Dutch Bowl 2018 by TEN-PRO Global Junior Tour
1. The TEN-PROorganizesDutch Bowl 2018 by TEN-PRO Global Junior Tour
(here in aftercalledDB 2018) for the agecategoriesU10 , U11, U12 , U13 , U14 , U15.
2. TEN-PROtournamentrules and regulations, the generalregulations, applyforthistournament.
*The TEN-PRO Management guaranteevery participant 4 matches during the tournament and 8 matches whenplaying in 2 agecategories (the sameappliesalsoforplayersfromqualifying). However, in case of forcemajeuresuch as rainyweather, a walk-over, aninjury of the opponentsorsomethingelseunpredictableit is possiblethat we can’tguarantee the minimum of 4 matches per agecategory.
In that case the TEN-PRO Management willtrytheir utmost to arrange and plan anotheralternative (practice) match.Participants have no right to appealagainst the abovedecision.
3. The DB 2018willbeplayedfromMonday19th to Sunday25th of February 2018.
4. The following agecategories are going to play: U10, U11, U12 , U13 , U14 , U15.
5. The winners of the semi-finalsplay the A-final. The losers of the semi-finalsplay the B-final.
6. All matches are best of three. A tiebreak is played at 6 – 6 in all sets.
7. RegistrationforDB 2018onlyby e-mail: in the name of GoranNovakovic.
Guarantees every player a minimum of 4 or 8 single matches in the tournament!* See rule 1
NOTE:Registrationforparticipating in twocategories is alsopossiblein that case we guaranteed8 matches! (inyourowncategory plus one EXTRAolderagecategory).Thisrequestshouldbesend r the attention of GoranNovakovic.
8. The closing date forregistration is fixedonFebruary 12th 2018 at 14.00.
9. Participants are to be stand byon the dates and the timesmentioned in thesetournamentregulations.
10. Acceptanceon the basis of the acceptance criteria of TEN-PRO.
11. Registration fee is € 95.00 per participant (per category)exclusivetransactioncosts of the bank!,and shouldbetransferred to TEN-PROwithinone weeks afteracceptance. Afterpaymentyoureceive a finalacceptance of yourplayer.
12. Participants are obliged to pay the registration fee foreach discipline in whichthey are accepted, independent of participation.
13. In case of absence TEN-PRO (0031 6 2211 8857) shouldbeinformed as soon as possible.
14. Standbies for all agecategoriescanbecalled up until the draw for the DB 2018. Standbies are called up on the basis of TEN-PROtournamentregulations.
15. Seeding(Ifthere are any) takes place before the start of the matches of DB 2018with in the Ten-Pro’stechnicalstaff’sresponsibility.
16. The draw foreachagecategory is at the lateston the day prior to the firstday of playfor the agecategoryconcerned.
17. The result of the draw, the scheduledstartingtimes of the firstroundand the scheme of whoplaysonwhichcourt are publishedon
18 Prior to the first match the participant doesn’tget a writtennotice, a noticebytelephoneor a noticeby e-mail. The participant is informedaboutfurther matches during the tournament. The participant has to report at the desk to get the necessaryinformation.
19. For eachday of the match those in charge of the tournamentdrawupan order of play. Participantsthemselves are responsiblefor the progress of the matches and have to report to those in charge, ready to play as soon as the courtsallotted to them are free. ‘Ready to play’ means: all preparationsshouldthenbe made and the participantsshouldbeable to start the matches immediately.
20. A participant has to report at the desk immediatelyafterhavingarrived at the tennis courts and thisshouldbedone at least 60 minutesbefore the start of the match.
21. Participants are obliged to hand over theirpassportsorid-cards to the management of the tournament prior to play in gtheirfirst matches, whenthey are asked to do so. Participantswho check in too late are disqualified, unless the management decidesotherwise.
22. The matches start at 8.00 a.m. everyday. The last matches of the day start no later than8.00 p.m.
23. Should a participant notbeready to play 5 minutesafterbeingcalled up by the management orshouldhenotbeready to playwhen the, as per order of play,allottedcourt is free, the match is won by the opponent. In exceptional cases, the management coulddeviatefromthisparticularregulationandcouldallow the match in question to beplayed.
24. Participants are obliged to start playing the match at the by the management appointed time, even ifthere is no umpire. The umpire, appointedby the head-umpireorby the management has to beacceptedby the participants.
25. Possiblealterations in the order of play, the days of the matches or the playingtimesduring the DB 2018, canbefoundon oron
26. Every participant himself is responsibleforbeinginformedabout the order of play, the days of the matches and the playingtimes.
27. This tournament will be played on carpet courts.
28. The matches will beplayedwithWilson all court tennis balls.
29. The TEN-PRO management is authorized to move a match to anothercourt, even when the match has alreadystarted.
30. Tournament Director: GoranNovakovic (0031 6 2211 8857)
Tournament management: Seefactsheet.
31. During the tournament the TEN-PRO Penalty Points System is enforced. The regulationsconcerningmanagerialoffencesapply.
The supervisor/the umpire is responsiblefor the implementation of the “PPS’. Besides, hereproves the participant who breaks the rules of the game.
32. The DB 2018willholdparticipantsresponsiblefor all damage (e.g. foulingorvandalizing) to the facilitiescausedby the participants.
33. Bysubmitting the entry form the participant indicatesthathe has taken notice of these generaltournamentregulations of the DB 2018.
34. In cases notcoveredby these generaltournamentregulations, the tournament management make a decisionafterconsulting and with the approval of TEN-PRO.
35. Where in these regulations the he-form is used, the she-form is alsomeant, unless the purpose of the clauseshouldsuggestotherwise.
36. The registration deadline is February12th 2018at 14.00. 50%refunds are available prior to December11th2017. Afterthis date youmaysendanalternate to the event without additional charge. (which must undergoselection of TEN-PRO) Followingthis date, norefundswillbegiven. To request a cancellationor to make a changepleasesendan email to the Event Planner at
37. Furtherinformationconcerning the DB 2018canbeobtainedon
TEN-PRO team