PGCE Primary

Trainee Teacher Requirements for School Based Training


Trainee Teacher Requirements for School Based Training

Contents / Page
Introduction / 3
The Responsibilities of the Trainee Teacher / 4
School Based Training Dates / 5
Allocation of Placements / 5
Outline of the School Based Training Blocks / 6-8
School Based Training Preparation
Preparation Period
School Based Training files / 9-11
Curriculum Planning
Medium Term Planning / 11
Thinking for Teaching for Science and Foundation Subjects / 11-12
The Lesson Plan / 12-13
Daily Evaluation of Learning / 13
Weekly Evaluation of Teaching / 14
Monitoring and Assessment
Child Profiles / 15
Reading Records / 15
Giving Feedback and Marking / 16
Work Sampling / 16
Reporting / 16
Monitoring of Learning / 16
Appendices (see list below):
1 / School Based Training Checklist
2 / Record of day Link Visits
3 / Record of attendance on School Based Training
4 / School Based Training Record of Observations
5 / Training Opportunities During School Based Training
6 / Work Sample
7 / Child Profile Conference Record KS2
8 / Child Profile Conference Record KS1
9 / End of School Based Training Child Profile Conference
10 / Open Observation Form
11 / Trainee Teacher Monitoring of Achievement of Mid-point Assessment Targets
12 / Secondary School Visit – tracking a year 7 class
13 / Reception Class guidance
14 / Trainee Observation Record of other Teachers


I am very pleased to be able to introduce this guidance materialspecifically for the PGCE Primary Programme for School Based Training One. In addition to this booklet, schools also have booklets ‘Primary Partnership’ and ‘Assessment of Trainees on School Based Training’providing partnership information for mentors, class teachers and trainees. This booklet also provides information for new schools who have not worked with us before about our School Based Training arrangements. The ‘Primary Partnership’ and ‘Assessment of Trainees on School Based Training’ booklets are common to all primary teaching training programmes at Middlesex.

The main purpose of this booklet is to provide trainees and others involved in the partnership with specific guidance about the School Based Training blocks on the PGCE Primary Education programme. It complements the more detailed information that will be provided for each specific block in Preparation for School Based Training sessions (for trainees) and in training and briefing sessions (for link tutors, mentors and class teachers). The Middlesex Primary Partnership Wiki contains all of the relevant documentation for each school based training placement. You do not need a username of password to download the file. The address to logon to the wiki is:

Any school needing help accessing these forms please contact me- PGCE Programme Leader, Fiona Bailey at or telephone 020 8411 5056. For other placement queries please email the Primary Placement team at the Primary Partnership Manager,Darren McKay, at

This booklet is written in line with the requirements of the Teachers’ Standards (2012), which sets out the standards that must be met by all trainees wishing to be recommended for Qualified Teacher Status at the end of their programme. Further details can be found at the following web address:

Trainee teachers, mentors or class teachers who wish to discuss or clarify any of the points in this booklet, please contact me.

Best wishes

Fiona Bailey

Programme Leader, PGCE Primary Education

Tel: 020 8411 5056


The Responsibilities of the Trainee Teacher

The provision of places within schools for Trainee teachers to practice the increasingly complex skills of teaching is dependent on the goodwill built up over a number of years between link tutors, heads, mentors and class teachers. There is no requirement that schools have to take Trainees for School Based Training. For this reason, Trainees need to be constantly aware of their status as visitors and that they are under the general direction of the head teacher. It is important that Trainees behave in a professional way in school from the outset. It is the Trainees' responsibility to ensure that they are thoroughly prepared for the School Based Training block.

Attendance on the day link visits and the School Based Training block is compulsory. Trainee teachers have a responsibility and a commitment to the school. If, because of extenuating circumstances, absence is unavoidable, it is vitally important that the school is informed as early as possible. Trainees should also contact their Link Tutor by email. Mentors also welcome information about any changes in the Trainee's teaching programme. This is particularly important if Trainees are not teaching at times when they might be expected to. If you are absent for more than 3 days your Link Tutor and Mentor will decide whether you need to make up the time at the end of the placement.

It is important that the University is informed of any factors that might affect the success of the School Based Training block. Withdrawal from the School Based Training block without any prior consultation with the mentor, link tutor andProgramme Leader will be viewed as a failure.

Trainee teachers are normally expected to be in school for 8.15 am and to stay after school to attend meetings, work in the classroom and to meet with the class teacher.

General appearance needs to be acceptable to the school. Trainees should wear trainers and track suits or jogging bottoms when teaching PE. Personal effects should be removed (or made safe where removal is not possible) prior to the start of all PE/games lessons.

It is important that trainee teachers interact fully and sensitively with teachers and other adults who work in the school. A balance should be found between the needs of break and lunchtime preparation and the need to integrate with the school staff. Trainees should be invited to attend relevant staff meetings, CPD days, parents’ evenings, parent teacher functions and school clubs.

Trainee teachers are expected to invest a considerable amount of time in gaining the most from School Based Training. This will entail:

  • the development of a teaching file throughout the School Based Training block
  • written and practical preparation for teaching
  • evaluation of all lessons
  • record keeping and assessment of children’s development
  • planning for/with other adults in the school
  • seeking advice from subject co-ordinators
  • displaying children’s work
  • accompanying the class teacher on duty
  • involvement in extra curricular activities
  • collecting evidence for the Teachers’ Standards

Schools vary in their behaviour policy, so it is important to become familiar with school policy and the rewards and sanctions that are used. Under no circumstances are trainee teachers allowed to administer any form of corporal punishment.

Trainee teachers must conform to all health and safety regulations paying attention to those that are prescribed by local authorities. This particularly applies to subjects of the curriculum that may expose children to potentially dangerous situations (e.g. PE, Design Technology and Science). Trainee teachers must ensure that the class teacher or mentor is present at all PE/Games lessons and any lessons where potentially hazardous equipment may be used (e.g. Design Technology)

Trainee teachers will be assessed against the Teachers’ Standards (2012). It is important that trainee teachers are familiar with the assessment procedures involved. Full information about the assessment of trainee teachers on School Based Training can be found in the Primary Partnership guidance document.

School Based Training Dates

PGCE Primary School Based Training 1: Key Stage 1/2 (Paired)
Day Link Visits / 3 days (Thursdays) / 3/12/15; 10/12/15; 17/12/15
Autumn Term Directed Task Block / 2 weeks / w/b 16/11/15
w/b 23/11/15
Preparation Week / 1 week / w/b 04/01/16
Initial Link Tutor Meeting / Trainee-teachers at Mdx / 07/01/16
Half Term / 1 week / w/b 15/02/16
SBT1Block / 6 weeks / 11/01/16 to 26/02/16 inclusive
Mid-Point Assessment / w/b 01/02/16
Mid-Point Review / Trainee-teachers at Mdx. / 04/02/16
Summative Assessment of professional Practice / w/c 22/02/16
PGCE Primary School Based Training 2:Key Stage 1/2
Day Link Visits / 6 days: 2 days per week(Monday and Tuesday)for 3 weeks / 7/03/16 8/03/16; 14/03/1615/03/16; 21/03/16 22/03/16
Preparation Week / 1 week / w/b 11/04/16
Half Term (variable) / 1 week / w/b 30/05/16
SBT2 Block / 10 weeks / 18/04/16 to 01/07/16 inclusive
Initial Link Tutor Meeting / Trainee-teachers at Mdx / 14/04/16
Mid-Point Assessment / w/b 16/05/16
Mid-Point Review / Trainee-teachers at Mdx. / 19/05/16
Summative Assessment / w/c 26/06/16

Allocation of Placements

Prior to each School Based Training, Trainee teachers are asked to complete a form which is used by the Primary Placement Team to allocate an appropriate school. Trainees have the opportunity to provide information about preferred transport (car/public transport), and can if necessary complete the Special Circumstances Form if, for example, they have caring responsibilities and medical conditions that may require consideration when being allocated a school. It is possible that in some cases a journey to school may take up to an hour and a half although it is usually much less than this. Those trainees who live a long way from the university will still have to be placed in our partnership schools; every effort will be made to find the nearest possible placement. Once a trainee has been allocated to a school, changes will only be made in extreme circumstances.

Outline of the School Based Training Blocks

School Based Training 1

The first School Based Training is a six-week block, preceded by one week of preparation, and takes place in a Key Stage 1 or Key Stage 2classroom. Where possible trainee teachers are placed in pairs, either in the same class or a parallel class, butit is also appropriate for a trainee teacher to be in a classroom/year group without a partner.

School Based Training 1

An Outline of the Six-Week Block Practice


•Placement in Key Stage 1or Key Stage 2.

•Trainee teachers will have a 40% teaching load to allow them time to reflect on their practice, to relate this to observations and discuss planning, evaluation and targets with their class teacher and paired trainee teacher.

•Trainee teachers will work in a collaborative situation to develop their teaching skills and their skills in planning for and managing other adults in the classroom.

•Trainees in Key Stage 1 should spend at least one teaching sessionper week in a Reception class observing/supporting whole teaching and group work (an open observation form should be completed for each session, and additional guidance can be found in appendix 13)

•Trainee teachers in Key Stage 2 will arrange to spend a day in the secondary school where their SBT2 children transfer to in Year 6. Trainee teachers should arrange to be allocated to a Year 7 class and then follow that class around for all lessons and activities for the day. Observation notes should be written up as evidence for the Professional Development Portfolio and will be presented at the standards check meeting, with their Academic Tutor, after SBT1 (Appendix 12).

Planning requirements

•Trainee teachers should, whenever possible, attend the appropriate school planning meetings relating to the period of their school practice.

•Trainee teachers should meet with their class teacher to discuss and clarify planning and make decisions as early as possible about the areas to be covered by the trainee teachers.

•Trainee teachers should make copies of curriculum plans as they relate to their block practice.

•Trainee teachers should plan collaboratively on short term planning.

•Each trainee teacher will take the lead responsibility for planning a number of lessons. A lesson plan must be drawn up for each of these. The paired trainee teacher and class teacher should contribute suggestions and offer advice.

Lesson planning responsibilities

For the block practice eachtrainee teacher will plan, teach and evaluate the following curriculum areas:

•A series of 2 five literacy lessons (one at or near the start, and another towards the end), including phonics

•One week where the trainee teacher will teach two of the literacy lessons and observe the class teacher teaching the remaining literacy lessons, including phonics

•A series of 2 x five mathematics lessons (one at or near the start, and another towards the end)

•One week where the trainee teacher will teach two of the mathematics lessons and observe the class teacher teaching the remaining mathematics lessons

•Science –three lessons

•History/geography*–three lessons

•Art/DT*–three lessons

•Music*–three lessons

•PE –three lessons, one of which should be a gymnastics lesson using large apparatus

•RE*–three lessons

•IT/Computing–must feature in at least three lessons

•Trainee teachers should have half a day, each week, to review, plan and prepare resources(in addition to PPA)

•When a trainee teacher is taking the lead s/he should also be responsible for the organisation of the class and the management of other adults and the pupils’behaviour.

*evaluations of Foundation Subjects lessons taught can be used to support EDP4128 Interdisciplinary Learning assignment)

If possible, during the last week of the block trainee teachers should organise to plan and teach two whole days including being responsible for transitions to and from assembly, play-time, lunch, etc. This will be invaluable experience prior to the second school placement.

Use of time when not leading teaching

•Supporting group activities for literacy and mathematics, including phonics

•Supporting group activities for Science and Foundation subjects*

•Observing the class teacher during literacy and mathematics where possible, including phonics

•Observing the class teacher during foundation subjects and/or topic sessions

•In the classroom, supporting the organisation and management strategies of the leading trainee teacher

•Observing the class teacher in relation to specific targets

•Observing profile pupils

•Observing/supporting in a Reception class

•Observing the teaching of foundation subjects in other year groups*

•Collaborating with paired trainee teacher re. planning, evaluation and assessment

•Discussing practice with experienced teachers*

•Evaluations, reflections and observation notes will support EDP4128 Interdisiplinary Learning assignment)

It is important that trainee teachers spend most of their time, when not leading teaching, observing/supporting good practice demonstrated by experienced teachers. This may be in other classes and will need to be planned and timetabled in advance. Trainee teachersmust be proactive in organising these opportunities which should be recorded on the timetable each week. Observations should include the teaching of phonics. Trainee teachersshould use the observation proforma (Appendix 10) to record their reflection. It is acceptable for a small proportion of time to be spent supporting the partner trainee teacher when he/she is leading teaching.

Trainee teachers should observe two lessons a week. This should include observations of their class teacher. Trainee teachers should observe literacy (including phonics) mathematics in other year groups, the class teacher in relation to specific targets, a practical science lesson, PE and the teaching of foundation subjects.

Lessons that mentor/class teachers will observe the trainee teacher teaching

Eachtrainee teacher should be observed and given individual feedback and (verbal and written) on two lessons per week. Trainees should be observed for two lessons each of literacy and numeracy, and at least one lesson for each of science, art/DT, geography/history, RE, music and PE.

School Based Training 2

The second School Based Training is a ten-week block and takes place in a Key Stage 2 or Key Stage 1 classroom. Trainee teachers are placed individually in the classroom and will teach approximately 50% of the timetable for the first three weeks and 70% for the final seven weeks.

The trainee teacher should have allocated time each week with the class teacher and year team for planning and resourcing lessons. In addition to PPA time, trainee teachers should have half a day each week for planning and resourcing lessons.

During weeks 3 - 5 (or later on if more appropriate) trainee teachers in Key Stage 2 will arrange to spend a day in the secondary school where their SBT2 children transfer to in Year 6. Trainee teachers should arrange to be allocated to a Year 7 class and then follow that class around for all lessons and activities for the day. Observation notes should be written up as evidence for the Professional Development Portfolio and will be presented at the standards check meeting, with their Academic Tutor, after SBT2 (Appendix 12).Trainees in Key Stage 1 should spend at least one session per week in a Reception class observing/supporting whole teaching and group work (an open observation form should be completed for each session, and additional guidance can be found in appendix 13)

Lessons that the Trainee Teacher will observe

Trainee teachers should observe one lesson a week (in addition to Reception Class). This should include observations of their class teacher. Trainee teachers should observe literacy, including phonics and mathematics in other year groups, and across the ability groups, the class teacher in relation to specific targets, a practical science lesson, PE and the teaching of foundation subjects.

Lessons that mentor/class teachers will observe the trainee teacher teaching

Each trainee teacher should be observed and given individual feedback (verbal and written) on two lessons per week. After the mid-point assessment of standards observations of more able trainee teachers should focus on level descriptions of the OutstandingTrainee Teacher (see appendix 16 of the Assessment of Trainee Teachers on School Based Training booklet).

Monitoring and Assessment of the Trainee Teacher

Full details of how trainee teachers are assessed are given in the “Assessing Trainee Teachers on School Based Training” booklet.

Trainee Teacher Absence from School Based Training

During the course trainee teachers should have completed 120 days in school (this varies slightly due to the calendar). Any period of absence from School Based Training may need to be made up at some other time in order to have completed the appropriate number of days in school; this decision will be made by the Programme Leader in discussion with the mentor.

*If absent for any reason, the trainee should inform the school AND link tutor as soon as possible. Contact with both should be continued until the trainee returns to school.