21 May 2014. Uniting Green Updates are for those who strive to live sustainably and exercise responsible environmental care as a legitimate expression of their Christian mission.


Did you know that Uniting Church Queensland Synod has an Energy Management Policy approved by the Synod Standing Committee 02 November 2012? In part it says “Structures, initiatives and practices will be implemented that minimise energy use and energy costs.” We hope to provide resources to assist this in the near future.

Every blessing

Bruce Mullan

Uniting Green Liaison


Apparently some had problems downloading the multi-aged resource for Uniting Church congregations for use to celebrate World Environment Day 2014. If you did, try this link.


Australia's black market for endangered wildlife is thriving, with mainstream websites eBay and Gumtree caught out listing illegal ivory and native reptiles for sale. The number of native and foreign species being bought, sold and exported has more than doubled since 2008, with bones, skins and animal teeth all regularly traded online.

Barely noticed behind pre-election debate over the climate policies of the major parties sits a proposal by the Liberal-National Coalition to make important changes to Australia’s natural resource management (NRM) programs.Among the environmental fallout of the federal budget, Australia’s Landcare program has taken a hit, losing A$484 million. In return, the government’s environmental centrepiece, the Green Army, receives A$525 million.

Ross Garnaut has flagged the decline of centralized generation, saying Australia’s best prospects for a cheap energy future lie in a decentralised, and decarbonised grid.This, he said, would require the current government to implement important reforms, accept environmental considerations, and embrace, rather than fight, technology advances such as rooftop solar. “With solar photovoltaic costs continuing to fall and Australians like other consumers finding ways to use less electricity, demand for power from the centralized system is likely to continue to shrink,” Garnaut said.


Tomorrow 22 May is the United Nations International Day for Biological Diversity.

Sunday 1 June is the Brisbane launch of the new book Ethics with or without God: Christianity and morality in the 21st centuryat St John's Cathedral, Ann Street Brisbane. Noel Preston will be the preacher at Evensong which commences at 6pm followed by "Debate the Preacher" and the Launch of the book by Canon Nigel Leaves. The launch sale price is $20.

Apparently the whole of May is International Respect for Chickens Month celebrating chickens and protesting the bleakness of their lives in farming operations. We have three chickens and get more than enough eggs for just the two of us – always have some to give away. Chickens are great for the home garden. They eat your food scraps to make delicious eggs, provide manure for your garden, help control insect pests and have great personalities. We have IsaBrowns which each give upto300eggs a year.


It’s here, Noel Preston’s great new book Ethics, with or without God: Christianity and morality in the 21st Century. TheologianVal Webb says, “This captivating book weaves through ethical theory, contemporary theologies, social justice, ecology and more. Shining through this masterly discussion is Preston's honesty, humility, openness and compassion in offering an eco-centric global ethic, with or without God, with a commitment to eco-justice supported by eco-spirituality .... a wonderful journey towards ‘reverence for life’." Published by Mosaic Press 9781743241172


Food swaps and farmers markets are both examples of activities in local food systems which provide alternatives to sourcing food from supermarkets and the industrial food system. They provide access to cost effective fresh food, they can also help reduce the environmental impact of large scale high input / energy food production involving long supply chains. Both food swaps and farmers markets enable food to be consumed locally when it is at it’s freshest and can be the trigger for creating social connections between producers and consumers as well as neighbours, fostering friendships and building stronger communities. I located some quickly in Emerald, Sunshine Coast, North Lakes, Graceville and Bundaberg


Nancy and Matthew Sleeth, Founders of Blessed Earth, join Tony Campolo and ShaneClaiborne to talk about the importance and urgency of Creation Care and what small steps we can do in our everyday life to help the environment. It’s part of Tony Campolo’s Red Letter Christian series and goes for about 28 minutes (it’s a slow start). Matthew left his medical career and moved with his family to a house the size of their old garage, reducing their energy usage by more than two-thirds and cutting back their rubbish production by nine-tenths.


Compost it! Compost helps improve soil so it holds more water and plants grow better. Allow grass clippings to stay on the lawn, instead of bagging them. The cut grass will decompose and return to the soil naturally. Some food scraps and kitchen waste also make good compost, and you save money on fertilizers or other additives.A composting system confines the organic material and often controls the conditions in the material so that the breakdown is accelerated. A composting system can be started in old garbage bins, wooden boxes, or in a simple heap.

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