MP’s Corrosion Innovation of the Year Awards
Nomination Form
E-mail this completed form to:
Deadline for submission: Friday, October 18, 2013
To qualify for consideration, the innovation must have been in development on or after January 1, 2009, the technology must be feasible, and nominations must be submitted on this official nomination form. The nomination form must be submitted by e-mail to on or before Friday, October 18, 2013 at 11:59 p.m. Central time. There is no fee to submit a nomination.
For questions about the award, please contact MP Associate Editor Kathy Riggs Larsen at .
Each innovation will be rated by a panel of leading corrosion experts using a numerical scoring system. The highest-rated innovations will receive the awards.
Rating criteria
· Does the description provided adequately describe the innovation?
o Does it explain what the innovation is?
o Does it explain what the innovation does?
o Does it explain how it works?
o Does it explain how or why it is truly innovative?
o Does it explain how the innovation benefits the corrosion-control industry?
· Has the nominator sufficiently demonstrated that the innovation works as described, either by providing laboratory or field test results?
· Is the innovation novel or unique?
· Does the innovation solve a corrosion-control problem?
· Does the innovation provide a corrosion-control solution where none previously existed?
· Does the innovation improve an existing corrosion-control solution?
· Does the innovation provide a benefit to the corrosion-control industry?
o Does the innovation help protect the safety and health of the corrosion professional and/or the general population?
o Does the innovation provide better protection against corrosion or better corrosion control-related data?
· Is the innovation cost effective?
o Does the innovation provide cost savings?
o Does the innovation provide time savings?
· Can the innovation be easily incorporated into existing corrosion prevention and control activities?
Contact Information:
Name of person submitting nomination:Job title:
Mailing Address:
City, State, Postal Code
(If outside the United States and Canada, please include country code)
Is this the primary contact for the Award program?
Title of Innovation:Nominee’s name:
Job title:
Mailing Address:
Street, City, State, Postal Code, Country
(If outside the United States and Canada, please include country code)
Web site:
Is this the primary contact for the Award program?
Nominee’s name:
Job title:
Mailing Address:
Web site:
Is this the primary contact for the Award program?
Nominee’s name:
Job title:
Mailing Address:
Web site:
Is this the primary contact for the Award program?
Nominee’s name:
Job title:
Mailing Address:
Web site:
Is this the primary contact for the Award program?
Nominee’s name:
Job title:
Mailing Address:
Web site:
Is this the primary contact for the Award program?
NOTE: The above contact information will not be made public except the nominees’ names and organizations. However, all information submitted on the following pages will be submitted to the panel of corrosion experts and posted on the MP Corrosion Innovtion of the Year Awards Web site.
(insert title here—no more than five words)
(Name[s] and Organization[s])
(select one below)
Coatings and Linings
Cathodic Protection
Materials Design
Chemical Treatment
Integrity Assessment
Other—fill in
Dates of Innovation Development:
(from [month, year] to [month, year])
Web site:
(insert URL)
Summary Description:
(no more than 300 words and one photo)
Full Description:
How does the innovation work?
(insert text, tables, and/or photos here)
When and how was the innovation developed?
(insert text, tables, and/or photos here)
How or why is the innovation unique?
(insert text, tables, and/or photos here)
What type of corrosion problem does the innovation address?
(insert text, tables, and/or photos here)
What is the need that sparked the development of the innovation?
(insert text, tables, and/or photos here)
Are there technological challenges or limitations that the innovation overcomes?
(insert text, tables, and/or photos here)
What are the potential applications of the innovation?
(insert text, tables, and/or photos here)
How does the innovation provide an improvement over existing methods, techniques, and technologies?
(insert text, tables, and/or photos here)
What type of impact does the innovation have on the industry/industries it serves?
(insert text, tables, and/or photos here)
Does the innovation fill a technology gap? If so, please explain the technological need and how it was addressed prior to the development of the innovation.
(insert text, tables, and/or photos here)
Has the innovation been tested in the laboratory or in the field? If so, please describe any tests or field demonstrations and the results that support the capability and feasibility of the innovation.
(insert text, tables, and/or photos here)
Is the innovation commercially available? If yes, how long has it been utilized? If not, what is the next step in making the innovation commercially available?
(insert text, tables, and/or photos here)
Are you aware of other organizations that have introduced similar innovations? If so, how is this innovation different?
(insert text, tables, and/or photos here)
Are there any patents related to this work? If yes, please provide the patent title, number, and inventor.
(insert text, tables, and/or photos here)