new PCC on 5th May, it was RESOLVED to invite him/her to meet with the Town Council to enable concerns to be raised.

2106b) Mrs Teresa Murphy – PROW L104 request Following Mrs Murphy’s request for a replacement seat along PROW L104 being rejected by CBC, a copy of Mrs Murphy’s letter to CBC had been received. The request was refused because CBC do not install items on land which they do not own,although, they have provided dog bins along PROW L104. Mrs Murphy challenged CBC about this. RESOLVED to wait until Mrs Murphy receives a reply from CBC to her letter, before taking anyfurther action.

It was noted that CBC do not own Morley Quarry, however, they installed a seat in that location.

2108 Grants It was RESOLVED to table for information the thank you letters received from a) NCT b) Revitalise c) 2nd Shepshed Girls Brigade and a summary of hire charges for Shepshed High School.

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Grants draft policy It was RESOLVED to arrange a meeting of the Grants Subcommittee to consider the draft grants policy, which had been presented to the meeting.

2110 P/16/0408/2 The above response had been received from CBC advising that, in order to prevent the removal of the Sycamore and Cherry Plum trees, a TPO had been placed on them, therefore, only 1 Rowan tree may be removed.

Concern was expressed that a TPO had been placed on a Sycamore which is not a native tree.


a) Urgent Website Update – Tina Britt 2Commune Members had been circulated with the above correspondence. Some concern was expressed who the contract would be between, should the Town Council opt to pay 2Commune to manage the website, as LCC will no longer provide it from 1st September 2016.

It was RESOLVED to forward a copy of the 32 page document to Cllrs W Bebbington, J Lennie & J Poole for consideration. In the meantime, the Clerk is to contact LCC to clarify who the contract would be between, should Shepshed Town Council opt for 2Commune.

b) Adrian Ward (CBC) – Consultation: Draft Policy relating to vacancies remaining after uncontested Full Parish and Town Council Elections RESOLVED to note the content of the above document and not to forward any comment on the consultation to CBC.

c) Groundwork Greater Nottingham – Community Boost Project It was RESOLVED to submit an application for drainage works at Little Haw Lane.

d) Charnwood Citizens Advice Bureau – Retirement It was RESOLVED to table for information the appointment of 2 joint Chief Officers: an Operations Manager and a Specialist Services Manager following the retirement of the Manager. Paula Tobin and Ian Dennis have been appointed as joint Chief Officers.


a) MS Audit & Consultancy Services – Interim Internal Audit Report It was RESOLVED to note and accept the content of the above report as circulated.

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b) Balance Sheet 01.04.15 – 31.03.16 ALSO Outcomes April 2015 – March 2016 It was RESOLVED to accept the Balance Sheet totalling £247188.54 and outcomes as circulated to the meeting.

c) Accounts for payment and paid accounts It was RESOLVED to accept the accounts for payment totalling £5719.62 and paid accounts totalling £26367.17

It was RESOLVED to permit the Clerk to have the drains at Little Haw Lane Playing Fields high pressure jet washed on a regular basis, without sanction from the Council.


It was RESOLVED to forward the following itemsto the Police for discussion.

a) There appears to be an increase in vehicles being driven with fog lights on when it is not foggy – can the Police take any action

b) Parking on pavement and double yellow lines is on the increase – will the Police be taking any measures to clamp down on this problem


The following planning applications had been received and it was RESOLVED not to forward any comment to CBC’s Planning Department:-

P/16/0739/2 Erection of first floor extension to side of dwelling AT 72 Fairway Road

P/16/0759/2 Erection of porch to front of dwelling AT 261a Charnwood Road

It was noted that the footpath closure for Jolly Farmers Lane will be for a maximum of 6 months and not 18 months as previously advertised.


a) Domont Twinning Visitors from Domont to Shepshed will be arriving on Thursday 5th May until 8th May. During this period they will be visiting Chatsworth and Bakewell. A social evening will be held in the Glenmore Centre on the Saturday evening. 8 cyclists will also be arriving.

b) Staff update 2016 It was RESOLVED to note the content of the Staff update as circulated to Members only.

c) GLW Feeds It was brought to the attention ofthe meeting that problems are being encountered with noise/smell being emitted from GLW Feeds. Many local residents are experiencing discomfort as a result.

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GLW Feeds has a permit to operate its manufacturing processes which was issued and is regulated by the Environmental Agency. The permit does not require the site to produce no audible noise or detectable odour but it should ensure that best available techniques (BAT) are utilised to control any emissions.

Recent noise and odour surveillance visits, in line with British Standard BS4142 indicated only low levels of noise and compliant with the Environmental Permit. The odour assessment showed low intensity, transient odour not at a level deemed as pollution.

Nicky Morgan MP has approached the Environment Agency to request that a meeting be arranged between interested parties to discuss the situation. The meeting is planned for Friday 29th April and will be facilitated by Nicky Morgan’s Office.

It was RESOLVED that the Clerk writes to Ann Green at CBC expressing concern at the discomfort being caused to local residents.

Chairman …………………………………………………………… Date ……………………………………………