Assikinack Public School

April 2017

Newsletter #8


Shelley Clark, Principal Janice Alguire, Vice-Principal

From the Principal’s Desk

Here at Assikinack PS, we are full steam ahead with planning for the next three months of school. Thanks to staff, students and our School Council for working together to organize upcoming events:

Spring Fundraising

Bunny Hop – April 13 (see letter attached)

Oh Canada Poutine Truck lunch – May 9


Education Week, May 1-5

Volunteer Appreciation

Talent Show / Book Fair / Entrepreneur’s Marketplace

Mindfulness Day, Gr. 1-4

Details to follow!

Student Leadership is important to the staff here at Assikinack, and student leaders have been involved in planning:

Arts Night

Mindfulness Day, Gr. 1-4


June Play Day

as well as contributing as: student announcers, office helpers, lunch helpers, library helpers

Every student has an opportunity to be a leader in Our Positive School.

Mrs. Clark & Mrs. Alguire

Recognizing Assikinack Students


Throughout the month of March, announcements and displays focused on the Character Trait of Honesty and tips for a Mindful March. Student well-being is a priority of the Ministry of Education, the SCDSB, and of course, our school! As a staff, we have created learning environments and promoted strategies that give our students skills and tools to self-regulate when they are feeling anxious, angry or just not feeling like themselves. Our teachers may incorporate yoga, stretching, deep breathing, calming toolboxes, breaks, etc., into every day so that there is “No Day Without Learning” at our school.

Throughout the month of April, our Character Trait is Empathy, and we are promoting the LOVE of Books & Reading!!

Our next Assembly is April 27, 9:05


April 12 – International Day of Pink

April 13 – School Council Bunny Hop (SEE LETTER ATT.)

April 14 – Good Friday

April 17 – Easter Monday

April 20 – Grad Photos & SK Photos

April 27 – Empathy Assembly, 9:05 GYM


May 9 – Poutine Truck (Orders to go home soon!)

School Council Update:

Our School Council meeting, held April 3, involved planning for:

Bunny Hop – April 13

Poutine Truck – May 9

School Community BBQ – June 8

Special Guests & Presentations:

Mrs. Seymour – Learn-to-Learn Lego

Tower Gardens

So far this school year, School Council fundraising has paid for:

-“Jack” Christmas Play

- OSLA Forest of Reading books

- Lego Wall in the school libary

- Green Screen in the school library

- Pegboard installation in our STEAM room

- “I Can & I Will backpacks, Gr. 1-8 & Yoga Instructors

- Plaquing of “Unlearn” posters

- Whiteboards & Data Projectors x 3

Thank you for supporting our Arts Night: button-making, bake sale & at-the-door donations raised $474.20 to support The Arts in our school.

Next Meeting: May 29, 2017, 6:15 pm


We know families like to begin planning for this exciting milestone in their Grade 8 child’s life!

Our Graduation ceremony will occur in our School Gym at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, June 27. A punch and cake reception will occur in our School Library from 6-7 pm.

Is May 31, 2017 at 6:00 PM!

If you are sending a JK student to Assikinack PS in the fall of 2017, please don’t miss out on this special orientation event planned just for you and your child.

If you haven’t registered your JK child for school yet, please call the school to register soon!

If you know of a neighbor with a JK age child, who may not know about registering for school, please let that family know we welcome the registration of these special young people to Our Positive School!

To register for school, parents/guardians will need the child’s Birth Certificate, Immunization Record and Proof of Address.

School start dates for September 2017 are as follows:

·  Senior Kindergarten (Year 2) students will begin school on Tues. Sept. 5.

·  Junior Kindergarten (Year 1) students will begin school on Thurs. Sept. 7.


We are noticing an increase in classroom interruptions during instructional time, especially near the end of the school day. We know our parking lot is busy at the end of the school day, and it is tempting to “beat the rush”; however, we would like to discourage this practice of coming into the office to pick children up before the end of the school day (before 3:15 pm) as every call into the class interrupts student learning time. Thank you for your help.

It is so helpful to us if you ensure your child is aware of the after school arrangements before they leave for school in the morning. Please write a note in your child’s agenda if they will be leaving school early or being picked up by a different person. This is because it is sometimes challenging for us, when we have student office helpers, or when our office gets busy, to remember to pass messages along during the school day. When we forget, confusion may occur that is frustrating for everyone. Thank you for your help.

We are also noticing DOGS on our school yard during drop-off and pick-up times. Even leashed and muzzled dogs create excitement or fear amongst our students that may have an adverse effect on your pet. You would feel terrible if your pet bit or charged at one of our students. This rule is consistent across the SCDSB. Thank you for your help.

The sun is warming things up, days are getting longer and many students are itching to get back on the school playground equipment. While it's hard to say 'no' to those eager faces, it's important to make sure the equipment is safe and ready to be played on.

Over the winter, school play structures have to be closed. The closure is for many reasons. The main reason is that snow and ice change the surface of the ground surrounding the play structure, packing the sand/gravel/mulch into a hard, packed surface, which can be a significant fall hazard. Inspections are done on equipment daily by the school principal or designate during the school year starting on April 1 and ending on October 31. These inspections are to ensure that there are no obvious hazards, broken equipment, vandalism, graffiti, litter, dangerous items or play items left behind. We have also asked Board staff to inspect our primary tarmac and retaining wall.

EQAO Testing in Grade 3 and Grade 6

WILL BE OCCURRING BETWEEN MAY 23 and June 2 (specific dates within this time frame to be determined)

Attendance is very important during these time periods for these students. Thank you in advance for your consideration.

School bus evacuation training took place April 3
The Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium (SCSTC), in partnership with school bus operators, is offering school bus evacuation training to all home‐to‐school transported students the week of April 3 to 7. During this week, school bus drivers will educate students on how to evacuate a school bus safely in an emergency situation. For more information, visit


Events at Eastview Secondary School in April open to all parents
On April 10 at 7 p.m., Eastview Secondary School will host a screening of the film Screenagers, a study of growing up in the digital age. Physician and filmmaker Delaney Ruston created Screenagers to probe into the vulnerable corners of family life to explore struggles over social media, video games, academics and internet addiction. This presentation will help parents learn how tech time impacts kids’ development and offers solutions on how adults can empower kids to best navigate the digital world.

On April 12 at 7 p.m., the school welcomes financial literacy expert Robin Taub, the author of the best-seller, A Parent’s Guide to Raising Money-Smart Kids. Her presentation will cover why it’s important to teach kids about money, as well as the challenge of being a good financial role model. She will explain how to address money-related topics with young kids, pre-teens, teenagers and emerging adults.

All parents/guardians are welcome to attend the above events. For more information, please contact Eastview Secondary School at 705-728-1321. The school is located at 421 Grove St. E. in Barrie.

Parent workshops to help understand Individual Education Plans
The Simcoe County District School Board’s Special Education Advisory Committee and Special Education Department are offering informational workshops for parents/guardians to enhance collaboration between parents and schools in the development of a student Individual Education Plan (IEP). These workshops are free to attend and open to all interested parents/guardians.

The Barrie Workshop takes place from 6:30 to 8 p.m., April 12: Bear Creek SS - 100 Red Oak Drive, Barrie

Summer school registration starts April 10
A new selection of summer school credit courses is available this July through in-person classes and eLearning. New this year are full credit grade 9 and 10 courses at Bear Creek Secondary School in Barrie. The in-person courses at Bear Creek will run July 4 to 28 from 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Limited school bus transportation is provided from all areas of Simcoe County. Details can be found on The Learning Centres website: Students can also get information from the school or from any of SCDSB’s Learning Centres. Online registration for current SCDSB students is available online through the student portal. eLearning registration is supported through high school Guidance Offices. Non-SCDSB students can register using the forms on the website. Registration opens April 10.

Summer childcare available at select SCDSB schools
In partnership with community child care operators, we are pleased to support your child care needs, offering full-day child care programs for children (aged JK to 12 years) in select schools across Simcoe County this summer. Registration in advance is required. Please contact the child care operator directly to register. A fee subsidy may be available to families who qualify. For the full listing of childcare centres in the SCDSB, visit and click on ‘Schools’ and then ‘Before & After School Care.’

Moving to Find Balance: Free Parent Forum on April 25 offered by Seasons Centre
Seasons Centre for Grieving Children is presenting an educational forum for parents called Moving to Find Balance: Resilient Children and Youth Connecting Physical Activity to Mental Health. This event, free for all parents, will explore how you can incorporate more activity in your own life, how you can encourage children to get moving and how to access family-friendly local resources that are low or no cost. The event takes place on April 25 from 6 to 9 p.m. at Liberty North Events Facility (100 Caplan Ave. in Barrie). The evening forum is free to attend, but you must register. For details, visit


Vaccination reminder for parents of Grade 1 students
All students must have an up-to-date immunization record on file at the health unit. Since starting Kindergarten, your child may have received new immunizations. If so, you must send their updated immunization records to the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit for:

·  Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Polio

·  Measles, Mumps, and Rubella

·  Meningococcal disease

·  Two-doses of a Chickenpox (Varicella) containing vaccine

If your child will not be getting these vaccines, you will need to give the health unit a valid medical exemption or affidavit. To complete either of these forms, you can call the health unit. Your child could be temporarily suspended from school if the health unit does not have an up-to-date record on file.

Follow these steps to help protect everyone in your school community:

·  Check your child’s yellow immunization card

·  Contact your health care provider to get a record or to get missing vaccines

·  Share the complete record with the health unit at or fax the record to the health unit at 705-726-3962

For more information, visit the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit’s website at:

NEWS FROM YMCA Simcoe-Muskoka

Five ways to make family fitness fun

Fitness and Fun. Two words many families just aren’t getting enough of. Health Canada recommends adults should accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week, and children/teens require 60 minutes of physical activity every day. Getting our daily dose of exercise not only helps to prevent health risks, it builds strong muscles and bones, develops positive body image and supports mental health. Here are some great tips to making family fitness fun for everyone:

·  Plan ahead - it’s hard to have fun when you’re rushed or overwhelmed. Schedule family time in your calendar and treat it like any other appointment you need to be prepared for.

·  Put family first - make the focus of family fitness about family time. Use this time to connect with one another, share stories, discuss interests, check in on the day or just make each other laugh.

·  Take turns - to ensure that family fitness stays fun for everyone, take turns choosing the activity.

·  Bring on the music - adding a soundtrack to your favourite work out is a great way to turn up the fun.

·  End on a high note - follow your fit-time with activities your family loves to help make the habit fun for all. Plan a movie night at home after attending a fitness class together, or make it a tradition to share a healthy treat after your heart-pumping fun.

To learn more information about YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka here is the website: