Mayor Protem

Dwayne Padalecki


Francisco Arevalo

Susann Baker

David Rakowitz

Walter Wyrwich

City Secretary

Barbara Pawelek

Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting

February 7, 2013


Mayor ProTem Dwayne Padalecki called the city council meeting to order at 7:30 pm.


Roll call was taken. Members present were Councilman Frank Arevalo, Councilwoman Susann Baker, Councilman David Rakowitz and Councilman Walter Wyrwich. A quorum was established. Barbara Pawelek presided as City Secretary.


Council read over the minutes of the city council meeting of January 3, 2013. Councilman Frank Arevalo moved to accept the minutes as written. Councilwoman Susann Baker seconded the motion. All were in favor; the minutes were approved.


The first financial summary was for December 2012. There were no questions.

Councilwoman Susann Baker moved to accept the December financial summary as written. Councilman Frank Arevalo seconded the motion. All were in favor; the December financial summary was approved.

The next financial summary was for January 2013. Councilman Walter Wyrwich moved to accept the January financial summary. Councilman David Rakowitz seconded the motion. All were in favor; the January financial summary was approved as written.


There was no one to report for the Fire Department.


Kathy Palmer reported for the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission had their meeting in January to start discussing with the City Attorney revamping the Zoning Ordinance. Although the City Attorney did commend the City for the Zoning Ordinance that is in place, they felt they needed to make some minor changes. “The first thing that needs to happen is the first page needs to reflect the legislative findings; the ‘Whereas’ statements. They are not there. We need to state why council wants this document for the City; why is this best for the citizens.” Kathy continued, “as any ordinance starts out like this and then it goes into the ordinance, which is the ‘meat’ of the legislative finding.”

They will be working with the attorney as they review the draft, but also looking at other ordinances for definitions and for structure within the items they need to tighten up.

P&Z will consider changing the building permit fee, which is currently 1%. They will put the fee into a range of square footage. That way there is no question as to valuation and things along that line.

One of the items that will be revised that Mrs. Palmer used as an example is the definition of mobile home. She said that the true definition of a mobile home is anything built prior to 1976. Anything after that is a manufactured home, which is built with safety codes. We may insert a provision in there that mobile homes, built before 1976 are not allowed in the city limits due to safety issues. Mrs. Palmer said in the last 7 years of issuing permits, she never issued a building permit for a mobile home. They have all been manufactured homes, so it shouldn’t be an issue, but it is something P&Z will be discussing.

They will also be discussing the Table of Use. Things recently that have been brought to their attention have been wind turbines, solar farms, and RV Parks.

P&Z’s first kickoff meeting will be on March 21st. There is a Planning and Zoning meeting scheduled for February 28th but it is simply a Public Hearing for a rezoning request. The meeting on March 21st will be a workshop and they welcome council for their input. They will discuss the process and what will be addressed first, who will take on the responsibility, timeline and things of that nature.

Kathy Palmer said that one thing she was told by the attorney is that any changes to the subdivision ordinance must be made by council, according to state law. However, council can appoint an adhoc committee to do it for council with council’s direction, and it may consist of members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, but not acting in the capacity of the Planning and Zoning Commission.


Kathy Palmer gave a report of the calls she received this month.

One of the items she brought up to council last month was a manufactured home brought onto the property at 14750 Miller Road without a building permit. She did make contact with the owner, and he simply was not aware of needing a building permit but will turn in the paperwork soon.

She spoke with Mr. Doege regarding a structure being built on 14855 Lupon Road. She issued a ‘stop work’ order on the property, which the owner has come in and applied for the building permit. They will be building a 3,500 square foot home, and will be tearing down the existing structure.

Mr. Doege and Mr. Johnson also reported another manufactured home that was moved in without a building permit on 15075 E. Lupon Road. A certified letter has been sent to the property owner of non compliance.

Other items consisted of questions regarding to building permits and setbacks.


Mr. Theofil Strelczyk questioned when council will do something about Felix Road. Last October when it rained, one of the County Constables was backing out of Felix Road while he was coming in. There was so much water standing there the Constable could not go through. Mr. Strelczyk asked council to put some asphalt or something in there and open it up so the water would flow through. Councilman Wyrwich and Councilman Arevalo will look at the road and get Payne Construction and another opinion from a second contractor as to what the road needs and we will put on the agenda for next month.


A.  Roads

Councilman Rakowitz gave the road report. Mr. Rakowitz notified Stephen Blake of Blake Engineering that his bid was the one chosen for overseeing the upcoming road project. Mayor ProTem Padalecki and Councilman Rakowitz will be meeting with him later this month to finalize details so that the project can go out to bid in the near future.

The Mayor ProTem said we already know what roads we want to work on, starting with Mergele Road, and work our way back. He expects quick action so we can get these roads done.

The Mayor ProTem also met with Payne Construction on Martinez Creek at the Miller Road crossing. Currently ECISD will not allow their school busses to travel this bridge. There were concerns that there is separation from the bridge. Payne construction said there was not, but he did say that we do need to get something done with it. He said since we will have an engineer working on the roads, we will get him to do an assessment on the bridge and perhaps get it fixed once and for all.

Recently a tree fell near the large drainage ditch on LaVernia Road. Mr. Padalecki pushed it out of the road with his tractor and Texas Road Repair removed it along with other debris that was accumulating in the ditch.

Councilwoman Baker had a complaint about a large rut in the right of way in front of their mailbox and the post office will not deliver mail there until it is fixed. It is on Lupon Road across from the cabinet shop. Councilman Rakowitz will look into it.

B.  Hazardous Waste Program – Discuss and Take Possible Action

Councilwoman Baker explained that last month we had Mr. Easley come out and give us a briefing and gave us some preliminary cost and what can and cannot be picked up. The question for council today is do we want to pursue it at least one time pick up, and if so she will contact him and proceed. She said it will take a few months because there is a lot of paperwork involved. Depending on the amount picked up will be between $5,000 and $7,000. Councilman Wyrwich was opposed. He felt the money spent would be better put towards the roads. But Councilwoman Baker felt we should at least try it one time.

Councilwoman Baker moved to hold the Hazardous Waste Program here at the City Hall.

Councilman Arevalo seconded the motion. All were in favor but Councilman Wyrwich was opposed. The motion did pass.

C.  Crime Stats

Councilwoman Baker gave the report for the crime statistics covering the period from November 28th thru January 24th. There were a total of 3 violent crimes and 8 property crimes. They are posted on the website if you would like to view.


a.  Speed Limit Ordinance – Discuss and Take Possible Action

Councilman Arevalo said there are a lot of signs down and he suggested that we follow Bexar County as far as speed limits are concerned. He said on most residential roads the speed limit is 40 mph. The Mayor ProTem said if this passes it does not include dangerous curves and where it is otherwise posted.

Councilman Arevalo moved to pass the Speed Limit Ordinance 1301. Councilwoman Susann Baker seconded the motion. He read the ordinance. All were in favor; the ordinance was passed.

b.  Notice of General Election for Council Member Positions

Mayor ProTem Padalecki read the Official Notice of Election for the City of St. Hedwig, TX. City Council Positions open are: Place 1, Place 3, Place 5, and the Mayor’s. Please contact the City Hall at 667-9568 or the Election Judge, Marcy Ramzinski at 667-1480 for a place on the ballot or more information. You can sign up between January 30th thru March 1st. Deadline for signing up is March 1st at 5:00 pm. General election to be held at the City Hall on May 11th, 2013.

c.  Rescind Motion from last meeting to authorize stipend increase for City Secretary

Councilwoman Baker made a motion to rescind the motion made at the last city council meeting to authorize the stipend increase for the city secretary. No funds were paid. Councilman Wyrwich seconded the motion. All were in favor; the motion was approved.

d.  Authorize Budget Amendment to provide necessary funds for the stipend increase for the City Secretary and Code Compliance Manager.

Councilwoman Baker said that council has a copy in front of them for the proposed ordinance to approve a budget amendment to transfer a one time transfer from the City’s General Fund into the Budget line item 5005-Salaries for $4,451 and for a one time transfer from the City’s General Fund into the Budget line item 5008-Code Compliance Officer for $3,800.

Councilman Walter Wyrwich moved to accept the Ordinance authorizing a budget amendment. Councilman David Rakowitz seconded the motion. All were in favor; Ordinance 1302 was approved.

e.  Stipends for City Staff-

1.  A Resolution establishing a pay increase for the City Secretary and Code Compliance Manager and repealing any prior action in conflict therewith.

Councilwoman Baker proposed an addendum to the Code Compliance Manager’s position which includes “Manage/perform other projects on behalf of the city of St. Hedwig as assigned by the Mayor or city council” and to spend at least two to four hours a week on site at the city hall to answer questions concerning assigned matters, preferably on Monday evenings in accordance with city hall hours of operations.”

With this added, Mayor ProTem Padalecki read the Resolution of the City of St. Hedwig, TX authorizing an increase in the stipends payable to the City Secretary and Code Compliance Manager for services performed and repealing prior action taken by the city council in conflict therewith.

Councilwoman Susann Baker moves to accept the Resolution for a pay increase. Councilman Walter Wyrwich seconded the motion. All were in favor; Resolution 1303 was approved.


·  Ash Wednesday is on Feb 13th and Happy Valentine’s Day on Thursday!

·  Happy President’s Day! The City Hall will be closed.

·  Enjoy the Stock Show and Rodeo going on now until February 24th.


1. Call Meeting to Order

1.  Roll call & Establish a Quorum

2.  Reading and Approval of Minutes

3.  Approval of Financial Summary

4.  Report from VFD

5.  Report from Planning & Zoning Commission

6.  Report from Code Compliance

7.  Citizens to be Heard

8.  Old Business

a.  Roads

1.  Felix Rd

2.  Road Project

b.  City Park

c.  Crime Stats

9.  New Business

a.  Waste Provider Contract Renewal

10.  Announcements

11.  Determine Agenda for next meeting

12.  Adjournment

Councilwoman Susann Baker moved to adjourn the meeting. Councilman Walter Wyrwich seconded the motion. All were in favor; the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm.

Mayor ProTem Padalecki thanked everyone for coming!