03/11/14 Student Committee Meeting at 8pm EST
- Attendance Summary
AADMD Student/Resident Meeting Attendees
Meeting Date / Meeting Duration / Number of Attendees
March 11, 2014 8:00 PM EDT / 62 minutes / 4
Name / Email Address
Cynthia Wong /
John Hood /
leonard fischer /
Sarah Usher /
- AADMD Student National Leaders
- AADMD Membership Chair – Sydnee
- AADMD Newsletter Chair - Lyubov Slashcheva (VCU) AADMD Spread the Word Campaign Chair – James Lin (U of Pitt)
- AADMD Committee Lead – Sarah Rose Usher
ACTION: Sarah Usher, contact Michelle Cornacchia and Abrahim Caroci about Clinton Global Initiative Commitment/Follow up documents.
- 2014 AADMD Annual Education Conference
- Call for Presentations and Posters
- Guidelines:
- 8 Scholarships available to support AADMD Student/Resident presenters
- Please direct interests to Sarah Usher
- Application TBA
- Accepting 2-3 student volunteers for meeting logistics in Princeton, New Jersey
- Guest registration, coordinate poster presentation set up, etc.
- Student registration waived
- Please direct interests to Sarah Usher
ACTION: Sarah Usher, email students and encourage poster and oral presentation submission. Also inquire about logistic student volunteers.
- Medically Underserved Population - Patients with neurodevelopmental disorders and intellectual disabilities
- Resolution presented at the 2014 American Student Dental Association (ASDA) Annual Session on Feb. 28, 2014
- The Reference Committee referred the resolution to the 2014-15 Council on Professional Issues and a report is due at next years session
- Do you know a medical student who is interested in constructing and submitting a similar resolution to the American Medical Student Association (AMSA)
- Please direct interests to Sarah Usher
- Spread the Word to End the Word Champaign
- Update from James Lin – Local AADMD Student/Resident Campaigns
- Join the National AADMD Respect Committee
ACTION: Leonard Fisher: “We need to get this campaign in the national spot light”. Example: America Strong hosted by Diane Sawyer. Perhaps this is where the RESPECT committee can get recognition.
ACTION : James Lin (Student/Resident Spread the Word Campaign Chair) – Gather all campaign updates and photos and send to Sarah Usher and Lyubov Slashcheva.
ACTION : Sarah Usher, work with John Hood to get the photos and videos online.
- AADMD Student Chapter Updates
- Virginia Commonwealth - Affiliated Chapter (Student: Lyubov Slashcheva Faculty: Dr. Matthew Cooke)
- Lunch presentation about the SO Healthy Athletes program (~50 people) on 2/25
- March 4-6 R-Word pledging (signing the banner) will hang banner with signature pledges in the school to maintain awareness
- The Virginia Oral Health Coalition is hosting Dr. Matthew Cooke in leading a CE course on "Dental Care Approaches for Adults with Disabilities," and several of our members from VCU will be helping to run the course on 2/22.
- Lyubov will be leading a "healthy aging" workshop at a local geriatric/adult day center that will focus on maintaining oral health...several SCIG members will be running the workshop.
- Collaborating with Dr. Dave Fray (AADMD policy chair) on several short essays regarding respecting individuals with DD/ID, access to healthcare issues, and the MUP initiative for submitting to the daily "member's commentary" editions as part of APHA's National Public Health Week
- University of Pittsburgh (Student: Greg Sencak Faculty: Dr. Lynne Taiclet)
- Spread the Word to End the Word Campaign - Photos
- Harvard School of Dental Medicine (Student: Sydnee Chavis Faculty: Dr. Romesh Nalliah)
- Spread the Word to End the Word event tonight 03/11/14
- University of British Columbia(Student: Shan Sun Faculty: Dr. Nancy Vertel)
- Baylor College of Medicine (Resident: Michelle Cornacchia Faculty: Dr. Cynthia Peacock)
- University of the Pacific in CA (Student: Michael Suh Faculty: Dr. Allen Wong)
- Spread the Word to End the Word Campaign - Photos
- Medical College of Wisconsin (Student: Ahmad El-Arabi Faculty: Dr. Joseph O’Grady)
- University of Rochester(Students: Cynthia Wong & Stephanie Straka Faculty: Dr. Sulkes)
- UCEDD grant recipient – SO Health Coaches
- GOAL: ensure that team members have health issues addressed. Engage local providers.
- Spread the Word to End the Word Campaign –Photos
- Events at 3 locations: pledge, band, DJ, “Wheels in Motion”
- 300 pledges at the hospital
- News coverage – TV 3 channels, newspaper
- Alex Saffran – undergraduate interested in starting an undergraduate AADMD chapter at University of Rochester
- Follow up from Special Smiles Screenings, Free dental treatment as Eastman Dental Facility March 22, 2014
- College of Oral Health Sciences University of Technology in Jamaica (Student: Laurian Lue Yen Faculty: Dr. Hilary Jones)
- University of Louisville School of Dentistry(Student: Shane Vaughn Faculty: Dr. Linel Holwager)
- Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health & School of Osteopathic Medicine (Student: Sarah Usher Faculty: Dr. Tim Lukavsky)
- Spread the Word to End the Word Campaign - Photos
- Next student committee meeting: April 8th at 8pm EST (second Tuesday of every month)