G. Self-protectice measures; confidence in authorities
G1_A: Self-protective measures: Self-defense training
Question: G1 Some people take measures to protect themselves against criminal acts. Please tell us whether you are using any of the following precautionary measures or would like to do so:
a) I have attended a self-defense course*.
value / label0
1 / no
G1_A / Amsterdam / Budapest / Hamburg / Krakow /
De Baarsjes / Zuidoost / IX / XXIII / Wilhelms-burg / Steilshoop/ Bramfeld / Kazimierz/ Grzegorzki / Nowy Biezanow / Leopold-stadt / Trans-danubienno / 91,5%
464 / 85,4%
410 / 91,2%
456 / 85,1%
421 / 91,3%
366 / 92,6%
423 / 86,9%
473 / 89,7%
486 / 93,2%
546 / 88,7%
yes / 8,5%
43 / 14,6%
70 / 8,8%
44 / 14,9%
74 / 8,7%
35 / 7,4%
34 / 13,1%
71 / 10,3%
56 / 6,8%
40 / 11,3%
/ 100,0%507 / 100,0%
480 / 100,0%
500 / 100,0%
495 / 100,0%
401 / 100,0%
457 / 100,0%
544 / 100,0%
542 / 100,0%
586 / 100,0%
not specified
/ 0 / 3 / 0 / 6 / 3 / 0 / 2 / 0 / 4 / 4*Those who had responded with “no” were asked whether they would like to use this measure (see Questionnaire). As the numerical base of the responses was too small, they were collapsed into “no”
. Self-protective measures: Home protection
Question: see G1_A
b) I have installed additional protective measures in my home (extra door locks, special bars on the windows, burglar alarm, etc.)*.
value / label0
1 / no
G1_B / Amsterdam / Budapest / Hamburg / Krakow /
De Baarsjes / Zuidoost / IX / XXIII / Wilhelms-burg / Steilshoop/ Bramfeld / Kazimierz/ Grzegorzki / Nowy Biezanow / Leopold-stadt / Trans-danubienno / 40,1%
203 / 48,9%
235 / 34,7%
173 / 33,1%
164 / 56,1%
225 / 58,6%
267 / 52,4%
285 / 46,3%
251 / 62,0%
364 / 55,6%
yes / 59,9%
303 / 51,1%
246 / 65,3%
326 / 66,9%
332 / 43,9%
176 / 41,4%
189 / 47,6%
259 / 53,7%
291 / 38,0%
223 / 44,4%
/ 100,0%506 / 100,0%
481 / 100,0%
499 / 100,0%
496 / 100,0%
401 / 100,0%
456 / 100,0%
544 / 100,0%
542 / 100,0%
587 / 100,0%
not specified
/ 1 / 2 / 1 / 5 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 0 / 3 / 3* Those who had responded with “no” were asked whether they would like to use this measure (see Questionnaire). As the numerical base of the responses was too small, they were collapsed into “no”
G1_C: Self-protective measures: Weapon
Question: see G1_A
c) When going out I take something with me to defend myself (e.g. knife, stick, pepper spray, etc.).
value / label0
1 / no
G1_C / Amsterdam / Budapest / Hamburg / Krakow /
De Baarsjes / Zuidoost / IX / XXIII / Wilhelms-burg / Steilshoop/ Bramfeld / Kazimierz/ Grzegorzki / Nowy Biezanow / Leopold-stadt / Trans-danubienno / 80,3%
399 / 82,8%
391 / 92,5%
447 / 83,5%
404 / 86,3%
346 / 88,8%
405 / 93,8%
510 / 89,9%
487 / - / -
yes / 19,7%
98 / 17,2%
81 / 7,5%
36 / 16,5%
80 / 13,7%
55 / 11,2%
51 / 6,3%
34 / 10,1%
55 / - / -
/ 100%497 / 100,0%
472 / 100,0%
483 / 100,0%
484 / 100,0%
401 / 100,0%
456 / 100,0%
544 / 100,0%
542 / - / -
not specified
/ 10 / 11 / 17 / 17 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 0 / - / -*no data available
G1_D: Self-protective measures: Plans to move
Question: see G1_A
d) Because of the unsafe area I am planning to move somewhere else*.
value / Label0
1 / No
G1_D / Amsterdam / Budapest / Hamburg / Krakow /
De Baarsjes / Zuidoost / IX / XXIII / Wilhelms-burg / Steilshoop/ Bramfeld / Kazimierz/ Grzegorzki / Nowy Biezanow / Leopold-stadt / Trans-danubienno / 82,2%
417 / 84,8%
408 / 93,2%
464 / 92,3%
455 / 87,0%
348 / 95,8%
438 / 96,7%
527 / 97,0%
526 / 94,2%
551 / 93,0%
yes / 17,8%
90 / 15,2%
73 / 6,8%
34 / 7,7%
38 / 13,0%
52 / 4,2%
19 / 3,3%
18 / 3,0%
16 / 5,8%
34 / 7,0%
/ 100,0%507 / 100,0%
481 / 100,0%
498 / 100,0%
493 / 100,0%
400 / 100,0%
457 / 100,0%
545 / 100,0%
542 / 100,0%
585 / 100,0%
not specified
/ 0 / 2 / 2 / 8 / 4 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 5 / 6* Those who had responded with “no” were asked whether they would like to use this measure (see Questionnaire). As the numerical base of the responses was too small, they were collapsed into “no”
G1_E: Self-protective measures: Avoiding public transportation
Question: see G1_A
e) When going out at night I avoid public transportation
value / Label0
1 / No
G1_E / Amsterdam / Budapest / Hamburg / Krakow /
De Baarsjes / Zuidoost / IX / XXIII / Wilhelms-burg / Steilshoop/ Bramfeld / Kazimierz/ Grzegorzki / Nowy Biezanow / Leopold-stadt / Trans-danubienno / 63,9%
303 / 70,8%
339 / 40,5%
198 / 55,4%
267 / 70,3%
277 / 75,8%
339 / 73,2%
396 / 69,4%
374 / - / -
yes / 36,1%
171 / 29,2%
140 / 59,5%
291 / 44,6%
215 / 29,7%
117 / 24,2%
108 / 26,8%
145 / 30,6%
165 / - / -
/ 100,0%474 / 100,0%
479 / 100,0%
489 / 100,0%
482 / 100,0%
394 / 100,0%
447 / 100,0%
541 / 100,0%
539 / - / -
not specifiednot applicable
/ 330 / 4
0 / 0
11 / 0
19 / 5
5 / 1
9 / 5
0 / 3
0 / - / -
*no data available
G1_F: Self-protective measures: Keeping out of the way
Question: see G1_A
f) I avoid groups of people on the street such as loitering teenagers, people being drunk, beggars or drug-addicts.
value / label0
1 / no
G1_F / Amsterdam / Budapest / Hamburg / Krakow /
De Baarsjes / Zuidoost / IX / XXIII / Wilhelms-burg / Steilshoop/ Bramfeld / Kazimierz/ Grzegorzki / Nowy Biezanow / Leopold-stadt / Trans-danubienno / 40,4%
205 / 39,1%
188 / 16,5%
82 / 22,9%
113 / 22,1%
88 / 25,0%
114 / 21,0%
114 / 17,9%
97 / - / -
yes / 59,3%
299 / 60,9%
293 / 83,5%
414 / 77,1%
381 / 77,9%
311 / 75,0%
342 / 79,0%
430 / 82,1%
445 / - / -
/ 100,0%504 / 100,0%
481 / 100,0%
496 / 100,0%
494 / 100,0%
399 / 100,0%
456 / 100,0%
544 / 100,0%
542 / - / -
not specified
/ 3 / 2 / 4 / 7 / 5 / 1 / 2 / 0 / - / -*no data available
G1_G: Self-protective measures: Avoiding places/streets
Question: see G1_A
g) I avoid certain streets and places.
value / label0
1 / no
G1_G / Amsterdam / Budapest / Hamburg / Krakow /
De Baarsjes / Zuidoost / IX / XXIII / Wilhelms-burg / Steilshoop/ Bramfeld / Kazimierz/ Grzegorzki / Nowy Biezanow / Leopold-stadt / Trans-danubienno / 50,1%
253 / 52,4%
252 / 26,1%
130 / 40,0%
197 / 46,6%
187 / 58,8%
268 / 38,1%
207 / 33,6%
182 / - / -
yes / 49,9%
252 / 47,6%
229 / 73,9%
369 / 60,0%
296 / 53,4%
214 / 41,2%
188 / 61,9%
337 / 66,4%
360 / - / -
/ 100,0%505 / 100,0%
481 / 100,0%
499 / 100,0%
493 / 100,0%
401 / 100,0%
456 / 100,0%
544 / 100,0%
542 / - / -
not specified
/ 2 / 2 / 1 / 8 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 0 / - / -*no data available
G1_I: Self-protective measures: Dog
Question: see G1_A
i) For safety reasons, I keep a dog.
value / Label0
1 / no
G1_I / Amsterdam / Budapest / Hamburg / Krakow /
De Baarsjes / Zuidoost / IX / XXIII / Wilhelms-burg / Steilshoop/ Bramfeld / Kazimierz/ Grzegorzki / Nowy Biezanow / Leopold-stadt / Trans-danubienno / 95,0%
477 / 92,8%
438 / 88,5%
393 / 63,9%
287 / 96,0%
383 / 98,7%
449 / 89,3%
483 / 88,4%
479 / 98,1%
573 / 98,6%
yes / 5,0%
25 / 7,2%
34 / 11,5%
51 / 36,1%
162 / 4,0%
16 / 1,3%
6 / 10,7%
58 / 11,6%
63 / 1,9%
11 / 1,4%
/ 100,0%502 / 100,0%
472 / 100,0%
444 / 100,0%
449 / 100,0%
399 / 100,0%
455 / 100,0%
541 / 100,0%
542 / 100,0%
584 / 100,0%
not specified
/ 5 / 11 / 56 / 52 / 5 / 2 / 5 / 0 / 6 / 4
G1_K: Self-protective measures: Stay at home
Question: see G1_A
k) For safety reasons, I don’t leave the house at night.
value / label0
1 / no
G1_K / Amsterdam / Budapest / Hamburg / Krakow /
De Baarsjes / Zuidoost / IX / XXIII / Wilhelms-burg / Steilshoop/ Bramfeld / Kazimierz/ Grzegorzki / Nowy Biezanow / Leopold-stadt / Trans-danubienno / 81,1%
404 / 80,4%
385 / 83,4%
402 / 85,3%
406 / 75,6%
303 / 93,8%
425 / 78,0%
416 / 73,8%
395 / - / -
yes / 18,9%
94 / 19,6%
94 / 16,6%
80 / 14,7%
70 / 24,4%
98 / 6,2%
28 / 22,0%
117 / 26,2%
140 / - / -
/ 100,0%498 / 100,0%
479 / 100,0%
482 / 100,0%
476 / 100,0%
401 / 100,0%
453 / 100,0%
533 / 100,0%
535 / - / -
not specified
/ 9 / 4 / 18 / 25 / 3 / 4 / 13 / 7 / - / -*no data available
G2: Dealing with everyday life difficulties
Question: Please tell us whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: „I can handle most problems of my everyday life quite well.“
value / label1
5 / totally disagree
fully agree
G2 / Amsterdam / Budapest / Hamburg / Krakow /
De Baarsjes / Zuidoost / IX / XXIII / Wilhelms-burg / Steilshoop/ Bramfeld / Kazimierz/ Grzegorzki / Nowy Biezanow / Leopold-stadt / Trans-danubientotally disagree / 0,6%
3 / 1,9%
9 / 2,0%
10 / 1,2%
6 / 2,2%
9 / 0,9%
4 / 1,3%
7 / 1,3%
7 / 2,2%
13 / 1,3%
2 / 6,6%
33 / 3,6%
17 / 4,3%
21 / 4,4%
22 / 1,5%
6 / 2,6%
12 / 3,9%
21 / 3,0%
16 / 4,3%
25 / 4,0%
3 / 22,2%
111 / 25,2%
120 / 29,5%
145 / 33,5%
167 / 15,7%
63 / 21,9%
100 / 21,5%
117 / 20,3%
110 / 12,1%
71 / 12,9%
4 / 56,9%
285 / 49,1%
234 / 34,8%
171 / 38,0%
189 / 37,9%
152 / 34,6%
158 / 39,8%
217 / 42,1%
228 / 39,0%
228 / 44,4%
fully agree / 13,8%
69 / 20,3%
97 / 29,5%
145 / 22,9%
114 / 42,6%
171 / 40,0%
183 / 33,6%
183 / 33,4%
181 / 42,4%
248 / 37,5%
/ 100,0%501 / 100,0%
477 / 100,0%
492 / 100,0%
498 / 100,0%
401 / 100,0%
457 / 100,0%
545 / 100,0%
542 / 100,0%
585 / 100,0%
not specified
/ 6 / 6 / 8 / 3 / 3 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 5 / 9136
© InSec, Universität Hamburg, Institut für Kriminalwissenschaften, Abteilung Kriminologie 2003