Duties of a Convenor

The role of the convenor is critical in the organisation of sport within the Shoalhaven District. Convenors possess the authority, and are responsible to the Shoalhaven District PSSA, for the planning and organisation of their particular sport.

Convenor's Check List.


a) Check the booking of their venue with the District Secretary. Refer to the District Sports Calendar for necessary dates. b) Advertise and collate nominations, which close one week prior to the District Trial date. Organise a draw if


c) Attend PSSA meeting immediately prior to the trials.

d) Organise Umpires/Referees.

c) Organise information sheet and details for District Team.

f) Organise relevant equipment for trials.

g) Ensure suitable uniforms are available for the Possibles vs Probables trials.

h) Organise first aid kit.

i) Ensure receipt/ availabihty of Shoalhaven PSSA representative badges from Association Executive.

j) Be familiar with and monitor all rules and information pertinent to that sport (refer to NSWPSSA Handbook).

k) Notify Principal and make necessary internal arrangements for your class.


a) Arrange and organise trial and supervise the selection of the District Team.

b) Ensure that you are at the venue in time to commence the trial at 1.00pm sharp, or the time as stated on note.

c) Issue permission and information notes to selected pupils attending next level of competition..

d) Prior to the commencement of the trial and at the conclusion of the trial, assemble all participating pupils to issue relevant information about the day, eg. organisation of the day, selection method, distribution of general information note.

e) General Information Note to include:

i) permission note v) future playing dates ie Zone and Area dates.

ii) training details vi) purchase of Shoalhaven District PSSA rep. badges.

id) uniform required vii) let pupils know how you can be contacted.

iv) transport arrangements


a) Manage and coach selected District team.

b) Notify Shoalhaven PSSA Association Secretary and Treasurer of selected team. Include names of pupils and their schools.

c) Arrange publicity through local press and radio.

d) Finalise transport arrangements.

e) Finalise training details.

f) Organise playing uniform for District team. (Contact Uniform Stewards @ IRPS)

g) Ensure that selected players will conform to a standard dress regulation.

h) make arrangements for billeting if required.

i) Attend next Shoalhaven District PSSA meeting and have an interim report available.


a) Issue playing uniforms.

b) Be prepared to referee/ umpire, or otherwise arrange to have a suitable adult available to do that duty.

c) Attend next District meeting and have a full written report of all activities available.

d) Collect uniforms and ensure they have been suitably laundered - ensuring prompt return to Shoalhaven PSSA Uniform Stewards @ IRPS for storage (report and loss or damage and include details in written report).


** According to the format of the day, most of the details as set out in 1,2 and 3 above.