Information Circular 02

Caring for Your Dwarf Rabbit

  • Dwarf Rabbits and Other Animals

Keep your new (and older) dwarf rabbit safe from cats and dogs. A dwarf rabbit cannot vocalize (besides the grunts and groans) so it cannot call for help. Cats love to eat rabbits.

  • Inside or Outside

Your rabbit does not have problems being outside. As a matter of fact, they love being outside. But not in the sun. EVER! A dwarf rabbit will very quickly get dehydrated (that is, they will need more water because they get super thirsty).

If you see the weather says it is going to be 31oC tomorrow, be sure to make plans to keep your rabbit cool. Put their cage or hutch in the shade. Put some ice water in or even better, some frozen water bottles. They will sometimes lie on this or even lick the cool water off the bottle.

  • Types of Cages

We prefer well ventilated and we prefer wooden cages because these are cooler, particularly in summer. Indoors, your rabbit will roam around so the type of roof over its head is yours.

  • Grooming

You can comb or brush a dwarf rabbit but their skin is really sensitive. This means, not the hardest wire brush you can find. The nice thing about dwarf rabbits is that they shed very little. As a matter of fact, the doe (a mommy rabbits is called a doe) pulls hair from her tummy and her front paws when she builds a nest. A buck and doe will sometimes play and pull some hair out. Two fighting bucks will pull each others hair out as they fight. But dwarf rabbits are not known to shed their hair.

Toe nails are the other problem. They grow and get long and can scratch. Scratches, if left untreated these can leave scars. So treat with colloidal silver (the scratch on you not the rabbit). Yes, you can cut the rabbits nails (watch out for the nerve ending though – it will be very OUCH! for your rabbit if you cut this).

  • Types of Food

Do not give your dwarf rabbit anything but a balanced meal. So it is not a life of just carrots, or just cabbage, or just grass. Mix it up so that the rabbit can stay healthy. Fibre is important. Do not give your rabbit small seeds because it will struggle to eat it. So no poppy seeds.